Date men from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 28 year old - page 3

Date a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I enjoy running and triathlons. Due to injuries I have yet to complete my first half marathon, but I did recently complete my first triathlon. I may have finished dead last in my age group, but I enjoyed it enough to continue trying to improve. This also means I go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week to train plus my group sessions I have with a local running/triathlon group. Eventually I would like to complete an Ironman and qualify for Boston. Meeting someone who shares similar goals or who wants to help push me to achieve those golas is really important. Sometimes everybody needs to be told to get off the couch, or out of bed, to do a run or go to the gym.
I used to do a lot of rock climbing, and even got good enough to do some lead climbing. But the group that I went climbing with dissolved, people moved or had kids, which put an end to that. Finding somebody to climb with, so I can start up again would be great.
Cooking is a hobby of mine, which also means I am addicted to Food Network/Cooking Channel (Chuck's Day Off is slowly becoming my favorite), and shows like No Reservations. Recently I have started trying to cook more healthy to help with my running, but I went to culinary school for a couple of months, so it is hard breaking the "fat is your friend" mentality.
When I go out it is most likely to get together with friends and watch some sort of sportiing event. Which in most cases I prefer over actually going to the event. Don't get me wrong, I like going to games and events every now and then, but sometimes it is more fun to watch it at a bar or home.
Travelling I don't get to do much, but it isn't something I am against. When ever my friends and I plan a trip it is almost always a trip to Vegas, which is a city I love, and will always try to go once or twice a year. But I would like to go to other places either for, golf, running, or an actual relaxing vacation. It would just be more exciting, I think, if there was somebody else there to share the expierience with. And to have a witness whenever something epic happens. Some places I am interested in going to are Alaska, Argentina, Austin, Memphis, Ireland, and New York City.
For work I am a Quality Assurance Tester/Analyst, where I test and come up with requirements for software programs and such. This does at times take up a lot of time, which makes it hard to meet people outside of work. And since a vast majority of the people I work with are male or married females, it makes it hard to meet people at work as well. But never the less I like my job, would say I love it but I'm also not complaining, and since I get to work directly with software developers, it should really help me along in becoming a developer myself. Which I will be going back to school for once I am eligible to have work pay for tuition.
I would like to meet someone who is goal driven, physically active, and is always looking for a new challenge. A person who likes to do things on both ends of the spectrum. Someone who has an opionion on somethings and makes it based on their own personal experiences or research. Also someone who doesn't hide what they want, expresses their feelings in an honest way, and doesn't play games.

Meet single boy from Tempe, United States. If I was a piece of silverware I would be a spork. Let's face it; it is the most awesome piece of flatware. Just like the spork's spooney, forkiness, I have intellectually, adventuryness (I guess I didn't sell 'intellectual' with that last sentence).
I am an easy-going guy who is comfortable around a wide range of personality types. I try to surround myself with wonderful people because I believe it helps me become a better man. I seek to understand others first, so sometimes I can be slow to warmup. But, once warm, I can be super energetic.
I believe practice improves everything; and I have had a lot of practice with fun. I like adventures in all forms: Rockclimbing, exploring new places, canyoneering, going out with friends, and reveling in absurdity. There are a thousand reasons to say no to experience, but my life has become a thousand times richer by finding reasons to say yes.
A few interesting facts about me: I have won a case before the US Supreme Court, I have danced in the huge Carnival Parade in Rio, I keep a Dr. Suess book next to my Law books, I am an All-America swimmer, and I build my own computers for fun.
I am looking for someone with high energy who can challenge me intellectually as well as physically. I enjoy playfully sassy-ness, banter, and a competitive spirit. A great sense of humor and an appreciation for nerdy qualities are huge pluses. I value character and integrity and find those qualities sexy in others. Most of all I am looking for someone who is eager to say yes to experience.
Hopefully, I will find a sharp knife to complement my spork. You?
PS: I am studying for the Bar Exam right now, so it might take me a while to get back to you.

Date a guy from Tempe, United States. Hey my name is Tommy. Moved to AZ about a year and 1/2 ago. I am a nice, fun loving, laid back guy who likes to laugh and have fun according to my friends. I am very caring and I wear my heart on my sleeve. You could even see I am somewhat of a geek/dork who is always laughing and smiling. I am open and happy to answer any questions you might have. I originally went to SMC in Moraga, CA where I had to leave due to financial reasons. After working full time I paid off my student loans and went back to school. While studying Psychology at CSU, Chico and working an internship I decided that I needed a new field. I am now a student at UAT in Tempe, AZ with my future plans ideally being to move back to California when I graduate next year, though that of course depends on where I land a job. I am studying programming which is in a sense a type of computer science if you are unfamiliar with the concept. Also, as you can see by my photos, I love Disneyland.
I am looking for someone who can have fun and enjoy life. She needs to be able to laugh at life and smile. Family is extremely important to me and I would like to find someone who feels the same. I was born and raised Catholic and would like to find someone who believes in God. Someone who is not afraid to go out and try something new, like a new restaurant, but also happy with staying in and cuddling would be fantastic.

Meet someone special from Tempe, United States. I'm originally from England and have been living in Phoenix for the last 3 years. I love to travel and have been fortunate enough to visit many countries. China, Singapore and Malaysia were my favorites so far. One of the best experiences of my life was living in Spain while i was a student.
I'm very ambitious and i know what i want in life. One of my friends once said to me, "Most people live there lives seeing where it takes them. You're not like that, you know exactly what you want and the universe better damn well give it to you or get out of your way!" This statement sums me up pretty well.

Date a boy from Tempe, United States. I am a Fine Arts graduate student at ASU.
Columbus, Ohio, born and raised.
I like dogs.
Cats are cool but they're know.
Athletic sporting events are fun and controls my existence.
I make art with ink and paper.
Oooh!......and pool. I shoot pool.
PS. UFO's are real.

Meet a soulmate from United States. My friends would tell you that I'm extremely laid back, funny, nice, caring, loyal and overall just fun. I can get along with just about anyone and I love to show people a good time. I am originally from the east coast and one day decided I wanted to try something different, hating my job didn't hurt either, so I picked up and moved west and ended up in Tempe. It was probably one of the craziest things I could do at the time. I quit a stable job in one of the better economies in the US and moved away from all of my friends and family without a job in one of the worst economies. It all worked out perfectly so I guess it was just meant to be! Even though I moved far away, I am still very close with my family and friends back east.
I guess this is the part where I talk about some of the stuff I enjoy doing. I am a big fan of sports, I enjoy watching and going to all of the major sports. My favorites are hockey and football. I love going to concerts and like all kinds of music. I work hard during the week so I can enjoy my weekends. I love to travel and really like going on spontaneous road trips. I go to the gym or do some sort of exercise 6 days a week. I also play on a co-ed softball team on Friday nights. I don't party as much as I used to, but I still enjoy hitting the bars with my friends occasionally and can still hold my own. I am a huge fan of happy hour anywhere that there is an outdoor patio to enjoy the great AZ weather.
The perfect match for me would enjoy traveling , going out and trying new things. She wouldn't necessarily have to love sports, but wouldn't mind going to a game or watching it on TV. She would like dogs, be close with her family and would love to have fun! If that sounds like you, you should send me an email.

Date single boy from United States. - - - RANDOM UPDATE SECTION: 2:09 AM EST (Staying awake to make sure I don't miss my cab to the airport) ON JUNE 6TH - - -
I'm officially physically and mentally fit to fly airplanes now (according to the Air Force anyway ;-)). I'll be gone until July 10th because I will be participating in Field Training in Alabama so don't worry your little hearts about my absence, I'll be back. I've been on a few dates that were wonderful so let's hope some of the great women of Phoenix are still around when I get back :-) Ta-Ta for now, lol!!!
- - - RANDOM UPDATE SECTION: 9:03 AM (Taking a break from homework) ON MAY 5TH - - -
I find it so odd when my friends insist on getting women's numbers when we go out to Scottsdale, to me it seems a bit pointless since those are, in most cases, the women that I don't want to have anything to do with. The only reason I go out is because I enjoy the social aspect of being out with my friends (and the obvious allure of breaking it down on the dance floor). To concentrate solely on what women I want to talk to throughout the night would seem like an exhausting endeavor which would likely take most of the fun out of my night. Just wondering why my motivation when I go out seems soo much different than my friends, but then again maybe it's because I know exactly what I want and knowing the likelihood of finding it out on the town is slim keeps me carefree during the night! So if we meet when I'm out, don't fret if I seem inattentive, that just isn't why I'm out at night is all; come find me at the library or while doing volunteer work and I guarantee you'll have my undivided attention!
- - - RANDOM UPDATE SECTION: 1:15 AM (Thank you Tempe police cars) ON APRIL 30TH - - -
So I've randomly been awakened and apparently in my sleep I had an epiphany because the thought was stuck in my head when I awoke (thinking about online dating while asleep, pretty twisted right ;-)! I've come to notice that about 87.93% of the women (I can't speak for the other men, but I couldn't be the only witty one on here right???) on here claim to be witty, sarcastic, or both (if you are wondering I busted out the TI-89 for that figure)! What is the deal, are witty and sarcastic people just drawn to online dating, are we all just soooo clever that regular people dull our senses, or are we all just that picky and unwilling to settle? Don't get me wrong I love witty banter, so bring it (bring your "A" game though), and no one should ever settle, just some food for thought on my way back to dream land! If you have answers hit me up!
Hey ladies, I'm Paul! I'm confident and unique, witty and sarcastic (bet you knew that was coming), I laugh at everything, probably the most positive person I know, and I'd really like to talk to you!
A short list of my likes: Cliff-jumping, pools, volleyball, running, talking, telling stories, listening, volunteering, movies (in or out), relaxing, listening to music (like everything but screamo and I can stand country but definitely not what I choose to listen to), singing in my car or shower, football, working out, reading, playing board games and generally any social situation! :-)
So let's discuss what I need from you!
Physical attraction, motivation, intellect, social skills, humor, understanding, independence.
Pretty much in that order, if this wasn't an online setting than those priorities might move a little, but not much. Yes I'm picky, but I'm a great guy (have references upon request ;-) so I can afford to be.
I'm open to anything, but I would really like to find my perfect match; someone to share life's ups and downs with and who is ultra positive like me. Not sure if I can find that here, but if that IS you then hit me up :-)
No matter who you are, I wish you the best of luck in your search because no matter what, we all deserve to be happy!

Meet a guy from United States. Originally I was born and raised in a small town in Kansas, just along the Nebraska border. I came to Arizonan by my self to go to school and learn how to be a game designer. I Graduated and now hold a Bachelors Degree in Art with a major in game design. But along the way i realized that that the market is flooded with people just like me. Lol and one of the major problems with that is some are better at what they do than i am. Also i had to learn the hard way that i am not interested in that line of work.
While i was down hear in AZ i loved and lost and got my heart broken. So i may seem a little.....distant at times. But once i get warmed up to some one there is almost nothing that i will not share.
I am an avid D&D and PC Gamer. I also enjoy going out hiking and even thow I've only been out once recently i love camping. Another thing that i am into is paint ball, but unfortunately i had to leave my gun and gear with my parents when i moved.
I am a very loving and caring person. I try to treat people how i wish to be treated. So if i with some one then I'm with only that one.

Date someone special from United States. I'm Joe, I just moved here from Ireland and looking for meet up with someone interesting.
I'm 6 foot black hair green eyes and fit. I'm genuine and down to earth my friends think i'm a good uy who loves to party and have fun. Hope to hear from you.

Meet a boy from United States. I am an easy going guy with a sense of humor and sometimes a sarcastic outtake. I love to laugh, eat sushi and watch sports. I recently graduated from RSI to become an air conditioning technician and am excited to finally have a career that I can work with. I have a good heart and care about those around me. I hope to find an easy going girl who I can have a fun time with and not be surrounded by drama. A girl I can be best friends with as well as have a relationship with.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. i am looking for a sweet, simple girl who shares same or opposite believes because i believe that ones partner should be the other half who can show you the other side of the experience that you have never experienced.

Meet single boy from Arizona, United States. I love to have a good time, travel, go out with friends, and even just stay in sometimes too. I am looking for a woman that has similar interests and likes to have a good time. Im hoping that meeting someone on Match will be a fun experience.