Date men from United States / Arkansas / Alexander, 24 year old

Date a boy from Alexander, United States. I would hate to bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives. I am sure that you have already found this about two hundred times in all the other profiles. So I guess I could tell what my friends would say about me...but they're my friends, of course they're going to say nice things about me! So why not start with the bad stuff – I am impulsive and restless at times, I can’t kill a fly, I have trouble distinguishing that fine line between hunger and boredom, I would rather carry 20 plastic bags in each hand than take multiple trips to bring in my groceries, I love run-on sentences...OK, that last one was just for irony's sake.
When I was 10, my uncle bought me an Eagles album. I didn't think much of it right away, but 2 weeks later after hours upon hours of inspired listening, I bought my first guitar. From there, the rest is history! Nah, not really, but I love to play and I do so every chance I get. Music is one of the few constants in life, and I don't know what I would do without it. Who would've thought that something as simple as a CD would still have an affect on my life nearly 15 years later....
My work isn't glamorous - I'm a sales rep - but it's fast paced and challenging, and overall I enjoy it. I love meeting new people, which believe it or not, my job actually facilitates. I'm currently working on my MBA and will hopefully finish within the next 2 years, and move into management. I want to be the BOSS! jk
Hmm, now about who I'm looking for...well, we will probably get along well if: You can take a joke and are not easily offended. You believe that sarcasm is a spice of life. You CAN kill a fly, and are a generally happy person. The rest is negotiable.
I feel like I'm writing a novel, so I'll throw the ball into your court. Email me and tell me who your favorite band is and why. I respond to everyone who takes the time to write, so don't be shy.

Meet a guy from Alexander, United States. I am looking for a girl that has a big heart who cares about others and that loves to hang out with friends and have a good time. My ideal girl has to be able to let her hair down and be herself and not pretend to be someone else. I am a laid back guy who enjoys laughing and joking around and just having a good time! I like to travel to the Caribbean and lay on the beach and relax my mind and would love to have a partner to enjoy this with me. The water there is crystal clear which is perfect for water sports like knee boarding and jet skiing. I love exercising and I was a cross country runner in High School and I still like to run when I get to chance. I am a family first type of guy and enjoy spending time with my family and am looking for a woman that values her family as much as I do.