Date women from United States / Arizona / Gilbert, 48 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. IРІР‚в„ўm a strong independent woman who enjoys the company of a strong intelligent man, who also has a sense of humor. I am outgoing and love to laugh. Faith and family are important to me. I like to be treated like a lady (Chivalry).

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. First, a couple things you should know...I do not respond to 'winks'. If you are interested, feel free to message me. I dont meet anyone without knowing more about them than whats in their profile. I'll correspond via email, phone, text,.. Not talking about weeks, rather to a point it appears there might be a reason to meet or red flags and there is no reason to. No long distance here, if you are out of the valley area, it's not for me. Also, I not interested in religon but respect your personal choices as I expect mine to be respected.
I am a mother of two grown kids and a Grandma to one and another on the way. I love spending time with my family here and in So Cal. I enjoy cooking, baking and taking care of my house. I have a good job that I enjoy as it allows me the opportunity to do something that makes a difference in AZ and is always interesting.
I lived in So Cal until moving to AZ 8 years ago and I love it! I'm a pretty independent person and know how to take care of myself. I am not desperate, needy or clingy but I enjoy affection and togetherness, just not in a smothering way. I like close, intimate times, dont care too much for loud or crowded places. I also enjoy my alone or quiet time...even when nothings wrong. I am the type of woman that when asked if something is wrong, I will tell you the truth, lol. I dont play games, you will always know where you stand with me.
I love watching football, but not much into other sports. I like an occasional cigar and am not opposed to going to bars, although I dont drink. I also enjoy staying in, movies, pool time, reading.
I have plenty of tattoos, cover them for work and other appropriate times. However, if you dont like them, I'm probably not for you. I am very down to earth, dont care to dress fancy and I DONT wear heels. I wear what is comfortable, usually jeans and tank tops. I'm a very casual person in dress and behavior.
You: I would like to find an honest, strong man who isnt afraid to speak his mind, who can treat me as an equal but can also take control...without being an ahole. I prefer bigger men, but not very overweight or unhealthy. A man with passion, sense of humor, not overly sensitive or easily offended and not afraid to get his hands dirty or smell like a man ;). I man that is dedicated to family and loved ones, but that does not have small children still to raise. I like roadtrips, car or bike. Seeing the state is great as there are so many beautiful places. I'm interested in a man who can take of himself, but would like a woman around to complement his life.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I'm down to earth, easy going, quick to laugh, creative, artistic, outgoing, friendly, compassionate, healthy, well dressed, not jealous or overbearing person. I love both indoor and outdoor activities, exploring life and the world; I like entertainment of just about any kind. I am comfortable in large groups but also enjoy getting to know people one on one. I enjoy sharing life experiences and hearing other people's thoughts and what makes them tick. IРІР‚в„ўm looking for a best friend that is honest and not into playing games. Someone to enjoy life's journeys with that is fun and likes to do a range of different things.

Meet a soulmate from Gilbert, United States. I've been described by most friends as an energizer bunny and I can't really argue that title. I was raised to never say,"that's good enough" just to end a task quickly. I work hard to be proud of what I do. I have a habit of spoiling everyone. My dream is to sit on the beach with a man who wants to share his thoughts with me while watching the sunset (more a sunset girl than sunrise). The ideal day involves an early workout, dirty yard work, a swim then showering for a super romantic dinner date. Maybe even a slow dance with a guy who smells great and dresses well ;) I am not the type to pretend anything in order to manipulate a relationship. If I feel something for you, you'll know it. I would hope that would work both ways. Surprise me. Take me away. Show me your best romantic moves. Sweep me off my feet. I really am worth it
Lets go to the beach!

Date someone special from Gilbert, United States. I am looking for my soul mate and life partner. I would like to meet someone sincere, thoughtful romantic, reliable, caring, faithful, and supportive guy who is not a work in progress. I am looking for a monogamous long term commited relationship. I am emotionally stable, outgoing, educated, and sincere. I enjoy cooking intimate dinner or cooking for a group of friends. I like to stay in and watch a movie as well as go out to dinner and dress up. I enjoy holding hands, cuddling, wrapping our arms around one another, stopping to kiss just because.
He should get along with children and family. He must feel comfortable wearing male sandals and shorts or wearing a tuxedo. I am looking for someone that takes care of his health and physical apperance, someone that is young looking and energetic.I am caring, sexy, romantic, thoughtful assertive, young looking woman. I am looking for the right person to continue enjoying life experiences with. I enjoy cooking low carb, low fat, high protein meals. I like to visit a different vacation spot every year. My favorite color is red. I contribute to the environment my recycyling as much as I can. I recently reentered the dating world. I am not a serial dater and I am hoping to use this dating service for a short time only.
Where are you!!

Meet a woman from Gilbert, United States. I am a true believer in fate and things happen because they are meant to happen. I consider myself a pretty lady with a sense of humor. I even laugh at myself at times. I have a very strong work ethic and it keeps me grounded in my life. I have a passion for the arts and love theatre and museums. I have always enjoyed traveling and love day trips and just getting 'away' from the daily routine of life from time to time. I like to be spontaneous and just 'go with the flow'-- and see how the ending will turn out. I also enjoy walks in the park and at sunset and bike riding. I am closest to my son-- he is soon to be 13 and we are very close. He is the center of my world and keeps me current with the upcoming fads out there.
I want to meet someone who has similar interests and enjoys just exploring what is brought to the table and see how it all
plays out. People rarely get what they seek out of this world but if you do not put yourself out there, ya never know what cards
you are dealt. I am attracted to a man with a sense of humor and not afraid to admit his faults and misgivings- that someone who is grounded in his life and is willing to meet halfway within a relationship and holds a strong sense of intregrity. I have no time for
games and do not have time for it in my life-- my world is hectic enough as it is and too short to fall prey to that.
If you like what you read so far-- shoot me an email and we can go from there!!
Thanks for browsing-- =))

Date a soulmate from United States. I love the simple things in life- a smile, the wind upon my face, the scent of a rose and the ocean waves at sunset. My closest friends would describe me as deeply spiritual and slightly crazy- in a good way! I am grateful for God and the ability to see new aspects of life and the beautiful nature around me.. Lots of things make me laugh out loud and usually are related to dry humor. I am a passionate person about most things in my life. I lived overseas, in Norway,for almost a decade and have a multicultural perspective- I love different cultures and speak several languages so spending 'international' time with others is what makes me thrive.
Obviously I am looking for the man of my dreams. A man that shares similar values. Someone whom I can trust and someone that is willing to make the most out of his life with the talents he has been given. It's great if we can share many activities together such as an athletic lifestyle and as well as intellectual conversation together. It is important that my partner and I have an independent sense of self as well as identity together. As I am deeply spiritual and Catholic it would be important to be able to spend time living out our faith together. I believe that life is constantly in motion and what we can do in our lives changes so that we can get the most out of the time God has given to us. I love the ocean so I can't wait to dive into the water with you and have some fun! Carpe Diem

Meet someone special from United States. My ideal match would someone who wants to travel and see the world. Who likes to give back and is kind to people. Sense of humor is an absolute must. Someone who would appreciate my dry humor. No moodiness or bi-polar, I don't do crazy very well. Someone who is debt free and has a good job.
I am someone who is most proud of and grateful for my three boys (two still at home). I am looking for someone who doesn't take life too seriously and doesn't spend an hour talking about the exact same thing over and over. Someone who will listen as well as talk, with respect and joy. I grew up in a very loving, solid family and would like to recreate a peaceful relationship for my fututre.

Date a woman from United States. I am a mom, a sister, a daughter, and......single.
I love to golf, hike, spend time outdoors, travel, and value my time with family and friends. I am driven and love my job but also know how to balance my time. I am spontaneous, happy, and easygoing.
I am looking for a man who is thoughtful, has a sense of humor, lives a healthy lifestyle, and still opens those doors and is a little old-fashioned:)

. I am grateful for my friends, but I would like to find someone special who likes to laugh and have fun. Although I work a lot, I like to unwind on weekends and discover new places either to hike, dine, or relax in…Getting dressed up to go out for a nice dinner is great, but so is hanging out and watching a movie curled up on the couch.
I love the warm weather, the beach, traveling and just being out doors. I enjoy going to the gym but I'm not obsessed with working out and I like sports. I am a Red Sox fan so hopefully that doesn't chase away any Yankee fans! I am comfortable spending time alone but I do enjoy seeing someone special at the end of the day, or getting together with someone special after a long week.
I am a peacemaker in general and enjoy being drama free.

. The most important thing to me is family.. I look at my kids and couldn't be more proud of the adults they have become. I love nature, listening to the birds, sitting by a stream, loving all of Gods wounders. Long passionte kisses, tender unplaned or unexspected moments that are burned in your heart forever. Great music of all kinds, good movies and most of all that special person to share all of this and more!

. I would say that I am an easy going, fun, honest, responsible, and caring person. I can adapt to most situations, like things drama-free, and my family and friends are important to me. I work hard, take care of myself, and like to keep busy. I enjoy doing many different things such as spending time with family and friends, going out to dinner or happy hour, going to the movies, working out at the gym, but I also enjoy a relaxing, quiet evening at home. I am looking for someone who shares some of the same interests as me, as well as can introduce me to new things. Someone who I enjoy spending time with no matter what we do. If you would like to meet and get to know me better, send me an email. :)