Date women from United States / Arizona / Apache Junction, 48 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. My family is very important to me. Looking for someone who is layed back but spontanious and cuddly. someone to settle down with, who makes me laugh. I'm not much into the bar scene. I would rather entertain for friends and family at home. I love to play games, monopoly is my favorite. ANYONE OUT OF AZ, NEED NOT APPLY!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am looking for a happy person, who eats pretty healthy, but sometimes cheats (on eating healthy). Loves to camp, waterski, hunt and sometimes fish, but more water sports. Likes to go to concerts and bands, enjoys church occasionally, but aleast believes in God. My friends would describe me as totally out going, can fit in with any crowd, very very honest, just about anything makes me happy, but negative people and people who would cheat to make a buck. My social life is fun! In fact a blast and people love to hang out with me. I hang out with guys more then girls for girls can be evil, jealous and two faced.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I like to cook and would love to find someone special to cook for. I also enjoy camping, Dinning out and traveling, staying at home and watching a good movie. I'm honest and trustworthy and a hard worker and I'm looking for the same in a mate. No drama and I'm not into playing games! No baggage, I live alone but love spending time with family and friends. I would like to find someone with simalier intreats to spend time with and see where it goes from there!

Meet a soulmate from United States. I love dogs, I have a new choco lab named jed he is six weeks old. I am looking for someone to have lots of fun with nothing serious to start I want lots of romance I have had a rough last few yrs and I think I deserve some.Funny guy who loves to romance me and believe me it will be rewarded. Would like for you to like to travel.<br>

Date a woman from United States. i love life and love to have fun, my friends and my family mean the world to me, I love animals. long drives to no where, and walks on the beach or in the woods. so whoever i date has to like the same things or at least be willing to try them with me, i like to make people laugh, and like them to laugh with me and not at me. I love to travel see new places. you never know where your going to end up or how long your going to stay!