Date men from United States / Arizona / Superior, 58 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I moved to Colorado in March 2010, when I bought a small fitness equipment compary. Ours is a youthful, energetic, dynamic, competitive, emotive industry. Lots of challenges but lots of fun!
Being new, I am enjoying doing much of what this area has to offer. Especially hiking, biking, and loving the great, and varied, weather. And Match has been a great geography lesson (like..."Where the heck is Pagosa Springs?"..."Oh, way down there - neat area"). To be honest, I'm not much of a skier, so if you're looking for a black diamond ski buddy, I'm probably not your guy. (However, I've been told I give Olympic-caliber backrubs.) I haven't skied in a long while, but would like to maybe get back into it.
Lots of ties, still, to the Kansas City area. But aside from missing some good friends there, I am happy to be out here. I love the t-shirt that says "Not a native, but I got here as soon as I could!"
I have two daughters who are both in college. They are bright, interesting, and fun young women.
To expand upon the 'Favorite Things' box below...a few more, in no particular order. The first blast of a hot shower. The cool side of the pillow. Music. Plums. Back rubs...reciprocated. An 'attaboy' from the dentist. My DVR. The RTD. Dots. Sharp wit. Tan lines. Sushi. Fans. Crosswalk timers. Drew Carey's Improv-A-Ganza. 501's. Blueberries. Yard work. Pandora Radio. Chocolate chip cookies.
I like movies (with 2 daughters I've sat through more chick flicks than any heterosexual male should have to...but happily), live theater, comedy clubs, some TV (as long as I can watch it on my schedule...see DVR comment above), concerts. Basically, being entertained by someone doing something well.
The wide extent of my music listening can probably best be reflected in my being thrilled by the recent release of two new albums: the Beach Boys SMiLE and the new Nickelback. My elliptical machine video viewing ranges from Collective Soul to Sheryl Crow to ELO to Lynyrd Skynyrd to Dixie Chicks to Stevie Ray Vaughan to many others.
In you, I am looking for fun, honesty, and passion (in love, work, and play)...with balance. I believe friendship, and simply liking someone, along with, yes, having a physical attraction, are each important elements of a lasting relationship.
I appreciate someone who stays healthy. I am especially attracted to slender, fit, and toned. Also, to smarts, smiles, confidence, drive, and nice, along with wit and a positive, yet realistic, outlook: on things, in life, about people. Since this is what I seek in someone, I try to also exhibit the same qualities myself.
I would certainly share more information, provided you do as well. Please have photos. I don't respond to winks.
Thank you for taking the time to read this!