Date women from United States / Arizona / Sahuarita, 48 year old

Date a woman from United States. Hi! I was born and raised in Dover Ohio and now living in Arizona. Family is very important to me. The closest I have to having kids are my four nephews who I try to see at least twice a year to spoil them. We do everything together. If you have kids - great. I'm a kid at heart as I enjoy playing video games, family get togethers, Disneyland & Disney World. The adult side of me likes to go to Las Vegas. Someday I hope to go to Europe, and down under (Australia). Other times snuggling up and watching a DVD is wonderful. I like to be hugged and told I Love You, or tell me to have a great day, miss ya, etc. I'm trying to find my best friend, soul mate who I can spend the rest of my life with. Must love dogs - no cats as I am allergic to them - sorry! If you are looking for the skinny, toned, athletic type, it's not me. Also I've never been to jail and don't do drugs. I want someone who will take me for who I am and not some stereo type. Relocation is not a problem. So if I am the person you are looking for please email me. But I would also like to know if you are not interested as well so you don't leave a girl to wondering if you will ever respond to their wink and/or email. There are some who are kind enough to do this, but for those who don't I feel sorry for them. When I signed up with this website, I did not plan on living in Arizona. So relocating will be no problem. I've lived in Ohio, New Mexico & Arizona, but not sure where else I want to go. Have a good day. Angie