Date men from United States / Arizona / Gilbert, 28 year old

Date someone special from Gilbert, United States. I guess I'm a pretty laid back guy who just likes to have a good time w/friends and family. Life is too short to take anything too seriously, so I always find a way to have fun...unless we are talking about Cardinals football, in which case, I'm all business.
I graduated from ASU with a Finance degree a few years ago an now I work in risk management. Usually on the weekends I try to stay as busy as possible. My favorite things are hiking, working out, playing golf, going to sporting events, spending time with friends/family, I'm pretty much up for anything. Happy Hour is one of my favorite hobbies, but I usually prefer some place local over a loud/sweaty club. I also enjoy occasionally being a total bum and watching movies all day. I really love the classics like Anchorman, Knocked Up, Old School, Step Brothers, etc...I'm originally from New Jersey and have a really obnoxious Italian family, but they're always a good time.
I'm looking for someone who is fun, spontaneous, likes to enjoy life.

Meet a soulmate from Gilbert, United States. My name is Kevin. I'm new to online dating but its been suggested to me so I figured why not. I was in the United States Marine Corps as a Technician and now work for the Intel Corporation. I am looking for someone who will force me to get out of the house and into the world more. I am a realist but I have a big imagination. I have many hobbies and am open to participating in new ones you might have. I am an affectionate person and enjoy simple touches and reminders that you care, but I will give you space when you need it! I want someone who will also watch movies and play video games with me once in a while. One of my favorite things is when you fall asleep on me while we're watching a movie :)
-I do have a son, but he does not live with me.
-I enjoy movies, video games, Anime (a lot), and history. Also very interested in Wildlife, Architecture, Art, Music of all types and much more. My biggest passion is Aircraft and Aerodynamics.
-I don't read as much as I would like to but I enjoy it immensely. I read history, fantasy, mystery, sci-fi, classics and Manga.
-I love to draw as a hobby so a partner that can give me pointers on this would be a bonus ;)
-Very open-minded and need someone who is as well.
-Adventurous to a point and like to travel when i get the chance.
-I like anything complex.
-I greatly enjoy conversation and I believe it is a dying art.
-Learning and continued thirst for knowledge is a big part of my life.
-As far as food goes I'm very open as well, except I generally avoid fish. I enjoy cooking but get over-loaded easily with it if I have too many things going on at once.
-I am a sarcastic person when the situation calls for it.
-I really love to explore and would like to get into hiking more but don't know much about it.
I know Im being specific but that's what Im looking for.
-I am a very loyal person and it's easy to gain my trust, because I want you to have it.
If you've gotten this far, might as well send me a message because there is a lot more to learn and I want to learn about you! Looking forward to it!
The great thing about personality is everyone's is different. I have a big imagination and an open mind, so message me and I PROMISE I will message you back. That's just common courtesy.

Date single boy from Gilbert, United States. I suppose that my friends and family would describe me as an intelligent, hard-working, caring, and thoughtful man. I love to be challenged, and reach for the impossible. I was lucky to graduate number 1 in my degree choice, and this desire for success has helped accelerate my career track. I absolutely loved my experience at NAU, and I genuinely love my career choice. Heck I read old textbooks which might just be a little nerd in me. I don't have a specific roadmap to what I want in life but I do have some destinations that I would like to reach. I guess what I'm looking for is similar to most on this website, and that would be someone to enjoy each others company and see where it goes from there. I guess a relationship that is meaningful and sustaining wouldn't be bad either.

Meet a guy from Gilbert, United States. I find its more fun to invite a few friends over than it is to go out most of the times. You can always count on gettin the food and drinks you want. Haha.
I used to play year round soccer, now I watch the games on my tv.

Date a boy from Gilbert, United States. About me:
*currently a non-paying member*
moc tod liam eeg ta tterrag tod xof
Former athlete looking to get to know someone better, and if everything works out and it leads to something more serious- then that is perfectly fine by me. I like to stay in shape and maintain an active/healthy lifestyle- I find the gym as some sort of therapy. I am a very kindhearted and genuine person. My friends always view me as the they can trust the most and someone who can put them at ease with any situation. I am a ESFJ (for those of you who know the Myers-Briggs test), so I strive to bring harmony in relationships, and I am warm and loyal.
I love to be active with sports or any other activity, but also have my moments of lounging around. Looking for someone to share the special parts of my (and our) life with, whether it's a friend or an eventual relationship. love to laugh and smile, and make whoever I am with do the same.
I am a hopeless romantic and a gentleman. I treat women with the respect they deserve. I enjoy doing the small things that make whoever I am with bring a smile to their face on a daily basis. I listen and truly do care for a woman's feelings and point of view.
I am a big music lover and movie buff. I find myself looking forward to CDs and films that don't come out for months on end. I used to play collegiate baseball, but that period of my life has passed- but I still have a group of friends that plays softball, bowling, and stuff like that.
I try to find humor in every situation in life, because I feel that a smile and a laugh are the best medicines known to man. I can get a little nerdy with my obsession of some TV shows and movies, but I guess it all adds to the cuteness factor.
I know this quote is from 'marley and me', but I really do feel that it can sum me up as a person (and as a potential partner) pretty well:
"A dog has no use for fancy cars, big homes, or designer clothes. A water log stick will do just fine. A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb. Give him your heart and he'll give you his. How many people can you say that about? How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special? How many people can make you feel extraordinary? "
Who I am looking for:
A woman who is beautiful in mind, body, and spirit. Someone who is not afraid to be themselves and is able to cut loose and have fun. Great smiles and sense of humor are always a huge plus. Someone who likes to cuddle, but can also understand that people do need private time occasionally. A woman who can easily carry conversation and is not afraid to make a move every now and then. Also, I really do appreciate and respect a woman that can freely express her feelings- whether it is through words or actions.
When it comes to emails and winks, I try to respond as soon as possible. I try to be as respectful and up front with my response time. I do not play relationship games, or any type of 'wait 3 days before you call' games. So just know that ahead of time =) Hope to hear from you soon! moc tod liam eeg ta tterrag tod xof

Meet someone special from United States. Extremely laid back and down to earth guy. I am sarcastic at times but I never mean harm :P. I don't have any special talents other than counting the abc's backwards (don't ask.)
I am looking for a special person that will dork out with me and enjoy the nerdy times with while they are comfortable with themselves and having a sense of humor will go a long ways with me.
A great date would be us meeting at a wine bar so we could have conversation and get to know each other. I am not looking for anything serious at the moment but will not turn away if it's right.

Date a soulmate from United States. Im looking for women a honest and laid back. Hopefully a lister that also loves to had a good time. Adventurous as me but cares about her family and friends. Has to be caring with a down to earth mentality. Start as friends and maybe grow from there.

Meet single boy from United States. Wanted: intelligent babe for this mad scientist to experiment on. You must be willing to break into laboratories to “lend” equipment while wearing high heels and to have extra limbs attached AND look hot while having them. You must also be able to handle stress well, because lots of responsibilities go hand in hand with taking over the world with me.

Date a guy from United States. I love sports, animals, parties, camping trips, movies, and learning new things. My friends would say that I'm a genuine, good guy. I have a wild side ;) but I have good morals and very polite and curtious to others. My life is full of great things but missing a special girl that I can love and grow as a person with.

Meet a boy from United States. I am a very giving person. I work extremely hard and I love what I do. I love my family and we are all very close. I am grateful for where I am in life right now. I feel like I am in a good place and I know what I want and need out of a relationship. I am looking for someone to start living my life with. I would like a woman that enjoys the same things as I do and that can really have fun doing the things we love. I am a great guy and I have a lot to offer I just want to make sure that what I give in a relationship is also given back. I love to cook and I can make a mean thanksgiving dinner so ladies if you need a holiday off let me do the cooking! I love to do anything outside and I prefer to keep active but I can also enjoy a night in with a movie and popcorn. I love all kinds of music and it has really set the tone for my life as I can always find a song that matches my mood! Life is full of lemons so my motto is to make as much lemonade as I can before I sit down and relax and drink it all up! I am a hard working man that loves to smile and I never take myself to serious so if that sounds like someone you want making you laugh message me! Have a great day!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hmm... Well, I'd like to think of myself as hard working, smart, and an honest contributing member of society. I've never been arrested and I do not have any debt. Electronics are both my profession (electrical engineering) and hobby.
Terms like "luminous effacacy" may be in my lexicon, but so too are phrases like, "Get off these nizzos," or, "Why you up in my grill?" or, "You have very pretty shoes." I don't necessarily use all of the aforementioned phrases on a regular basis, but I have an idea as to what they mean.
While I like to get my money's worth from my Netflix subscription and Steam account acquisitions, spending quality time with friends and meeting new people is way more fun.
I'm interested in meeting open minded individuals with a little bit of class. Are you out there somewhere?

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hi, I am Phil, bought a house in Gilbert and starting a new chapter of my life. I grew up in the Monterey Bay , CA then went to college in Missouri, and now in Arizona. Played football in college so staying active a huge part of my life. My passion is taking care of people. In my spare time I enjoy watching/playing sports, live music, reading, movies, and eating. I have a pretty busy/stressful job so I'm trying this online thing out to meet that someone special.
I am looking for someone who is mature and has personal goals. None of that I don't know what I want to do crap. Liking any sport, going out, eating would be a huge plus. Just be honest!