Date men from United States / Arizona / Laveen, 48 year old

Date a man from Laveen, United States. I am very outgoing, Im into all sports, Riding my horses, Working out, Playing Basketball, Love to travel. One of my favorite places to take off for the weekend is Rocky Point I can`t get there enough. After being married for close to 15 years I find myself missing the simple things, Movies, Dinner Out (or in ) I love to cook, Happy Hour on Friday, Renting movies for the day closing the blinds and laying on the couch with ? I can promise to make you laugh!!

Meet single man from Laveen, United States. My hobbies include water skiing, racket ball, quad riding, going on hikes, cuddling on the couch watching a movie and holding hands. Almost anything enjoyable can be a hobbie. I am looking forward to finding the right girl for me. Wouldn't think that would be tough, would you? I know there is someone for everyone and I am looking foeward to finding the perfect girl for me. Not perfect, but in such a way that we compliment each others personalities and goals. My boys are almost out of college now and I am looking forward to seeing them graduate. I am a 100% honest and trustworthy person. I see no reason for being any different. Im looking for the same. My friends and family are important to me. All my friends are good honest people too, or they wouldn't be my friends:) Now i'm looking for one more. Could you be the one? I hope so, lets see....