Date women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 39 year old

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I am a very passionate, affectionate, persistent and committed woman. I am interested in finding my Noah (have you seen the movie The Notebook?). If you have not.... it is not a chick flick. The movie shows the real meaning the word marriage has for me.
I live a healthy lifestyle, I have a job, I am doing very fine in my life. I want to find that beautiful soul that wants to go camping, do outdoor activities, dance, and hold hands with me throughout the good and difficult times: supporting each other. Life is a journey, full of surprises that will be even more interesting if I have you by my side. I am confident that you are out there.
My mentors are both my parents (happily married for 40 years), my grandparents, and more recently: Dave Ramsey. I think his methodology and strengths represent my core and the tenacity most Americans have.
I am completely clear about what I want: so, if you do not want to have children or want to have more, if you are "separated", if you are new in town and want only a tour guide to show you around,if you are looking only for a friend, if you are looking for a party partner and you are not ready for a real, committed, grown up relationship, please go to the next profile. I am not what you are looking for. My profile states clearly the person I am interested to meet here in Match.
Thank you for taking the time to read and tons of positive energy in your journey.
Looking forward to hearing from you. :)

Meet a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. So here it is straight and simple:
If you are youthful with lots of energy, fun, tall, way attractive,witty and intelligent, able to take off and travel anywhere, a good kisser, real, comfortable in your own skin, , are honest, successful, well traveled, love to play full out, are emotionally available, prefer confident women, want a soul mate, done with games, are emotionally mature, dress well, your holding out for the right one, grounded, organized, love to make out still, enjoy the finer things in life, prefer to get to know someone versus offering STUD services upfront, have a great sense of humor. and prefer the truth over all else...then you're the man for me!
I love to travel, I have been all over the world and lived out many of my dreams..Ready to create new ones.
I'm educated and accomplished (written 2 books- been an international success coach to mega successful people)
I keep my body healthy and energetically clean (good food, thoughts, no drugs, little alcohol, yoga.... you know)
Being youthful is my passion
I like to be active, laugh hard and I love affection , intimacy , talking and foreplay..(LOL that's brutal but true)
You need to believe in yourself and have confidence! You have got to have integrity as a lifestyle and love players or STUD services thanks...I'm deeper and more mature than one night stands
I don't need you- I'll choose you... My wish? To fall crazy head over heals in love with someone amazing. To surrender fully to it. I've experienced so much ..never this.
I would love an exciting, emotionally healthy man who is not scared of meeting his dream girl.....
I've been a public speaker, runway model, personal development trainer and coach, cosmetologist, artist, still searching for my true passion....If you believe all the good ones are gone think again...I'm just waiting for you to wake up, step up and scream at me "Can't you see me, I'm here!"
No I don't date at all. Yes I'm picky, No I'm not a serial anything.! I'm mentally stimulating (and I might be physically stimulating if I'm your type) I find intelligence to be the biggest turn on.
I love athletic types who believe they are limitless eternally young and oh so sexy, who live the North Scottsdale lifestyle (why? Because I do)
I so dare you to believe that there is a pure heart that can love you beyond anything you've ever imagined. I dare you to dream that someone values them selves enough to hold a space for true love and partnership. I KNOW that if you have the courage to dream it, choose it, look for it,,it will be yours...ours.

Date a woman from Scottsdale, United States. I am happy with me and enjoy making life an experience worth having. I'm comfortable being alone, but find life is a blast when shared with someone who sees the world with the same positive outlook. I believe in balance, family, friends, outdoors, travel, honesty, having an open mind, and making the most of each day!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Well... Here goes nothin. I am easy going, down to earth, can be serious but like to laugh, joke around and be silly too. My kids think I have a pretty good sense of humor and I like to make them laugh. I'm up for trying new and different things. I have an adventurous side that likes to go, but also enjoy staying home watching a movie or reading a book and just hanging out with my kids and family and/or my significant other. I am an AZ native and enjoy doing things outdoors (fishing, hiking, riding quads, camping...I don't mind getting dirty, but not so much into 'roughing' it anymore, showers are a good thing :)). I work full-time and have two teenagers.....although I am busy, I make time to slow down, enjoy and appreciate life. What I'm looking for? Someone who works to live, not lives to work, someone who is kind, family oriented, has a good sense of humor, laid back, affectionate, and ultimately looking for something long-term.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Want someone witty and bright preferably with a college degree or working in a provitable environment and has been working at the same place for many years or who has been working at a place in the past for years. Hopefully he comes from a two family household(mother and father) growing up and has morals and values im life

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. New to this but willing to give it a chance. I'm fun and like to learn and do new things. Looking for someone who enjoys getting out and doing stuff but is just as happy staying home. If you're this age and you still think that bar hopping every weekend (or nightly) is fun, then I don't think we will mesh.

Date someone special from United States. Coming soon... I will add a description that will entice and entertain. Until then I will fill the space with a quote from "friends with benefits"
Lorna: I mean, we all have our Prince Charming. You just gotta know him when you see him.
Jamie: Mom, it's Prince Charming! You should just know.
Lorna: Well, you're Prince Charming isn't coming to rescue you in a horse and carriage. That's not who you want. I mean, you're're looking for a man to be your partner. You could take on the world with. You gotta big your fairy tail baby.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Okay, so I've got a killer sense of humor and looking for someone who wants to enjoy life with me. I'm really into fitness and being healthy and would love to find another who likes the same lifestyle.
I'm family oriented and spend a lot of time with my family, especially with my nephews. I'm looking for that fun, funny, outgoing, honest, kind, attractive (we need chemistry agreed?) man for my true match on all sorts of levels. If you are looking for a purely physical relationship though then I won't be a match for you at this time. I want more and so should you.
I love ballroom dancing (I compete as a passion of mine) and could teach you some steps, unless you know already and that would be such an added bonus that I would swoon (not really but....grin). Salsa too... classy with sparks does it for me.....

Date a woman from United States. Looking for nice, out going guy, who does not take himself too seriously. I enjoy traveling and work a great deal, so when I'm out of the office I love my down time. I also tend to be very spontaneous so if you always need a set plan I am not the person for you.. ;o)

. Single, sweet, sassy and cute....Looking for Prince Charming or a close second works too.....
I have many different ideas of what I am looking for and what I want....Looking forward to narrowing it down as I journey into the dating world! If you want to figure it out together, drop me a line.

. I am going to try to give you a snap shot of who I am here by sharing with you what some of my main qualities and traits are. People notice I have a good sense of humor and wit and find myself and others laughing often. By nature I am a caring person who is a nurturer and have a large capacity to love. You could describe me as someone who is intelligent and articulate and I have some depth. I am not shallow nor materlistic. I am creative as well as analytical. I am open to change and pretty outgoing. I can go into a room full of strangers and would be fine with introducing myself and striking up a conversations. I am comfortable in my own skin am not judgmental of others. I am upbeat and can be advetursome but I think it is important to slow down and enjoy those I love and life around me. Life is lived in the present I want to get the most out of the years I have left. Finding someone to share my life with is part of that equation. My faith is the most important thing in my life.

. Im not looking for a serial dater, I'm looking for my better half. my best friend, my lover, husband, the witness to my life. Maybe I'm asking for too much but I know he is out there and I will find him.