Date men from United States / Arizona / Lake Havasu City, 62 year old

Date a soulmate from Lake Havasu City, United States. A LITTLE UPDATE-- I'M in Spokane, Wa. spending time with some of my children and grandchildren :) :) MORE UPDATE -- really enjoying my family again, UPDATE AGAIN ! Here for a while now deciding about moving here, gave my daughter a list of things that I needed to get me to stay,, a good woman is in the list ! the other things are coming along pretty good, Just you now LOL !!
Don't have time to rewrite all of this but I'm really not as bad as I sound on here, it will take someone more on the unconventional side to click with me outside of the box !!!!!
I am wondering if it is better and easier to stay single. Too much trouble figuring all of this out or it just doesn't fit me like I thought it would. Yes I would like some compatible companionship and the sexual energy,, but it is hard to find. I'm not sure that the chemistry thing still applies to us at this time in our lives.I'm really wondering why a lot of you are on here ?? You wink or send one message and never follow up -- is it just boosting your ego ? or some kind of game ? A lot of you say don't wink - well how are we supposed to know if you are interested ? You don't respond to winks or messages - are you seriously interested in meeting someone ? Most of you say how you don't look or act your age -- maybe that is what you wish to hear from us too !!
So here you go -- I don't look or act my age either!!,, I am very fit and healthy, not a gym rat, it comes naturally and from being a working guy,, I am not ugly or a knock out either, just a pretty normal looking guy - neat and clean, no smoking or drugs of any kind, very light drinking. I'm also not rich but not too poor either, free to travel and settle where ever I wish, no baggage from ex's or past as a lot of you seem to be concerned about,, I can focus on the here and now- in the present,, that means on YOU and relationship.
I am well traveled, well behaved, can carry a conversation and not be over bearing, a gentleman, a bad guy when needed to be,,
This is not to be taken as anger in anyway shape or form,,, I'm just WONDERING ????
Maybe more later, wait and see what any of you might have to say :)
I left for an adventure 3 years ago, just got back to the US. I will be updating all of this. Right now recreating and rediscovering myself.
DECIDED TO SIGN UP AGAIN you would think that with all of the things that I have done I would figure out what to say on here, but I really don't !! I'm a decent guy, gentleman, no drugs,,
I had a whole lot of catchy things to say but can't think of them now LOL ! I was told that I'm not as harsh as my profile might seem :)
I'm a lot better in person !!
What I am looking for in a pardner ---
Don't lie about your age on here
Manners,humility, class, uninhibited, non judging
Age doesn't matter
Money doesn't matter
Reasonably fit
Active - lively but not over bearing
I like women with longer hair
Comfortable with little or no makeup
No enhancements,, natural is great, no matter what size or shape
The chemistry thing is important
Must be adaptable and flexible,, I have friends from all walks of life,, rich - poor - old - young, men - women, different cultures, different ideals,, but they are still my friends.
Oh - I guess it will be a good idea if you are interested in me.
That's all for now

Meet someone special from Lake Havasu City, United States. I am a hard working driven person who enjoys travel, music, travel, etc. Love to meet up with someone that has similar interests. She should be social and enjoy and share my pursuits. She must also be willing to improve herself in the knowledge fields.

Date a man from Lake Havasu City, United States. Conservative man looking for a conservative Christian woman who appreciates being treated well. Retired but enjoy volunteering. Twenty four years sober and saved by grace, I'm looking to be equally yoked with a gentle yet strong and attractive woman. I am loyal and honest to a fault and would hope for the same in a mate. I''m a bit of a news junkie and pretty well informed in politics, history, science, old music, and the stock market. Not so much so in current TVshows, popular celebs or being politically correct.
God is chipping away at me to make me of more use to HIm.

Meet single man from Lake Havasu City, United States. Ok now what could one person say about me that would attract the one I want............well I am fun, friendly outgoing personality, sometimes a smart azz'd type of humor, a lust for life and really all things it has to offer, good cook, dishes, we'll share ;) love the oceans, hiking the mountains, nature, 4X's, HD's, dancing.......but you have to be close, arts n a little culture fit with me just fine, like to kick back leaning on each other and read a book from time to time maybe I won't be able to finish it. ;)))LOL, like movies n plays, live events, love all kinds of music, don't have any pets right now but I do enjoy there company, love my family and friends, have a big family, and "moi" ... just an all around nice guy who happens to know how to treat people, especially ones I care for, am honest to a fault and would prefer (require) a nice caring, cool monogamous relationship with a nice / bad girl, oh do ya think you are a good kisser ? ;) Lots more to this man, just dont think it'll ever end up on a screen :) think you have the same qualities...........hope so ;))) Call me anytime, would love to explore the world with ya. Hugs n kisses I'm just looking for someone simple, honest, caring, who doesn't play the dreaded games, someone who can carry a conversation :) and listen just as intently (when needed) a lady who knows where she's at in life, happy with herself and what she's accomplished. An intelligent, independent, sensous one who cares to share the qualities and yes the trival side of life with an equal. Did someone say compatible :) Byeee
PS ... If by chance I do write you, please have the common courtesy to reply one way or another, the least of which one can do ;)

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. i am greatful for being alive with the few friends that i have. i have only lived in havasu for 12 years and out side of work i really dont do much so i dont do much . maybe go bowling or stay home with my son and watch the tube.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi girls, I am looking for an interesting encounter with an interesting women. I love the outdoors and playing the piano. I am into composing and making the girls cry. If you want to share this journey with me just give me a try!

Date a man from Arizona, United States. lets get together and make it happen go and play out in the desert or ride motorcycle or a road trip lets go to a fleamarketl car show a good show or go for a bicycle ride i am looking for someone to go and do fun things .

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. someone thats likes what i do and i like the same. but will try new tihngs.lets see this part is hard , dont know what to saY,TILL I ME SOMEONE and we can talk.i cant typ enought words to move on so i like to a lot of things and a lot hads to do with the one im with.

Date a soulmate from United States. I fortunately have some very close friends . I would not have a clue as how they might describe me . I think it would be rather egotistical to describe myself . I qualified as a Naval Aviator througth the NAVCAD program with only a high school education . Flew 144 combat strikes over N. Vietnam,98 over S. Vietnam , Laos . Shot down and recovered from Tonkin Gulf in 3/13/1968 . Made three WESTPAC cruises into the war zone . activated in 1991 for Desert Storm . Flew 10 combat mission against Iraq . Retired from active reserve status in 1992 . I am in good health , still have all the hair and teeth I grew up with . I do like the ladies that are attractive , intelligent , easy in nature , with a good personality and sense of humor . I have as busy a social life as I care to . sometimes I get too busy , and rather stop and smell the roses , or watch paint dry . I enjoy a good laugh . There are a lot on the internet . I really enjoy a joke at the expense of these clowns in political office . I fought in three wars for this country , I am passionate about saving America from socialism and financial oblivion . But , life does go on , and I sure am going to keep on enjoying it the best I can , while I can


Date a man from United States. I feel that I have spent most of my life trying to help others,but only to find that most just don't want to help themselves.Ihope to find that special person that will contribute as well as accept. I want to wake with a smile and to inspire one to someone else. I really can't say anything about myself that doesn't change depending on who I'm with and/or what is going on around.I can say that I have no time for the Drama,Life can be so much more fun without it.

Meet single man from United States. I am a nice guy open to a relationship LT I believe there needs to be chemistry both physical and mental. My match would be intgerested in a physical as well as emotional relationship as the physical relationship is very important to me