Date women from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 65 year old

Date someone special from Scottsdale, United States. I'm an adventurous, energetic (64 year old Energizer Bunny in a "58" year old Energizer Bunny suit) and a very active participant in life. Have a caring and nurturing nature who is always on the ready to help someone in need. Good at giving and showing affection and wonderfully receptive of it as well. I'm a die-hard romantic and always love to have the door opened for me and get an occasional bouquet of flowers (calla lilies) . . . . no chocolates please!
Looking for a companion who can make me laugh and have stimulating conversations with, willing to travel and explore the world around us. I am somewhat independent and would hope that my partner would be equally so. Personal time and space is important for a healthy relationship and that requires mutual respect, co-operation and appreciation to make it successful. I would like to think you could be that "someone". The pleasure of your company at a movie, sharing that jumbo sized bag of popcorn (hopefully you like the same flavor of "Sprinkle" that I do . . .Ranch. . . or maybe none) and sometimes sharing an entree at a restaurant. . . or having quiet evenings at home . . . doing "nothing" . . . but just being together.
I'm somewhat of a golfer, not bad . . . not great. So experiencing new cities, countries and golf courses would be wonderful to discover with someone who has the same interest and desire. I enjoy a round of golf and hope you do too . . . and I wouldn't even expect too many strokes per side!
I have a very good sense of humor and love to laugh a lot. Do you have a witty, joking and humorous side to you? I'd like to meet you. Humor and laughter brings joy . . . and joy is happiness.

Meet a woman from Scottsdale, United States. A chritian woman who enjoys people, diverse activities and learning new things. Looking for a gentleman friend to spend time with in conversation, enjoying the arts (with emphasis on jazz) and sports (gym, golf, bowling, football, basketball etc - both participation andor watching)

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. Let's Live Laugh and Love ! !.
Looking for someone who enjoys life- not a stick in the mud or a ONE NIGHT STAND! I like to travel... Life is short so it is important to live life everyday. I love to listen to good music - live or CD's, enjoy slow dancing to Nat King Cole or Johnny Mathis.
Am an adventurous woman and "elegant tomboy" who enjoys "tomboy" activities as well as the "girly" things, so am comfortable in my cowboy boots or evening gown. Favorite pastimes: reading, cooking, entertaining, photography, driving around in my convertible.
I have a great sense of humor and enjoy Life ! Although divorced carry no baggage, in fact am friendly with ex and his wife.

Meet someone special from United States. I enjoy every day as it unfolds. I'm very motivated with high energy, healthy and attractive. I try not to take life to seriously, I do like to laugh, play and have fun.My goals continue to show up and one continuous goal is to be the best I can be. I want a man-partner to throw ideas at, perhaps even share the same goals with (that would be magic). Sharing is part of my nature so I would love to create both a life together while still maintaining separate selves. I am very spiritual and also very materialist. I like the finer things in life, good food, a good book, art and comedy and family and animals, music, gardening, dancing, laughing, cuddling, kissing and holding hands. I am open with my affection and would like the same in my mate, not only when we are alone but when we are out as well. I'm passionate about my life, my family and my future.
I want a nice guy, (you know who you are) that sees in me a friend, a lover, a life partner, someone that enhances their life and fills their heart ... Physical attraction is important for me. I want a partner that is committed to himself (body, mind, spirit) and to our relationship. Kissing ... another activity I enjoy spending time doing. Some men just don't see the importance in a kiss, some don't even enjoy kissing. Loyality and fidelity are top on my important list as well. A man to compliment who I am and who I am growing into. A gentleman that I can relate to and bond with, not at the hip, at the heart. If any of what I say I want matches what you want, please don't just wink, send me an email and let's start the conversation. There's no TIME like now and time is everything!

Date a woman from United States. I am an adventurer and don't need exotic locations to stimulate that spirit, although it always helps!
I look at every day as an opportunity to explore new things, places and people, whether never seen before or seeing with new eyes. I'd love to have a partner who sees this old world with new eyes, enthusiasm and excitement, too.
I look, act and feel younger than my age, due in large part to this attitude of mine, I believe. The man in my life should have curiousity and "joie de vivre".
God is good, life is a gift and living in this country, complete with all its warts, is still the best deal around. I am blessed, a mother to 3 grown sons, and their wives, and grandmother to my 3 beautiful grandchildren and step grandaughter. Friends, my work, health, love, laughter and joy! That is so important to me.
I love my home here in Arizona, and through a long story, I also have a home on the Flathead River in Northwestern Montana, and although I don't get to spent much time there(usually rented) I dealy love Montana.
Hiking, scuba, travel, spontaneous and random acts of kindness and heroism, running my dog Buster in the desert, yoga, friends for coffee, movies, playing poker and word games online, reading, cooking for friends and relatives....these are some things I love....and would love better with a special man in my life!
I'd really like to meet my soulmate and franklly I don't really know completely what that means! I believe if I think I know what that means, then I can only repeat the past relationships of my life. I am approaching it, looking for guidance from God as to the man He would have me be with, with an open mind and heart!
I believe that you are out there too, holding high values and spirit and believing in true love.
Don't give up looking! At least until we find each other.....until then!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I appear to be a very funny, loving outgoing type of girl. I would want the same for my partner. I have children and grand kids and would hope my partner would allow me to spend time with them. A plus if he also had kids so we were on the same page.
I want someone that would make me laugh, and let me be myself. I am 65yrs. old but I have never looked that age. I try and take care of myself by eating pretty healthy and exercise.
I am game to try a lot of activities with my partner, but I must tell you I have never scuba dived or bungie jumped. I have done the zip line.
I am romantic and love to cuddle, hold hands, kiss. I love sitting by the fire and sipping a glass of wine. I also enjoy a cold beer and some hot wings.
Find out who I am. I may be the one for you. Take a chance on meeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hello! I don't really know how to describe myself, however, here goes! I am younger than my chronological age (60's) and I have been single for the last 17 years. At this point, I would enjoy meeting someone to have fun with first -golf, travel-especially travel within US and/or Europe - love cruising, dinner. I enjoy night life-both early evenings with friends and family as well as late evenings in local hot spots (which I haven't done much of for the last fewyears). I'm not sure what I am looking for but would enjoy someone who likes to play golf ,travel (weekend trips or longer) and have dinner and drinks.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. My friends and family say I am fun and adventurous, only because it's true. Babies and puppies and maybe you make me smile. I am grateful for my children and a great life. It would be wonderful to meet someone who was tender, caring, compassionate, an adventurer, fun loving, food loving, someone who could be happy at home or out. He doesn't need to like everything that I like. He needs to be my teddy bear.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am hoping to meet an intelligent, reasonably attractive man with a good sense of humor who likes to laugh and have fun. He should be social by nature, and behave in a kind and considerate manner toward his peers.

. I'm a "young" 65. Like spontaneity. I'd be attracted to someone who is as comfortable at home talking over a glass of wine and a home cooked meal as they would be at the five stars with friends or a large group of people. Love to laugh. I'm a confident, active and optimistic.
Open to travel. Have a dog and a cat. Live in the north Valley. Not looking to be tied at the hip. Require honesty. Like 50's and 60's classics. Will slow dance. Like to play cards. No good at pool. Okay at darts. Family is above all else. Not brilliant at any one thing. Great conversationalist and good listener. Not a big of wine, margarita, etc. First Saturday of May find me infront of the television (Kentucky Derby). Have Midwest values and not a drama queen. Passionate and considerate. Will openly display affection. Respectful of elderly and love children. Love to entertain whether it's a group of 6 to 8 or 50. I am a morning person! Absolutely no drug use, ever. Capable of being a best friend, if nothing else.

. IMy interests are varied. I like to discover new things and places. I have found my passion for Painting and have been in many Art shows. I also like to watch good movies, sports, and entertainment shows. I like listening to music, reading, walks, exercising, and swimming (especially with my dog who plays catch with me) I love animals.
I usually find humor in almost every day to day happenings or mishaps.
I like to resolve issues as soon as they appear.
Great conversation and laughter are always the best!!!!
I have been in Real Estate for about 20 years in the Valley. I an a transplant from Washington State; originally from Seattle area. I am very tolerant and not judgemental except when it comes to abuse of Animals and Children. (I guess most of us has some exception) I am also an Artist and have owned Galleries in Scottsdale, Carmel, and Capitola CA. I used to golf quite a bit, and I am intending to get back to it. I can talk about politics, the world, or anything that is going on in our daily existence. (Hopefully that is done with humor regardless of what it is)
About the one I'm looking for...
My Partner is Intelligent, Honest, has Integrity and very comfortable in all environments. He has a great Sense of Humor. We can laugh at ourselves and situations. We do not need to be together at all times; however when we spend time together, we are terrific. (even when we are helping each other with a difficult time?)
We can enjoy different adventures, experience some new ones , and also take the time to dine in and watch a movie.
We appreciate each other and sometimes make concessions.
There are no pretences.
I would much rather have a message than a wink ()
I'd just like to add...
I love the serenity of Nature but also like the excitement of the big city. .
My dual personality?
P.S. References available upon Request

. I love living in Arizona but am originally from Illinois (Chicago). I lived in southern California for 13 years prior to moving to AZ. My degree is in fine arts and science and I still love both. I have studied the body and nutrition most of my life and am a Holistic Healer, Artist and Entrepreneur. I love to enjoy life and find the good in people (we all have it, even though in some it seems to be quite hidden). I enjoy entertaining, traveling, being in nature, by the ocean, in the mountains and exploring the beauty of this amazing planet. I have a son and daughter, both grown and living on their own. I have been playing classical piano since I was a child and love it, but I also love many types of music--heavy metal and rap are not on my likes list! I have also been playing golf since I was 6 years old (but am a bit rusty now). I am looking for a like minded gentleman who is spiritual, fun loving, loves dogs and is passionate about life.