Date men from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 58 year old - page 4

Date a man from Tucson, United States. A very open mined guy who is looking for the same in a woman. Ive seen most of the world Ive wanted to see. I enjoy learning and seeing new things. I love football and during the season you'll find me posted up in front of my tv or a tv somewhere. AZ is my home but funny thing is I don't find here beautiful, but I keep coming back and now I here to stay. I'm a very strong believer

Meet someone special from Tucson, United States. im 59 good looking fun loving a caring and likeabl;e jokes and missing family members coming togather im greatful for God hope to attract a long time realtionship i like to travel fish play poker and a home body love and long life

Date single man from Tucson, United States. I am happy with a sincere woman and quiet time. My ideal would be from Thailand or the east asian countries, who is loving and acceptable of me A quiet evening at home is fine with me, very laid back and caring


Date a man from Arizona, United States. I have no preconcieved notion with respect to whom I will find compatable. I hope to meet a woman with whom I share a chemistry and common set of values including a sense of humor.
If there is somethingI feel i have not done enough of it is certainly Travel.
I have lived in Tucson for 15 years and Boston for 25 years before that. I have been divorced for 10 years.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a comfortably retired fellow who is very physically active. I am intelligent, reasonably well read, thoughtful and charming.
I am a very tactile person. I find that feeling and touching are the most overlooked of our five senses. Giving and receiving massages ranks very high on my things I like to do list.
Intelligence in my match is very important. She should also be athletic or at least physically active. If you play golf, life is good. It would be nice if my match enjoyed wine and fine cuisine. I find humor and communication paramount in any successful relationship.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm naturally a bit quiet and reserved (and, I suppose, genteel). But I greatly appreciate open and intimate communication. Despite at times being serious-minded, I do have a sense of humor (!!!) —a self-deprecating sense of humor, and, I might point out, a playful side — not to mention a sensual side. I'd say I'm a combination to an equal degree of "artsy" and spontaneous on one hand, and cerebral and analytical on the other.
As for what I do, I'm an artist (sculptor/painter) and work in various media, including clay-modeling and bronze casting, plaster casting, painting in oils and acrylics, drawing in various media, etc. I also have done some writing and teaching; I have a couple degrees in philosophy, and have taught in that field.
A few things I can guarantee you I'm NOT: I'm not a drug addict or an alcoholic, not a compulsive gambler, not a liar or a con artist, not someone with a criminal record or criminal inclinations, not a child abuser, not an egotistical schmuck, not a porn or sex addict, not an obsessive sports nut (boring!!!), not the hyper-competitive type who must always "win," (what's with those guys who take every stupid, meaningless, little "diss" [!!!!!] as an existential threat?), not obsessed with money (or careless with it), not abusive verbally or physically toward others, not devoid of empathy, not shallow, and not unhealthy physically or mentally.
I seek a creative, smart, perceptive woman who not only appreciates such pursuits as mine, but who also is sensual and sexy! (I hope that's not asking too much!) Despite the fact that I'm perhaps on the soft-spoken side, I am very independent-minded (but respectful of people with differing views). I appreciate women who, like me, are independent-minded—who speak their minds, and who are not averse to being unconventional in their attitudes and values.
I also appreciate qualities like simple kindness, and considerateness toward others, as well as patience, tolerance and empathy. In fact I think the importance of cultivating these qualities in oneself throughout life, as well as facilitating them in others, is unmatched by anything.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. From my title page you may guess that I am looking for a very open minded partner who would enjoy sharing in all things feminine. I enjoy endulging in women's fashions and shopping the selection of clothes and shoes that are available to all who desire to dress up. I have a strong sense of who I am but of course society dictates how open I can express my feminine self. I would like to have a partner who would like to travel with me along this journey of exploration. If you are that type of woman that would like to explore an adventurous type of relationship, I could be that person for you.

Date a man from United States. I am hard working homest faithful love my 3 girls. Family very inportant. Church very inportant. Looking for someone faithful loving and loves live. caring person that is honest. someone thatt is sexy to me . maybe a tomboy.Love animals

Meet someone special from United States. I love everything about the outdoors. I can't imagine living in a home without plenty of windows for sunshine and fresh air. Why do so many Arizonans keep their house windows closed and use the air conditioner even when the weather is beautiful?
I love open space. That's why Tucson is home.
I rarely use my car a/c. I love the breeze too much.
I love the silence in the Catalina Mountains. That's why I hike there every other day(and with calves to prove it!).
I love classical sacred music. I listen to other music, too, but sacred music connects me to my Creator.
I have so much fun in my work. I can't imagine working everyday in something I don't enjoy.
I cherish getting along with the people in my life. Nothing means more to me.
Life is short.
Break the rules.
Forgive quickly.
Kiss slowly.
Love truly.
Laugh uncontrollably
And never regret anything that made you laugh.

Date single man from United States. I am looking for someone to share life with.
Me: Honest, fit, loyal, inquisitive, humorous, and straightforward.
You: Intelligent, caring, and comfortable with yourself.
Us: Sharing conversation, travel, laughs, love. In short: Living Life.
Let’s enter the fray together.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hi lets see i am 57 and getting ready to retirer and do some traveling and would like someone to share that with me. i was married for 30 years it was great now looking for that pearson again. i'm to old too play game so if game you want keep going no drama like the person to like the same stuff i like and i like the same with her. it is two way street gave and take but whoever it is life is to short to fight i like to kiss and hold you well you get the picture so take a chance lets see what happen