Date women from United States / Arkansas / Lonoke, 36 year old

Date someone special from Lonoke, United States. I am new to the dating world and so my friend and I decided we would join match so here I am. I am looking for friendship first and if we connect great. I am 36 I have two wonderful teenage boys who live with me all the time except for the summer months when they go to visit their father. I am looking for someone who has a good sense of humor and who loves to do things outdoors. I like to workout, fish, hike, boating anything outdoors is usually ok with me. I like to watch movies at home or out. I like to laugh and make others laugh I am a happy person and do not care for drama. I want someone who already has children or doesnt want to have any of their own but loves to be around kids. If you think I could be someone you would like to get to know awesome let's go do something fun!