Date men from United States / Arizona / Black Canyon City, 65 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Iam just a good old boy who Loves life and enjoy other for what they are. I would like to make you smile and be happy. And I would like you to do the same for me. Life is too short to have a dark cloud over you. But I know that it happen sometime, and we could help each other to over come it. Some times I'm spontaneous and playull. I'm a honest ,caring, and very passionate with the right person. I have a good sense of humor, and I'm sometime the life of the party.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a retired Mortgage Underwriter who works 4 nights a week in the Electronics Department at Walmart. I grew up in a small farming community West of Chicago. My Grandfather owned a cattle farm where I spent my formative years learning the Midwest work ethic.
I am a individual who has a lot of energy and doesn’t really care about any difference in age (as long as 2 people enjoy each other why let age or what other people may think stand in their way) I am honest, patient, loyal, trustworthy, romantic and have a great sense of humor. I really care about people and like to think a smile or a kind word or deed helps make their world just a little bit better. I am also very gregarious and comfortable in most situations. I believe people should take pride in their appearance, their home and their work. Of course, I also have some less than desirable traits but there has to be some things you need to discover.
Interests include spur of the moment day trips, antiquing, most sports, outdoor activities including swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, hunting and camping. I enjoy a good game of cards, scrabble or backgammon. I have owned several horses and a motorcycle. When I lived in the Midwest I always had a vegetable garden. I do enjoy downloading music and movies on the computer. I do a couple of songs pretty good at karaoke and enjoy dancing once in a while. And while some may consider gambling inappropriate I do like going to a Casino every once in a while. One thing I don’t like is talking about myself and using (I) over and over.
What am I looking for in a woman? The obvious is having the same values and interests as me but equally important is she has to have her own set of values and interests. I want to learn new things from her. A good conversationalist, someone who can compromise when appropriate but will also stick to her convictions: someone who will put me in my place when warranted and those times will come up occasionally. And, although this is quite vain, I do enjoy being with a nice looking woman who is comfortable with herself.
I know this was a rather lengthy description of who I am and what I am looking for but I feel it is only fair to the one who is reading it. If I have peaked your interest feel free to contact me just please respect 2 things. You must have a picture and absolutely, no games. Last year I lost my youngest son, the one in the picture. Earlier this year I was given a 1 in 5 chance to live. Obviously, I survived but I really don’t need someone leading me on (it has happened even with this request) Please show me a little compassion.
Thanks and hope to hear from you.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I've always been kind of shy and introverted.
If it wasn't for dancing I'd probably never have
met a woman and have three beautiful, grown children. I ended up in a teacher training class
for Fred Astarires after I got out of the military
when was 22. After learning and teaching
dancing for 4 years I lost a little of my shyness.
I like to play tennis.