Date women from United States / Arizona / Mesa, 48 year old - page 3

Date a woman from United States. I have been single for a very long time. I just wanted to raise my kids first then it would be my time. Well that time is here. I love the outdoors, hiking, swimming, love the lake, motorcycles, playing in the dirt, going for motorcycle rides. Antique shopping and casinos.
I have 2 grown children out of the house. I spend my time when not at work, traveling to Lake Havasu to be in the water and sun with my parents. I love country music and dancing. I am looking to find someone who enjoys the same things I do and will share his intrests with me. I want someone I can go to the movies or out dinner with or just cuddle up at home and watch a movie . Enjoy a roaring fire and a nice meal. BBQ with friends and family. I am looking for that person that will keep a smile on my face and butterflies in my stomach. And will always love deeply, speak kindly, live life fully.

Meet someone special from United States. I am very young for my age but know what I want at this point in my life. I'm a very kind-hearted, genuine person and believe in treating everyone with kindness and respect. I tend to be on the quiet side but enjoy good conversation with right person. My ideal mate would be someone who is also kind-hearted and genuine like myself. He would be someone that I am attracted to, comfortable with, silly with, and just enjoy spending time with. I am a professional commited to my work but love spending time away from work doing just about anything! I enjoy my time alone but miss having someone in my life for companionship and fun!
Oh yes, and I know this is important for you because it is for me too! Picture are coming soon!

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a pretty straightforward kind of person. I have a really stressful job so when I get downtime I like to laugh and have a good time. I love a quiet night at home sharing a bottle of wine but like to get out and be a little rowdy sometimes too. I am financially, emotionally, mentally and physically stable.....most days. I am not looking for anyone to take care of me or who needs to be taken care of. Really want to find a true partner.
I have a strong personality so its important that you can stand up to that. At the same time not be afraid of being a little vulerable. I say what I think and how I feel so if thats to scary for you, I'm not your girl. My least favorite word on the planet is "perfect"-I am not and I am not looking for someone who is. You do have to be hilarious, fun, at least as tall as me, and employed....would be nice if you were actually interested in what I think and how I feel too.
For me its about the energy you put out there, not what you look like. If you're an outdoorsy kind of guy, even better. I love to be outside as much as possible-hiking, biking, or kayaking. I am a vegetarian but I don't care if you are a carnivore.
I do have tattoos, most are only visible if I choose-freaks some guys out, so if its a problem for you, I want you to know now so you dont freak out in a public place..yep, it happened. Online is always an adventure! I have met some really great guys here, just not THE guy. I am still hopeful that it's possible with a little effort and bravery

Meet a woman from Mesa, United States. This is like the worst writing assignment ever! I am single and would like to find someone to spend time with. You will like me if you liked the smart, geeky girls in school. I work in the field of computer technology and I really enjoy learning about the minute details of how computers and networks work. I do have some social skills since I teach this technology to adult learners.
I am very active and involved in my religion. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You may know us as Mormons.
I really like to laugh and I enjoy life. I am interested in a lot of things I haven't had the opportunity to explore. Having someone to share new experiences with is always more fun.
I wonder if you and I would be a match?

Date someone special from Mesa, United States. I am looking for a man who wants a woman that is loyal. Side-by-side in combat. Partner in crime (hahaha). Real friend. And wants her to be the same.
I am tired of promises that aren't kept. I am willing to give it my all.
I a little crazy- I have a twisted sense of humor and laugh-I am serious about life, because life is serious. I'm frisky and giving but I like to get too!

Meet a soulmate from Mesa, United States. I am looking for the one who is understanding and compassionate, romantic, funny, lively, enthusiastic, fun loving, faithful and honest!
I have accomplished 2 goals set in my lifetime and eager to achieve a third goal in life.
I enjoy pushing the envelope whenever and where ever i good ways...mostly!
Living on the edge...sometimes...has its ups and downsides...that is what keeps life interesting.
Communicating truthfully is very important in a relationship as well as sharing every aspect of ones day...What happens between 2 people should never be viewed as taboo.
If it feels good - do it.
Sharing a spiritual belief is required to obtain the greatest intimacy a couple can share!
Jealousy is good, yet, it can tear apart the best couple if not kept in check. It is important to respect each partners feelings & reasonable needs. Guys, if other males turn their heads to look at your lady...
Please see this as a compliment not a threat!
I believe any day you learn something has been a great day of value.
Striving to learn new things keeps the love and life we are here for... exciting and refreshing!
Time is valuable with it getting more valuable with each passing day...time spent should not be wasted on trivial bs or arguing.
Hope we all find what we are looking, there or inbetween!
Redwolfuss says yahoo....if you seek you will find what your looking for....
Remember to live, laugh, love, learn & be respectful.
Thanks You for your time reading my profile...
Keep your faith alive!
Peace to all....

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. Alright, here goes!... I am a fun loving independent, humanitarian woman who loves to laugh. I enjoy quiet evenings at home with my family. I like cooking, watching movies, walks in the park on a fall sunny day, and good conversations. I love the theatre, love comedy shows, and a nice glass of wine after a long day. I also, love my personal time to focus on my work and/or studies. I have been told that I have a very lively and energetic personality that makes people laugh. I have also been told that I'm a sensitive humble soul underneath it all.
I usually try to see the positive in most things in life... I believe that the only thing in life that is certain is death and taxes; we are here for the most part, let's try and make the best of things. Besides, tomorrow is another day filled with unexpected blessings and challenges. I believe that the ultimate challenge in life is learning about yourself and how to cultivate the best individual you can be for yourself and those around you. However, life is too short to live with regrets. I'm the kind of person who believes: live, learn, laugh, cry (if you need too) and move on... I'm a firm believer in Karma "what goes around comes back around". I like to think that we all play an important role in the journey of life, we just need to learn how to STOP and smell the flowers along the way.
I am looking for a partner that can be my best friend, and lover. A man that knows how to reciprocate in a relationship in just about everything; a man that is intelligent, educated, and considerate. I need a partner that is optimistic about life, have a good sense of humor, and is conscientious. I like a man that can converse intellectually and still be down to earth.
I appreciate and admire a man that practices good moral values in his personal life as well as in his professional life.
Gentlemen! This means no flirting, coming on, or doing my friends or your co-workers. When In a relationship loyalty and respect is key!
I like men that smell good, have good teeth, and practices good hygiene. I like to think a man can go to work, go to the market, cook dinner, be emotionally available for his kids and/or lady, buy flowers on his way out of the market and still have energy to make good love to his lady at the end of the day. All this is vise-a-versa of course! Like, I mentioned earlier... reciprocation is key! I think this sums it up for me.
My pictures were taken less than a year ago. So, I really and truly hope your pictures are up to date. In addition, I am not a thin woman. However, others say I am not full figured at all. I was built for comfort, classiness, strength and beauty.
Only, the honest and truly interested need to inquire. Good luck!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Love football(Chicago Bears) love to cook,especially for the right man. Looking for someone who likes sports,has a sense of humor. A man who who is not afraid to let the child inside come out and play. I do believe that laughter is a cure all.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I hoping to attract a man that could love me for who I am and not what I can give. A man who wants to be with me and not that he feels he has to be and some one who believes in me as I would believe in him. My social life right now needs to be picked up about 120 degrees. What I'm looking for in a relationship is for someone who loves and enjoys the same things i do such as quiet evenings walks holding hands or just someone I can rely on and he could rely on me.

. I am a caring, loving person, who likes to take care of the people I love. I am a christian and hope to find a christian! I want to be #2 (with God 1st) in someones life and won't settle for less. When I meet someone for the 1st time, I like to just meet somewhere for coffee or a soda and talk, dinner is just to awkward. I'm a little overweight, but I'M WORKING ON IT!

. I am looking for the special one, that is the one who will allow me freedom to be myself and share in life experiences.Obviously it will have to be physical,emotional and all other things never experienced before, I have wondered if Arizona is the place.I can be critical and outspoken at times my partner will respect those qualities about me.My partner will have the same in return.We will treasure every moment together good or bad. like a clean house,good food,kids and animals around.I love music especially turned up loud.

. I am normal are you! I hope so. I have been single for 3 years and now ready to date but not sure how, it has been a long time and its scary out there! Read alot of profiles and everyone is looking for barbie, with the perfect life, well im not her, I have a real life with ups and downs, mistakes made and learned from, baggage and strings, a past that is in the past but still rememberd if that makes any sense. My kids are grown and gone but still my kids and like any other mother would always be there when they needed me. Looking for a companion to grow old with and share life with. Enjoy the good as well and the bad times with. Someone i want to rush to see, get excited when he calls and look forward to holding hands with. honesty and respect is important I am both honest and respectful and expect the same in return, i am also humble forgiving and can admit when i make a mistake.