Date women from United States / Arizona / Mesa, 48 year old - page 4

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Well, I have sat here for about 20 minutes trying to decide where to begin and this was the beginning I came up with??? Hopefully the rest will go better. I would describe myself as honest and caring. I am successful in my career but have not forgotten about the importance or work-life balance. Between my life experiences and leadership development at work, I have realized that I am comfortable with who I am and I actually like myself.
I enjoy the outdoors and would like to explore more hiking trails throughout the valley. Wanna take a hike with me? I recently checked an item off my bucket list. I completed a half marathon. I don't know that I would call it "fun" but I did get a sense of accomplishment.
I am looking for someone who is down to earth, (isn't that what everyone says?) enjoys working out, likes sports and is comfortable with himself. Family has to be a priority, whether they are near or far.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm new to Az and looking for my perfect match to start my new life.
I was born in Texas and moved every 3 years of my life being that my father and ex were military. I love to travel, anything outdoors, movies, dinner, and the list goes on.
I'm looking for you to be self-sufficient, spontaneous, romantic, easygoing and sweet.
I know that was short and to the point but we can learn about each other through e-mail and dates.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. Well, this isn't much to tell. I'm short, brittle diabetic and dislike managing it, but I'm making it. 3 boys, 21, 19, 15 good kids, no complaints. Have to live at home, with separated spouse, sticks, but I don't have a dime to my name.
Looking for a friend with a sense of humor, clean, doesn't smoke/drink @ Christian. I attend Central Christian Church in Mesa. Grateful for the perspect the sermons and reading the Bible provide.
Would like to see all the National Parks in the US. Have seen all in AZ.
Wear classes to read, dressing up is not a top ten choice. Like blue jeans, sweatshirts, sweat pants, crocs, tennis shoes and hiking boots.
I'm grateful for my kids, my parents and the relationship I have with God and a few close friends out of state.
My parents, aunt, kids and distant friends make me smile. I'm not much of a social-lite, but that can change & I'm willing to try.
My kids, life in St Louis, baseball Cardinals, my parents, the jobs I held in St Louis, participating in triathlons,until I learned I has a brittle diabetic, & trying to turn my life around are what I'm most proud of. I'm looking for someone who can be a friend first. God will let my life unfold.

Meet a soulmate from Mesa, United States. I am a very caring person and love my kids and grandkids, my 22 year old special needs son lives with me. I have 4 kids 2 grandkids i am a caregiver and love my job. I am overweight and want to get in shape. I am just getting out of an an abusive relationship and right now I am looking for a friend and then a relationship. I really want to get to know a person and not rush into a relationship. I love cats and dogs, no reptiles or bugs thanks. I have a good sense of humor and you must have a good sense of humor and understand special needs people

Date someone special from Mesa, United States. I am very easy going and fun to be around. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I am drawn to people with great sense of humor....I love to laugh! I am looking for a friendship first and a relationship second.

Meet a woman from Mesa, United States. No perverts, married or separated men please . Honesty is a plus. Has job, transportation some morals I don't have time to play game. Looking for a man to have fun with to start and will see from there.

Date a soulmate from United States. My friends would describe me as a down to earth, honest and caring gal with a great sense of humor (although bizarre at times) LOL. I enjoy bonfires, get togethers with friends and family, even a friendly night at the bar, but not alone. I even like to fish, but you have to bait the hook. I like trying new things, especially with the right company. What I don't like is the continuos emails that seem to go nowhere. If you like what you see and read, and I like what I see and read, then let's just meet for a casual lunch, or drinks to see if the chemistry is there.
I won't lie to you and tell you I'm a Barbie. I'm not! I'm a little overweight and if you can't overlook that, then please don't waste my time or yours.
I'm looking for a man who can see past the extra pounds and see the loving, caring, faithful and fun person that I am. Someone who will share his innermost thoughts and feelings with me, as I will with him. A man who likes to laugh and"act goofy" at times, but also knows when its time to be serious. Someone who is comfortable both recieving and showing affection. Some one who is HONEST, FAITHFUL and KIND.

Meet someone special from United States. I want Someone that lights up when the see me. Notices and remebers little things about me. And that is willing to help me find my and my glasses Even when Im already wearing them..Im very active so no couch potatoes.

Date a woman from United States. Would like to meet someone with good traditional family values.
Romantic man who can go have fun with his friends, but will still anticipate the next time he's with me. Knowing where the boundries are and upholding them, is a great quality in a man and well worth the search.
I consider myself a cut above the rest of these "Dime a Dozen" women you men have to contend with from what i've seen. I like to consider myself a professional minded women, and a lady.
Was just in a five year relationship, so am not looking to "Crash" into another one. But i'm looking forward to meeting new people and seeing what might be possible since i have friends who have had success here.
I love to cook........either for someone, more fun is with someone. Or just have someone there to watch me,talk with me, or go get me a plate, spatula, or whatever:)
I'm somewhat of a homebody, love just hanging out with a movie.........preferably one with swords, Renaissance style fighting on horseback, or anything Roman or Greek related. Oh yes.......i own all the "Godfather" movies as well:) I do love sports too, not a fanatic, but like Cardinals, Diamond Backs, and can watch the Vikings as long as they don't suck too much,(from Minn.) Suns i don't know too well but can learn fast. I like guy flicks but can appreciate a guy so much better who will sit through a cute, funny, chick flick with me every once in a while. Will not go into anyone's private domain or have them into mine until we have a solid understanding about where we're at. Not a "Scardy Cat" but just not getting into this for a "hookup".

Thanks for spending a moment with me so far...............W

. Serious Topics - Life in general makes me smile because I choose to be optimistic and positive. I believe in purpose and know that pursuit of that purpose brings contentment. I have faith, believe in honor and trust, and in doing the right thing even when itРІР‚в„ўs the hardest thing to do. I know that forgiveness is a greater gift to the one who gives it than to the one who receives it. I believe that a closed mind is a wasted opportunity of discovery. I am fiercely loyal to my family and friends and I am grateful that I've learned to enjoy the moment and appreciate the simple things in life.
Less serious stuff - I'm 47 (although my ego claims I donРІР‚в„ўt look it) with 3 kids who are 22, 17 and 15 (2 at home) IРІР‚в„ўve been divorced for 6 years, only dated occasionally. Why? Well, it takes time to date and free time hasn't been an excess commodity for me in last 6 years. I admit to working too much because I enjoy my job and IРІР‚в„ўm good at it, but I am learning to know when to quit for the day and I am determined to give more time to myself. I donРІР‚в„ўt hang out with a РІР‚?gaggleРІР‚в„ў of women. DonРІР‚в„ўt get me wrong, I need my girly group gossip time but only once in a while. I have many acquaintances but only a few close friends and I am honored to say that my sister is my best friend.
Fun Topics – I love the outdoors and grew up camping, hunting and fishing in the Pacific NW. I enjoy long walks, hikes, and have spent many hours digging for arrowheads with my kids up in Durango. I grew up in a small town outside of Seattle and love water of any kind – oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds (as long as the pond doesn’t stink). I’m not a gym rat and would rather exercise outdoors but admit that yoga has been very helpful to me for several different reasons. I’m a pretty darn good pianist and wish I had more time to play. I’m VERY mechanically challenged – it’s quite annoying. If I can manage to hang a picture straight, it’s a huge accomplishment! Once I fixed the garbage disposal on my own. It really wasn’t a fix but rather a push of the reset button, but I did it without calling a plumber. I bragged about it for months! However, I am quite good at evaluating a process or project and discovering ways to create higher efficiency or success, which has definitely helped my career. I have an overwhelming need to be organized but having 3 kids has managed to temper that trait in me – somewhat. I love to cook and love grilled food but wish someone else would do the grilling. Sometimes I get my nose stuck so far into a book that a bucket of cold water is the only possible means of getting my attention. I can be gullible, which I find quite irritating. I enjoy movies, the History and Discovery channels, but really have little time to watch television. Tradition is important to me but so is the ability to be flexible. I love live music and I enjoy museums and historical sites. I appreciate the simple things like reading the Sunday newspaper with a great cup of coffee or watching the sunset from my patio with a fine glass of wine or just having a good laugh. I prefer jeans and t-shirts, but you’ll find me in a business suit Monday through Friday. Oh, and pedicures – I love pedicures. I’d like to learn the game of golf and learn to scuba dive (I love to snorkel). I’d like to tour Italy and spend time in the Greek Isles. I plan to earn my MA so that I can work as a Child Life Specialist when I retire.
What I am looking for – Finding an honorable man who I can respect is far more important to me than looks, humor or accomplishments, which are great, but not the priority. He can laugh at himself, views life optimistically, doesn’t waste his time on insignificant issues and accepts the differences in the world around him. He likes to spend time together but also understands the value of spending time apart. Finally, he understands that love is a gift and relationships take work so he doesn’t expect me to be perfect.

. I'm an outgoing, vivacious, self-confident woman who is enjoying life. I find it difficult to define who I am but I describe myself as a nurturing giver. I have found that quality is easily taken advantage of but it is who I am and if I have to go through heartbreak to find a man who appreciates my qualities then it is worth it. I refuse to put all men in one category. I love to play hard and work hard. I love my job as I am blessed enough to be able to give hope to other human beings daily even if for just that day. My journey to this point has been joyful, tough, exhausting, life-altering, and an absolute blast. I wouldn't change a thing. I am who I am because of my life experiences. I love intamacy, snuggling, being spontaneous, romance, challenges, peace, commitment, honesty and having a good time. I can be very goofy but also serious if needed. I'm told it is my personality and humor that is endearing. I'm looking for my man. I'm seeking an educated mans man who is very confident and fun. You are looking for a woman you want to go the distance with. You are not uptight, you are spontaneous, you exude personality, you can take charge and can also step back. You meet challenges head on and do not give up. You seek a strong, sexy woman who knows how to be a lady yet loves to get down and dirty camping, fishing and....yes....peeing behind a bush! You are intelligent and are willing to teach me new things as well as learn things that I might be able to teach you. Humility and humor are a must. You are a man any mama would be proud of....

. I work in the construction field, so I have a tendancy to be very blunt. But I love to laugh and need a man secure enough in himself to not take me too seriously. 99% of the time I'm very easy going - but that 1% can keep you on your toes! I love my life and my family and am looking for a partner to share in the adventure. I've spent my life satisfying obligations - now it's my turn, I'm ready to see what the world has to offer.