Date men from United States / Arizona / Parker, 50 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I tend to be traditional. Home, family, job and community are all central to me. I feel deeply responsible for just about everyone around me. I am sympathetic, empathetic and cooperative; I am also hard working and display a good deal of caution and common sense. I can be very patient. I tend to respect rules, schedules and routines.
I also see the big picture, have a great imagination and can be remarkably intuitive. I like to play with ideas and examine the meaning of life.
I am generally calm and entertaining, too, and always dedicated and reliable. I think I see humor in most things and like to laugh and smile. I am relaxed and easy to be with. I am attracted to those who share my values; moral fiber in a partner is important to me. Although I enjoy people who play with ideas, my "true love" must complement me. I admire those who are direct, analytical, funny, sarcastic and assertive and can enjoy my orderly and compassionate nature.
I am looking for a loving relationship with a woman I am attracted to both physically and emotionally. A lady with a good sense of humor and a caring nature. Some one who takes care of her mind and body. This is very important! A sports nut would be nice, especially nfl football and a Bronco fan. I am originally from Wisconsin so a Packer fan would be great too! Hopefully you will enjoy traveling the world and exploring the Rocky Mountain states. I like to try new things and kayaking may be in my future! Massage is something I am learning about as I love to receive them and would like to pass on that enjoyment to others.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am very much the extrovert. Love being around people, going out to dinner, concerts, parties, and having fun. Love to laugh and to make others laugh. Also love quiet places for romantic dinners and vacations. I am just as happy going to a great restaurant as I am staying home in front of the fireplace on a rainy night.
I am looking for love, romance, companionship, and honesty. If you are also, email me. I can show you there are still guys who are honost, loyal, caring, fun to be with, romantic and loving. If you believe chivalery isn't dead and there are still gentleman around , I hope to hear from you.
Good luck with your search.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I have talked myself out of doing the thing too many times and didn't win this time. This is scary stuff! Im a very confident person that is considering hiring a match making service that can introduce me to a world that is like me socially, economically and phyisically/ Putting your picture out there saying pick me. It makes me feel like I'm going to be the last one picked on the basketball team in 5th grade knowing you can play ball like Mike Jordan. If you think me not having a photo is me hiding something. well you are entitiled to that. Im in a profession that just doesnt allow me to be public. I will be the one that is Athletic and Toned, Handsome, Outgoing, Funny, and a Great Conversationalist, solid in every way. If I have emailed you it is because I think you might be a match to me.. Ladies, life can be like a box of chocolates, you just don’t know what you are going to open up. If you took in iddy bity chance here and meet me for 5 minutes, your search would be over! I’m not kidding and quit laughing. Ok go ahead and laugh! Put away your judgement and realize that the world can be bigger then a sterio type that you have placed on a profile.
It’s been several years since I was divorced, what an experience it has been learning what one really wants in life, love and friendships as we rebuild our world. I can tell you that they days of needing to be in relationship has faded. It’s really good to be picky and not just pick someone to not be alone. With that said I do know what I want and what I don’t want. But then again that sounds a little selfish, when life to me is how we give to others. It is a conundrum, isn’t it!
I laugh out loud when I see animals do crazy things. I’m passionate about defending people when abused. I’m grateful for my children and who they have become.
I want to attract vibrant, fit, active, professional, attractive, confident, athletic, soft, thinking, expressive, feminine, experienced and self-aware women. I would believe I’m the counter balance of this as a man.
I will not push you too fast; I have a life outside being in a relationship which will allow you to have one as well.
Let’s go play together, see the world. Run a 5k together, if your legs will hold up, ski together, I will teach you if you want to learn and or become an expert. Bike, Golf, Go to Movies. Cook Dine, Theatre, Dance, Just sit and hold hands, Yoga anyone! Namaste

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. OK, so this is where I'm supposed to toot my own horn. Not very good at that but let's see...I have a pretty good sense of humor, particularly at my own expense, sometimes dry. I have 2 boys, one off in college the other just entering high school. Spend a fair amount of time doing "guy things" with my younger one - camping, hunting, target shooting, coaching lacrosse and dealing with the whole teen thing. I'm a bit of a techno-geek (sons words, not mine) and enjoy fixing things around the house but definitely like getting out with friends and having some fun or relaxing at home. I work in the environmental area and have done a few things and been a few places you may not believe and quite feasibly make me certifiably crazy but it was quite an adventure! Be glad to share all that over coffee or a tasty beverage!
Looking for a friend, maybe more, to have some laughs and share in all the good things this life has to offer. Big believer in honesty and respect, being a responsible adult when necessary and maybe acting like a teenager from time to time....could be something I've caught from my younger one, so hopefully there's a cure for that!
Man, that was harder than I thought....if any of that makes sense, let me know and maybe we can chat or have coffee sometime, whatever works and is comfortable. Enjoy!

Date a man from United States. A little egocentric diatribe about Chiliwomp...
I am a gregarious and driven man. I have vernacular skills, eating skills, visionary skills, fishing skills, bike riding skills, grooming skills and I am tall enough to pick the high hanging fruit. I am VERY introspective and philosophical. I have a few cool dreams that I am nudging to reality as I write this. I am an eternal optimist
However .....I can also curl up on the couch like a fat dog after exercising and rest quietly while being patted. I am highly portable and can carry really heavy weights. (metaphor) I am not annoying (pretty sure anyway) and only have a few deeply entrenched ticks. (kiddin) Please note....I am very direct and you will know exactly where I stand.
My self perspective is that i am honest, moral, well-kempt (although I don't like to shave all the time) humorous, committed, loyal as the day is long, a gentleman, respectful, and I am way okay with the man I am today. I have vision quest as well and am quite the Alpha male... but in a non toxic, venom-less fashion.
I and my trusted tribe of friends live by the credo of Goin' n Doin'!!! I am highly active and am out living everyday with a zest unforeseen. (references available upon request)
The woman I would like to meet must be sincere, kind, trusting, beautiful to me and understanding that I am a father first. Flexibility and spontaneity are essential contingent upon the type of activity. Thank you very much for peeking in.