Date women from United States / Arkansas / Greenbrier, 36 year old

Date someone special from Greenbrier, United States. I am an outgoing and fun loving individual. I absolutely love being outdoors!! This may sound strange but I do like to shoot guns, mow grass, fish, and if I ever get the chance hunt. I don't mind hiking or four wheeling in the mud either, but I also know how to dress up and go out on the town every once in awhile. I hate make up and heels, but I will when needed. I prefer to just be me!!
I consider myself funny but I am very sarcastic and some think I am a smart butt. So if u don't like that type of humor you may not like me. Hey least I am honest and can admit I am :).
I hate the club scene and I like sports but I prefer to watch them in person and NOT on tv. I will however watch razorback football on tv other than that I need a ticket!
I know we all have been jilted in our past but it is how we learn and become stronger bc of it. People should never back down from what they believe or feel. I want someone that can respect me and I can respect back. I have two boys and they are my world. Even if we end up just friends I want my kids to be respected also.
If I am not not outside or playing with my kids then I am indoors watching a movie or playing with my dog. Hey I am a single mom and chick flicks or kids movies are it!!!!
Not sure what I am looking for to be honest. I will say friendship first and then see IF it goes anywhere.
Now if you are looking for a great friend or person please give me a shout!

Meet a soulmate from Greenbrier, United States. I have rewritten this thing several times, I guess I am not very good at summing myself up. First of all, I have two kids that are my life. They keep me laughing and on my toes. So to be with me, you must like kids because we are a package deal. I have a positive attitude and try to always see the good in every situation. I love to laugh and like to be around people who make me laugh. I am stable and take care of business and would like to find someone who is the same. Im a pretty simple person and enjoy the little things more than the big things.
I go to church, pay my bills, work hard and enjoy my leisure time with my kids and my family. Im not looking for perfection in a mate because I am far from perfect, but I do want someone who is a good man. I want someone who challenges me and loves me for who I am at the same time. I want someone who puts God and family first.
I enjoy being outdoors and love to go four-wheeler riding, camping, and fishing. I also like to stay in and watch a good movie. I love hanging out with my family and cooking out on the grill.
Im not looking for someone to take care of me, I can already do that. I just want someone to share my life with.