Date men from United States / Arizona / Superior, 47 year old

Date someone special from Superior, United States. I'm looking for that special someone who can make my heart smile, a healthy relationship inclusive of trust, consideration and honesty.
About me....6'4' 190lbs, good shape for an old guy :-)
Eating healthy and exercise is important to me.
Financially responsible, debt free.
My back ground, professionally, is sales and small business management.
I traveled a lot when I was younger and probably wasn't the most responsible person ( that's the main reason, I think is to why that I never married) but I'm in better place now in terms of supporting a healthy relationship. I can explain all that stuff later.
I'm originally from Texas, Dallas (surenuff) I actually don't talk like that :-) Four years Air force serving our great country. Conservative values, with empathy. I love dogs and little children and old people (love their knowledge).
I was never bless with kids however :-(
Places I've lived; Houston, San Antonio, Atlanta, Charleston, Aspen, Durango, New Jersey ( are you kidding me!!! Jersey, what was I thinking? ) Durango's my favorite.
47yrs old, look ten years younger and act 30yrs younger at times, I've been told anyway. Lost youth for whatever, various, miscellaneous, really doesn't manner anymore, reasons. I've been on my own since I was 15yrs. I would still like to recapture some of those feelings I missed out on with that "someone special" perhaps we both can accomplish the same.
I'm a cancer survivor with an appreciation of life and a better understand/perspective of what is actually important. Smiles and laughter and being happy is very important :- )
I believe in doing the next right thing and going from there.
What I'm looking for....
A good person with a good heart, someone I can grow old with and build timeless memories :- )

Meet a soulmate from Superior, United States. I value….
My 3 year old son.
And a few more things in no particular order –
My mom. 3 older sisters. A deal with a hand shake. People who say what they mean and mean what they say. Living by the Golden rule. The Green Bay Packers. Classic rock and roll. A good steak. Sushi. Seafood. Hiking. Sailboats. Snowboarding. Pool. Golf. Scuba diving with Whale Sharks. River rafting. Camping. Small airplanes. Wood carving. Seeing something in a store and making it yourself. People who take care of themselves. Extreme sports that you won’t catch me doing. Helping your neighbor. Bar B-Q with friends. Running 26.2 miles. A top shelf Marg. Micro brews. Ice cream and Oreo cookie cake. South Park (cartoon). Modern Family. Stand-up comedy. Classic comedy movies Wit. Almost all dogs, especially Border Collies. Cooking(once I get started) Still reading? Just a few more. The Brewers(baseball and micro). The Colorado Rockies (baseball and the mountains). Jimmy Buffet. James Taylor at Red rocks. Film on the Rocks. Back stage at Red rocks. Strong work ethic. The Midwest. Kauai. Good coffee. Conquering the challenge of a new career. Self-reliance. Taking chances.
I don’t value…
Excessive shopping. Political extremist (either way). Living beyond your means. Laziness. People who use Facebook like their diary. Top 40. Show-offs. News that really isn’t news. People who talk just to be heard.
Let me know if you share any of these. I would love to hear from you.