Date men from United States / Arizona / Glendale, 65 year old - page 2

Date single man from Glendale, United States. Widowed one year ago and recently moved to Phoenix from Las Vegas to be near G-Kids. Looking for someone to have fun with. I enjoy good conversations and laughs, and a great meal. Love to play competition pool in tournaments and would like to share that with someone.

Meet a man from Glendale, United States. I'm looking for someone with a keen sense of humor, love of travel, an optimistic outlook on life, willingness to overlook my eccentricities, high energy level, yet able to relax when the occasion requires. The ability to make me laugh is a big plus.

Date someone special from Glendale, United States. About me: I was born and raised in Germany, on a farm, among lots of animals and lots of nature, so those are in my blood. That made me first of all a down-to-earth, self-reliant man. Came to the US at ten years old, and am therefore a mix of Old and New World attitudes, values, approaches. I’m idealistic, a romantic, I like to back the underdog, standing up for and doing what I think is right, and I am true to my word!
One of my childhood heroes was Albert Schweitzer, a doctor who went to Africa to set up a clinic in the jungle, but not without somehow taking an organ with him so he could play his beloved Bach!
After coming to the States I grew up in L.A., then found myself in North Carolina as a guest of the US Army, where I was a Special Forces Medic. (Must have been the Schweitzer influence). For a young man, the Army and the South were radicalizing experiences, and changed my politics completely (to the left). I also fell in love there for the first time, built myself a house with my proverbial bare hands on ten acres of beautiful forest while getting a degree in Zoology from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Masters from Duke.
At this time I was bitten by the film bug and moved to Manhattan to attend NYU Grad Film School for my MFA, and became a film-maker. I pursued that career both there and later in LA where I worked as a cinematographer and traveled a good part of the world for many years, work that I loved, but in an industry that was at best difficult for someone with values of honesty and integrity and a desire to raise a family. When my marriage ended I stopped pursuing that vocation in order to be there for my two young daughters, who needed my presence in their lives and who now have grown into two strong, intelligent, beautiful young women of whom I am immeasurably proud. I now work as a builder/ contractor (which I also enjoy) and still do some shooting occasionally (3 music videos recently).
I believe life should be lived with a certain intensity, a certain passion. One ought to look for the path that is more challenging, not always the easy one. One of my favorite sayings is Viktor Frankl’s “What is to give light must endure burning”.
All this sounds pretty monk-like and serious, but I am not. I LOVE to dance, sing like a wild man, and throw great parties. I’m funny, love stand-up comedy (the bravest and most immediate art form) and almost any and all music. Can’t say I’m much of a cook, tho. Currently I’m coaching an Under-8 boys’ soccer team. Great fun, but similar to herding cats.
I had a vegetable garden till recently, where I sometimes ate dinner fresh right off the vine. Mmm.
About you: You are open-minded, well-read, spontaneous, outgoing and out-spoken. You are educated AND intelligent, and pretty. You believe that inside everyone there is a good person who deserves respect and understanding, regardless. You are persistent, not easily turned from your goals. You are athletic and don’t mind sweating. You can talk about almost anything, are not afraid of bugs (spiders excepted) and are willing and able to get your hands dirty. You are interested in quality, not quantity. You are more Norma-Jean Baker than Marilyn Monroe.
You are kind, generous, loving, and forgiving. You laugh a lot, can dance, enjoy a crossword puzzle, and like plays and good films You are trying hard to live the life you want, and are comfortable in your own skin.
Can’t wait to meet you.

Meet a soulmate from Glendale, United States. I am a very out going person,like going to movie watching sports, walks on the beach , going out to dinner some times. I also like going on walks,I like a women who like to do a lot of the same things. A women who what she wants in a man.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I am not so sure of how to go about this, but, I will try. I am presently with my two adult, single, loving who are finishing their studies in healthcare.
I came to the US sometime in 1985 from Manila. I finished my BSC in San Beda College and MBA in Dela Salle University.
I have woked for several banks here in LA. I am now working for a third-party pension plan administration company for over 10 years.
I love to watch comedy and Korean tele-novelas as well as playing mahjong on weekend. I am not the brooding type. I like to be in company of smiling, happy people.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Easy going, appreciative of a sensual woman, faithful and easy on the eyes.I can be an excellent companion, not looking for arguments, head games, or complications, I'm at a point in my life that all I want is to enjoy the rest of my life and reciprocate to any woman that helps me accomplish this goal.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. don't spend a lot if time thinking about myself. Just do what comes naturally. Others seem to think I am very focused on whatever it is that I am doing, whether writing , expounding on political issues, listening to music, meditating, tasting great wine or trying to catch a fish. That is probably true. But I would just say that I love life. We focus on what we love, right?
I've given some of my interests and pleasures in other parts of this profile.
You'll be the best judge of who, and what I am once we meet and get acquainted. The proof is in tasting the pudding, not what the cook says about it.
My only request: Since I had the courage to post my mug in this profile, please have one in your profile, or include one in your message. Looks are certainly not the most important aspect of a relationship, but one would like to avoid extreme surprises upon first meeting.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am semiretired, continue to work because I love my work, as the saying goes "if you love what you do, you do not have to work again". I play tennis 4 times a week, love cooking and eating. Looking for a woman who cares and gives part of herself as much as she expects a reciprocal affection and care from her mate. I do enjoy the life with its ups and downs, knowing well that "you do not take anything with you when the day comes to go". I am seperated and will go thru a divorce, loneliness is a virtue given to God only, we need soul mates, play mates and intimacy.