Date men from United States / Arizona / Grand Canyon, 58 year old

Date a man from United States. I have managed small businesses, working in college administration, taught college English, done computer stuff and now am a national park ranger -- dreams do come true.
I rescued a dog and kept all the pups. Added additional dogs to mix. And now they are gone. I had a horse and a mule. Always wanted one and got it last year. Then added the mule a couple of months later.
Thinking about starting some kind of animal rescue.
I read a lot. I am interested in the outdoors, hiking, taking photos, archeology, movies, dancing, cooking and sharing meals.
I have lived all over, but mostly the west where I feel most at home. I came to the Grand Canyon from Austin, TX, by way of Camp Verde..
I am interested in bright, active, interesting people who can hold a conversation about something other than reality TV.
I listen to NPR and when I watch TV it is usually PBS or an educational show.
What are you looking for in a partner?
Active, intelligent, bright, conversationalist, independent thinker, outdoors, animals, horses, movies, music.