Date men from United States / Arizona / Parker, 46 year old

Date single man from Arizona, United States. A soulmate and friend and lover. Sounds like the same ol cliche but basically I have a good heart and a tender heart that is looking to share time, memories and new adventures. I travel a lot for work and enjoy what I do. I have two wonderful boys 10 and 12. I am a great cook and a wine "enthusiast" and friends and good company are important to me. More to come when I sit down and put some effort into this.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Self-centered, egotistical, sarcastic, moody, sushi eating five foot ten ball of sexual anger waiting for that special someone. Sound like a match made in heaven? Also I like crunchy peanut butter....

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Well hello there!
Thanks for stopping by! Aside from being a divorced 45 year young guy and the father of two of the most wonderful kids, I suppose I should tell you a little about myself. Oh, joy!
I would say that...
1. ...I have a wicked sense of humor (wise-crackin' goof)
2. ...I love hiking, camping, fly fishing, and mountain drives (just back from 8 days in the Utah West desert)
3. second toe is as long as my big toe (means I'm smart...right?! - just indulge me, okay?!) :)
4. ...I'm a guy, hence I'm prone to say something stupid after which I will apologize profusely
5. ...I really enjoy hugs and holding hands
6. ...I watch very little TV
7. ...I love dogs and tolerate cats as long as they don’t leave fun little presents on my pillow
8. ...Earth Wind and Fire is my all time favorite band
9. ...enjoys playing in the rain. Violent thunderstorms are great until your toes begin tingling...
10. ...I dig jazz, blues, rock, classical, funk, and more
11. ...I believe snakes are the incarnation of all things evil (VERY slight exaggeration there)
12. ...NPR is wonderful and is usually on in the car except when the kids want to hear their jams. Does anyone call it jams anymore?
13. ...I think wasabi peas are bunny pellets sent from heaven
14. ...My and I get along very well, so there really isn't any drama
14. ...I have left brain/right brain tendencies (science minded with strong artistic tendencies - painting, ceramics and pottery, creative writing)
What my friends would say about me...
1. do we say this politely....just leave me outta this
Who am I searching for? A woman who is...
1. ...breathing (MAJOR requirement!)
2. ...honest and respectful
3. ...a non-smoker, and non-user of drugs
Oh, I thought I'd share a couple of quotes I do try to live by:
"Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." Mark Twain
"A life lived for others, is a life worthwhile." Albert Einstein
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
If you liked what you’ve read, then please send me a note. Don't hesitate, for you may miss an incredible opportunity to meet a lifelong friend, and possibly more. Can't wait to hear from you!

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I've been in Colorado 12 years after moving from Cozumel, Mexico. I enjoy simple things, spending quality time with family, working out at the gym, conversation, sports and cooking. I'm in the restaurant business and have been told I'm a great cook. My guacamole is always requested when my family gets together. I love to dance, especially Latin beat Salsa, Merengue, and a little ballroom. I'd like to learn to Tango but that takes two! I'm a low drama kind of guy with a big heart who loves romance. I'm a Latin Lover, not a fighter!
The woman I'm looking for is funny, intelligent and a hopeful romantic. She takes care of herself and keeps a healthy lifestyle. Being silly comes naturally and laughing easily is a plus. She doesn't have to be perfect, just perfect for me. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Date single man from Parker, United States. I'm a quiet (till We get comfortable) chill guy looking to meet that special someone to spend time with and find out what life has in store. No pressure, no problem. Life's to short to go without someone to share great times with, but believe we also need time to ourselves......

Meet a man from Parker, United States. my friends were descibe me as loyal, trustworthy, and goofy. I was raised in California, love the beach, hate wearing pants. I am all about shorts. I love all sporting events, huge college football fan. I am also a big fan of the NFL, NHL, and MLB. I love to golf. Enjoy the social life.

Date someone special from Parker, United States. I moved to Colorado from Florida in April of 2000 (lived there for 16 years--do not miss the heat, humidity, thunderstorms, hurricanes, tourists and traffic) because I do lots of landscape/nature photography, and what better place to do it. I have racked up about 45,000 miles of recreational driving since moving here--running around photographing the countryside. I have always been an avid reader, and try to read as often as I can. I enjoy most kinds of music, but find that I turn off the tunes when I am cruising through the mountains so I can listen for the sounds of rushing water that may not be easily seen but begs to be photographed. I also like going to the movies, theater (seen Riverdance[3 times], Lord of the Dance[2 times], Stomp[2 times] and The Nutcracker over the past couple of years), comedy clubs etc. I am equally comfortable in formal, semi-formal and casual attire. Amazingly enough, I even like to cook, although doing it for one is not all that much fun. I like watching sports, but if its a choice between TV and going out and doing something, I would just as soon choose the latter. I do enjoy playing golf, although I have only played a few times since I have been here. I like to do all kinds of things, and am willing to try just about anything once (except for jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or leaping off a bridge with a big rubber band attached to ankles--definitely not happening!). I am very comfortable doing things on my own, but it would certainly be nice to share my activities with someone, or even share some quiet time at home. I think I am pretty laid back, but lots of fun to be around. I have a pretty good sense of humor, and typically keep everyone around me laughing, but know how to balance the funny and the serious. I enjoy intelligent conversation, and generally being in the presence of good company.I am interested in someone who enjoys the beauty of the West (maybe not as much as I do, but who can at least understand what I see in it). I am pretty open-minded and I would like to meet someone who is similar in that respect. I want to meet someone who shares at least some of my interests, but has many of their own. I enjoy hearing what makes someone else happy, as well as sharing the things that I enjoy. Interested? Drop me a line...

Meet a soulmate from Parker, United States. I feel terrific and want to have fun. I've given up feeling bummed or worried. All things indeed workout well when, you decide to not accept anything less.
I'm comical. Could probably do half hour on goofing on myself.

Date single man from United States. The first few chapters of my life has had its ups and downs like everyone else. Overall though things are great - I have an awesome daughter, supportive family and friends, and a career I feel I was meant to do. The only thing missing at this point is a partner to share life and its daily adventures with.
I’m not looking for perfection but would like to find a woman with balance, a zest for life, and most of all a sense of humor!
I'm looking for someone who is confident but kind hearted with an easy smile - Grounded yet open to new things - Responsible but still able to dream. Looking for low drama (enough happens on its own in life!)
I need someone with a positive attitude that enjoys life and all its gifts - one thing my job as a firefighter has taught me is that life is too short to either waste time or not to enjoy things along the way.
I have focused a lot of time and energy on my career over the last 20yrs. While I still love my job and think it is important, I am trying to slow down and enjoy the little things life has to offer us a little more. I would love to find someone to enjoy them with me.
I am a thoughtful, classy guy that has an intense curiosity about life and people. I always enjoy learning the backstory on why things are the way they are and what makes people tick.
While I'm open to making new friends during this Match "experience", I truly wish to go on my last first date.
If it sounds like we might have some things in common, please drop me a line and let’s see where the story goes!

Meet a man from United States. A few bits and pieces about me. I am a good ole southern guy with old school values.
I am very respectful, honest, trustworthy and believe in putting others before myself. I love to cook and entertain, love to pamper and spoil only if you are deserving of my attention. I am career-minded, focused and goal-oriented. I am very humble and thankful for the life God has blessed me with. I love to laugh and have fun. My friends think I should have been a comedian. Maybe in my next life. I put forth 100% in every endeavor I pursue. I love bringing out the best qualities in me and would love to do the same for whoever I meet. I have a great career, financially stable, educated and drama free. Hoping to meet a match with the same qualities.
Goals that I am proud of:
Retired from the Air Force
M.S in Space Systems Operations Management,
Completing my M.A in Procurement and Acquisition Management
2 courses from completing my Government Contracting certificate. I am a very simple and humble person but very focused and determined when it comes to my personal goals. I
Enough of the serious stuff! Don?t want to turn you off while I have your attention.
Motivator: I strive to be a better man than yesterday? therefore I am always improving!
Things I enjoy: reading, traveling, cooking, working out, attending church, live entertainment, plays, photography, community involvement etc,.
Things that I am not looking for;
-Not interested in married folks.
-Not interested in drama queens. just someone who is drama free.
-Not interested in long distance relationships (been there done that)
Hoping to meet someone;
-That is God fearing (most important)
-With the potential of having a long-term relationship!
-That enjoys the simple things in life like (walks through the park, romantic evenings chilling in front of the fireplace)
-That knows how to treat/love a hardworking man; not take care of him (I have that area covered)
-That loves and enjoys spending quality time (movies, dinner, plays, quiet romantic evenings at home)
-That is spontaneous and likes to do things on the fly!
-That enjoys out/indoor activities (cycling, hiking, jet skiing, etc.)
-That knows how to cook or at least can appreciate a good home cooked meal... (cuz I love to cook)
-That enjoys stimulating and intellectual conversations (very important)
-That has their own dreams and goals that I can support ?
-Is an independent thinker?
-That enjoys time with friends and family
I do believe in the 80/20 rule. 80% of the things I seek, 20% of you already have. I just need that SOMEONE %.
If interested and have the 80%, hit me up?

Date someone special from United States. The best one word to describe me is flexible. My friends say I am a person who cannot sit still...I guess I need someone to show me a good reason to be still.
Committed person when it comes to work, friends and family.
Enjoy the theater, movies, dressing up for social and more private evenings, outdoors, and travel.
Traits that are important; romance, being positive, having strong values, open minded, financially stable, funny, and trustworthy.
Also, I would also like to note that I deeply appreciate a feminine woman who enjoys very long kisses and that will raise my temeperature eveytime I see her.
Would like her to be; attractive, grounded, have direction, goal oriented, financially stable, great smile,smart,funny,very affectionate, adventurous,very positive,and with strong personal values.

Meet a soulmate from United States. If I can look at something and start a sentence with " I would never..." then there is a good chance that is what I am going to do, if, for no other reason, than to experience the thing for myself. I like going to live concerts, live LOUD concerts, hanging out with my friends and my siblings, traveling when I can, and taking long walks at the dead of night. I have a 4 year old son who shares a comic book superhero's obsession with his daddy. Although I seem to be more into X-Men and he likes Batman most.
Although I am really laid back, I do have a sharp wit, and am aware of my surroundings at all times. As such, I value people with common sense and intellectual abilities over those with social graces. I find myself attracted to intellectual, well spoken women who are aware of a wide range of subjects, and if they are somewhat socially awkward - so much the better! .
I'm looking for a woman I can share life with. I am a business owner, love my work, and have a strong work ethic. The best part about my work are the people I get to meet every day - so many interesting stories out there just waiting to be heard! As a child I was raised by my father, who taught me to follow through in all things -much to my betterment. I prefer being outside, however, doing the indoor stuff has it's upsides as well.