Date men from United States / Arizona / Parker, 48 year old

Date someone special from United States. I am native american, (Muscogee Creek and Mojave) I am 48 years of age, Love having a good and fun time with those that are postive and not negative. Im not too fond of those that talk bad about others.
I live in Parker,Az. 30 mintues south of Lake Havasu City. Enjoy BBq's, the river, going to movies and just kicking back.
I am employed with the Colorado Indian Tribes-Gaming Agency. I conduct Investigations for the BlueWater casino. Im an ex-Cop and Army Paratrooper (when I was young and dumb,hee hee)
I have 3 great Children that are in their twenties,1- Beautiful Daughter that is 8, and I also have 4 Grandchildren. They are all so special to me and I Love them with all my heart. I watch out for those I Love!!! Like anyone should, Right?
At this point in time, I am just wanting to find someone to hang out with, be friends, and enjoy fun times with. My family and I hang out with people that are cool and mature, no drama mommas, been through too much of that crap to waste my time anymore, and if you are the jealous type please dont even bother, I don't hang out with shallow or mean, vindictive types,I just have fun and an awesome time, Come chill with me and the family,SORRY but can't be with someone that don't like any of my family, (been there, done that! Will Never let that ever happen again). I am Honest,Trustworthy,Caring, Loyal, and most of all Not a cheater, Love to laugh, do pranks. It is fun to make people laugh.Oh, the music I listen to is Alternative, Classic rock, heavy metal, modern country, and a little hip hop, and of course lovie dovie music.SUMMERTIME on the RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!! Well take Care,Be safe! These are the last days, LOVE and ENJOY life!!. Oh! please those that are currently seperated have aleast one photo,Thank you.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I have been on Match for about 9 months, mostly looking not being ready to date in the wake of my pending divorce. I have been impressed by the number of intelligent, attractive and insightful profiles of women in their late thirties and forties. And now I am ready to get back in the proverbial saddle. I can't say I relish the thought of a lot of first dates but to ultimately meet someone you connect with often requires meeting those you do not. And I do believe the risk of awkward dates is worth it if at least one date among many is a great leading to a meaningful long lasting connection.
You will note that I am listed as "currently separated". I know some (OK, most) women won't date a separated guy and quite frankly I understand. However, if you like my profile and the only thing holding you back is my status, I hope you reconsider. I am fully available to connect with someone new: the finalization of the divorce being more formality than anything else.
What to write about…

I could write about my interests. However, truth be told, I am not so fanatical about any of them that the absence of which would preclude a potential match if she did not partake. Furthermore, I am somewhat flexible and, as such, I am open to developing new interests. I would say I am concerned less about common interests and more about the person I will be partaking in those interests with.

OK! So considering my last statement above, I should write about what I am looking for. My perfect match: ... ahh ... hmmm ... ah ha ... no strike that ... Ugh! I had to use the word "perfect". I just don't believe in perfect. Stepford is really not for me. Let's face it, if you are in your late-thirties or forties, you been in one or more serious relationships that just did not work out and you have likely done things that you�re not proud of. Yeah, we all come with a bit of baggage and as I see it, this is what makes us who we are which isn't necessarily bad.
I could list some of the standard cliches to describe who I'm looking for but that would just use up space. However, I do have my deal breakers but for the most part they are not worth mentioning largely because I can see myself breaking my rules on my deal breakers. There is one deal breaker that I will absolutely not comprise on: you must not have a sense of humor. I'm not kidding! And irony and sarcasm are completely lost on me, so don't even try.
Another deal breaker: honesty. Who needs or wants it anyway. Won't we be much happier believing we both are the answers to all of the others dreams? At least until we meet or we rifle through each others things when the other is out of the room because, well, we don't trust each other. Just so you are clear, I lied about my age in the profile: I am really 34. And yes, I doctored my photos: I really have a full head of hair.
OK, enough silliness. I am looking for someone who enjoys being with me and I enjoy being with as well. Ultimately, I am looking for a relationship built on trust where you know I have your back no matter and I know the same of you. Kind of simple really. The hard part is finding the match.
A few more things:
My kids (10 yo twin girls) are the most important people in my life and come first.
I like to run. It keeps me sane. I used to think finding a running partner was a priority. Not so much anymore. It would be nice, but, frankly, I don't think you could keep up. If you disagree, prove me wrong.
I have a soft spot for highly intelligent women. You know if you are regardless of any credentials you have amassed. Here's the rub: compared to other personality traits, intelligence is highly over rated. Simply, intelligence is not a replacement or substitute for being a good person. I am not very tolerant of those that look down on or belittle those that they perceive to be less intelligent.
feel free to say hi and let me know what you think: good, bad or indifferent.

Date single man from United States. Hello there!
Are you up for great conversation?
Are you a positive person who views the world as a positive thing?
Are you passionate about your interests (whatever they may be)?
Are you ready to not live the same day over and over?
Then read on.
If you're wondering if the rerun of the reality tv is your favorite episode, and thinking you've only sen it 15 times, please stop. There's lots of guys out there for you, just not me.
I am looking for a relationship where each of our lives are because we know the other. Where there's that spark that can ignite side-stitch belly laughter and glowing smiles.
I prefer someone who is balanced in their lifestyle and beliefs. Someone who enjoys trying new things and believes she should not live the same day over and over. Someone who can trust, explore, and experience all the good things put in our lives for us to recognize as opportunities to be seized. They are times to have and to share.
My interests are varied and I love to learn and experience new places and things. Whether riding my bicycle for the day, hanging with friends, or volunteering at a charity event – you get what you give and you experience/live what you choose to focus on. After all the easiest way to predict the future is to make it.
Whether it is a hike in flatirons, riding my bike down to Confluence Park via the bike path, or people watching on the 16th street mall/ pearl street mall - I enjoy being outdoors and enjoying "it" /life. It truly is who you are with more than where you are.
I enjoy doing things with my date. For example, I’m up for going to farmer’s market and cooking up a fresh, healthy meal together (and then undoing the health-factor with wine and dessert!).
If you want to watch TV every single night to avoid life, and live for the latest who did what to whom crime show, then please keep looking. If you want to balance active things with romance (like watching the sunset from the four seasons bar downtown) and enjoying ourselves… then email back because we are sure to hit off!
Oh, I have my kids a little more than half time and I look out for and protect those I care about . While finding someone is important, every other week I'm Mr. dad. It is something I find so rewarding, and I've been told I'm pretty darn good at... I hope you can understand and respect those priorities. I am okay if you have kids, or don't have kids. As long as you have not lost the kid in you! I definitely have not.
So, who are you? What would you do if you won the lottery? (I don’t think I would change much).
What was the funniest thing that happened on a date? (ask me about the grasshopper salad when we meet).
What do you do with your spare time?

Meet a man from United States. Alright, the opening statement might be too much to ask for, and I promise I’ll never wear that “outfit” to any restaurant with you. I like numerous outdoor activities ranging from hiking, camping, skiing, ATV-ing to watching sporting events and listening to music at any venue. I have been divorced for a few years, and am financially stable. I don't play games and thoroughly enjoy taking time to get to know someone. There is nothing like having that special someone to spend time with, no matter the occasion. I value simple things in life, spontaneity, adventure, being open minded and down to earth. Friends tell me I am quick-witted, goofy, funny and have a great sense of humor. I balance my free time with numerous activities that I enjoy and doing home improvement projects. At times I tend to work too much but will not apologize for being raised with good work ethics. I treat others as I would like to be treated.
Things I am NOT:
I am not the guy who will let you pay for dinner if I invited you out.
If we are riding in your vehicle and it needs fuel, I will not let you pump the gas.
I am not the guy who doesn’t say thank you for a kind gesture.
I won’t tell you everything here, you’ll have to discover some things on your own :-)
I'd like to meet a fun loving, down to earth, non-judgmental, healthy lady who truly wants to be in a committed relationship. Not looking for the perfect woman…..just the lady that is perfect for me. I respect being independent, but like someone who isn't so set in her ways that she can't accept other's differences. I like someone who engages in playful banter, but knows when to be serious. Don't need someone to take care of me (but I do like being pampered once in a while :-)) I'm not looking to save anyone, (will you let me do nice things for you even if you are more than capable?). I do not need a woman in my life, I would love to have a woman in my life. Mutual respect and admiration is very important to me. If you are pretentious, full of drama, and are looking to date multiple men, then we're not a match.
Thanks for taking the time to read my profile. Shoot me a wink or better yet, an email if you'd like to know more about me. Best of luck in your search.
P.S. Ladies, If you are not at least 43 years young or if you are above the age of 52 and live over 50 miles of the Denver area…. Please do NOT contact me. I am looking for a lady near my own age and not a long distance relationship. Thank You

Date someone special from Parker, United States. I read somewhere that the best measure of a person's character is what they do when they think they don't have to do anything at all. You'll know me by what I do. No, I'm not perfect, but sincere in what I say and do. I find it easy to laugh at my mistakes and I'm comfortable with who/what I am (but appreciate that I'm not done growing).I have a good sense of humor, and I'm a bit of a prankster (don't say I didn't warn you!). I strive to live a healthy lifestyle and have a wide variety of interests ranging from the obvious to the obscure. I'm easy going, approachable, friendly, emotionally and financially stable, and prefer small groups of close friends to large noisy crowds. No, I'm not a master chef, but I can muddle my way through cooking an edible meal. I'm close to my family, keep a clean house, have been divorced 8 years, and know how to treat a lady like a lady.
Finding "the one"? Well, if it happens, count me in! Meanwhile, I look forward to making some new friends. I've found the friendships that have endured in my life have been built on honesty, mutual respect, and compassion. So, if you're interested, or merely curious, don't be shy, it's ok to send an email.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day, and best of luck in your search.
My membership expires 7-17-12. If you are really interested (not just fishing), feel free to email me. Of course, since I'm not a member, I can't actually read your emails, but please let me know you're interested. I'm sure I'll be renewing at some point ;-)

Meet a soulmate from Parker, United States. Hello, I'm a down to earth guy that looks at the glass half full. Friends describe me as an energetic, easy going and a honest guy. I live an active healthy life style. I have a sense of adventure and enjoy a good laugh, usually at my own expense. I share custody of my daughter. She keeps me laughing and young.
Last year I completed the Leadville MTB 100. Now I'm back to just enjoying riding, running and hiking when I want to, not because I have to. I enjoy running at Wash Park, trying to run Red Rocks (those 300 or so steps), and Cherry Creek Res.
I'm financially secure and have a challenging career, but I Iook forward to my time away from work. I'm outgoing and confident, but not cocky. I do not have much drama in my life other than my daughter giving me a hard time about what she wants to wear to school.
I would like to meet a regular girl that is fit and funny. Someone that would enjoy the day outside being active. Someone to hold hands with, a quiet dinner at home with a bottle of wine. A special person to share the activities that we both enjoy or experiencing new ones. Some baggage is fine, because we all have some level of it.
On the slower side I enjoy good conversation over a coffee or drinks, and cooking a great meal together. I don't watch too much TV, but enjoy good movies. My life is good and busy, but I'm looking for a companion to enjoy it with. ...thanks for taking the time to read this and hope to hear from you.

Date single man from Parker, United States. Divorced 2 years with 1 daughter(11 years old) who lives with me 4 days every week. Haven't had alot of time for dating but seem to have more time lately so I'm giving this a try. Looking for someone who has similiar situation and understands that my time is sometimes very limited.

Meet a man from Parker, United States. I’m not much for the bar scene so here I am. I'm outgoing, athletic, frigg’n witty, love the outdoors from anything to do with the mountains or the beach. I’ve got a job I enjoy. I go well with a black tie and Merlot, or jeans and a pint of Beamish. I like to do home improvement stuff, just completed an addition to my house. I'm fiercely protective of my family and friends. Which can sometimes be a down fall trying to be all things to all people. But what can I say, I just feel a strong devotion to the people I care about. I would enjoy someone who's down to earth, intelligent, compassionate, sense of humor and has a good idea of who they are and what they want out of life. Someone who’s active and takes care of themselves. Chemistry is very important to me. Oh and if you like dogs and horses, that’s a plus too!
Oh and one other thing... (and this important)
Please don't be Crazy. I know this may be an obvious statement at first glance. But hey are some general guidelines-
You are crazy if...
You've ever been told you're crazy
You're still trying to reach you're therapeutic level
You're therapist refuses to see you anymore (and you don't know why)
You've ever cut yourself to prove your love
You've had more than one restraining order placed against you
You've ever spit on someone in anger (unless of course you're a Llama)
You use Lithium as a condiment
Minutia based drama makes you cry (i.e. "I don't know which shoes to wear!" Followed by uncontrollable sobbing)
During a conflict resolution an edged weapon seemed like a reasonable choice...
All of your previous relationships cheated on you (uhm, they actually didn't -it's because you are in fact crazy)or(You got angry at your significant other for talking to another woman- and his reply was- "Uh, honey that was the waitress")
And lastly, Please don't be crazy

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. To me submitting ourselves to online dating is a leap of sorts, but how does a successful stand up guy differentiate himself from the pretenders? That is my most frustrating experience so far with online dating, but hey I will keep the faith:) I know there are other stand up guys on here asking themselves the same question, and I guess the pretenders can just keep driving nice women crazy and make it difficult for the rest of us. Sorry for the editorial, it is only my experience, but I just thought it was worth saying.
I am a good-hearted single Dad, who enjoys spending time with family and friends. I have been in Denver 9 years by way of Atlanta. Like most of us I have had my share of ups and downs, but my life is pretty great today. I have 3 great kids, who already have a good mom so don't let that scare you off.
My job is really rewarding and great, though it can be demanding if I choose to let it be that way. As kind of an ex-jock I enjoy most all sports both to play and watch, though on the team stuff it seems I watch more than I play these days. On the more active front I am somewhat of a workout nut and love skiing, golf, and tennis. Having spent most of my life in the south, I still pride myself on the Southern gentlemen thing, yes I will always open the door, and yes I love college football(Go Dawgs!!).
Those 3 kids just keep getting older 20, 17 and 15, which allows me a growing amount of flexibility. Would love to meet a woman of similar interests to share the fun and whatever comes next:)

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. hi i am a 46 yrs old..single and never married and no kids...i live in parker by parents live on one side of town, my sister and her family live on the other side of town..Family is very important to me. i love the small town of parker.
do to my disability. in the past two yrs i gained over 90lbs due to my meds...i have started in april to use the clubhouse treadmill.. i have lost 22lbs so far.. i am easy going, no drama.. i like to hang out... i am a talker.and listener ..i enjoy outdoors as well as the local watering hole..i want to have fun..and share it with you.
oh i forgot to tell you my illness is bipolar.. hope you can understand. thanks...
i love the NY giants football..
i have read the bibile cover to cover several times..i believe God loves us.
oh and i like a buffet.and did i mention going to black hawk and playing the penny slots.
i hope my honesty is met with welcome arms and a smile.
am i looking for a girl friend ?YES ..i move to co. 3yrs ago.i have met some wonderful friends, but now i want to start a relationship.
who am i looking for ? a strong who's been there and done who does not need me, rather one who wants me.. a woman as tall as me with a slendar to curvey build...some one who is or greater than my equal...with.a sense of humor.
you are going to need it with me : ) i am more likely to want to fit in your life, then convert you to mine. ..a women thats comfortable in shorts as well as a dress turns me on...i like holding hands while walking with my sweety...and if you can hold on a second i will gladly open the car door... ..i am not a religious person..but i am in love with God .i undersand this tempoary life leads to eternal life wooooo hoooooo.. if you would like to start a boyfriend and girfriend realtionship thats what i am looking for.
i always wanted to play.... life has to be more than correct spelling..although yes its important to
communicate....i have had a lot of jobs,mostly in the electrical and bartending fielids.. moving here to co. has been a real blessing for and friends. now i look foward to meeting you.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Hello ladies! My friends would desrcibe me as a honest,funny easy going fella.I am also always a gentlemen and know how a lady should be treated.I will always open the door for you.I enjoy cooking especially for others.My kids are on their own but I like kids(if you have them) I like a cold beer and a game of pool.Golfing,Exploring new places,a hike combined with a picnic is always fun.I enjoy watching the local sports teams.Trips tp Black Hawk or Vegas My music tastes are varied I mostly listen to good pop ex. Bruno Mars,,Eminem,Pink,Kid Rock,LMFAO.I do enjoy dancing I just wish I could. Love to travel,I would love to go to Europe soon.I have a great job that I love. I own my own home.Pictures are current and I am 6 feet tall.(I been told some guys lie about that) A couple of other thoughts pen pals are for inmates and la.dies please lose that bathroom mirror picture.Happy fishing:)

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Newly returned to Colorado from the East Coast, relearning much of the state I love and all the places I have forgotten. Being anew to the area again and not knowing anyone I thought I would give this a try.
Little About Me;
Yessss its really me in the pictures, been told I look much better in person; thank god! If they scare your socks off hopefully your wearing sandals. No they are not decades old and yes I am really the guy I am about to describe.
Blue eyes, outgoing, fun loving, adventurous with a sense of humor and a romantic nature. I am sure you have heard those words before and they do little to completely describe me.
I enjoy the simple things like lazying with a book, movie or good company but also enjoy the adventures in life; snowboarding, hiking, camping, scuba diving, wake boarding, martial arts, TRAVELING or the challenge of something new. I enjoy team sports where I can be apart of something but am not overly competitive (except with myself).
I am truly a dichotomy; easygoing with a humorous nature but can be serious when I must. I am a dreamer and can have my feet on the ground while my head is in the sky. I am an administrator/manager in my job but still can be one of the guys.
I am a guys guy, I have accomplished much in my life and and have much more I want to accomplish but nothing so much as finding that right person, the one that pardon the cliche' completes me. I am self assure, strong, driven and protective. I am secure in myself enough that I am openly a huge romantic. I thrive on sharing affection, being about the woman I am with, loyal and strong in my moral beliefs. I am the type of guy that gets up in the morning when I don't have to just to start your car on a cold day. My idea of romance is a surprising her with a candle light dinner for no reason.
I am not a perfect man but I am a man (some woman would say that's why I'm not perfect). I am the type of man who believes in communication and in all things trust in one another.
I don't say any of this lightly and I am sure we all read tons of these all saying the same thing. How do you know? I wish I had the answer I wish I could take all that is in me and place in in front of someone to see and know. What I do know is people can pretend for so long before who they really are shines through.
I am not usually this serious and most would describe me as a goof and a brat surely they mean it in fun. I think.
I like to think I am wittier than I probably am.
I am hoping to find someone special who will enjoy sharing her interests while sharing mine. I am a sucker for beautiful eyes and smile.
If your asking what I hope to find on Match; Never to have to be on Match again :0)