Date men from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 65 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a warm, affectionate, good humored person who possesses a nice smile, postive attitude and healthy body with an intelligent brain. I am nice looking and athletic. My interests include most sports, especially playing golf and watching football, baseball & basketball in person or TV. I enjoy many styles of music and appreciate ANY kind of special gifts/talents people may gives me goosebumps to see/hear a great performance of any kind. Yard work is a great hobby of mine. I consider myself gregarious and meet new people easily and nurture long term friendships. I have a graduate degree, but do not utilize this degree formally in my current profession. What I have learned in my business life is mostly self-taught... some times the hard way. I value and love my 2 sons whom I've raised by myself since they were 5 & 8 (now college grads, not at home).
I'm not sure what my perfect match is....I probably have not met her yet. My visualization is that of an attractive, physically fit, intelligent lady who loves life, sports, and easily has fun and is easy to talk with and passionate about her life.. and me. Chemistry (attraction-magnetism-physical affection) is very important to me... as is the loyalty of her love. Maybe it's YOU?? Whatever the outcome, I wish you the best possible happiness in your life and pursuit of your perfect MATCH.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Iam looking for best friend/lover who will be there throught thick and thin. Iam retired and have homes in prescott and chandler. I would like to find someone who likes to hike, ride bikes, and travel to national parks. I like to go to dinner, see a movie. go dancing, and I enjoy just being home watching tv or working in the yard. I am pretty much normal guy, not into hunting or playing golf, I used to play but got tired of not playing good without practicing.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Educated, intelligent, personable, kind, passionate, romantic, straightforward, authentic, a balanced person in all ways. I'm a writer and editor. Though older, I'm looking for someone younger because I'm extremely young in many ways. In you, I'm looking for someone loving, genuine, and romantic. I'm not in any way a player, not looking for casual, but would like to share my life with someone who is truly interested in connecting deeply. If you want to know what I mean, take a look at Dr David Schnarch's books Passionate Marriage and Intimacy & Desire. I'm talking about being able to connect heart to heart, both in ordinary life and during sex. I want to tune my partner in during times of ecstasy, not tune them out as so many do. I am resilient, peaceful, joyous. I can be both quiet and the life of the party. But when I say quiet, I don't shut someone out, don't pout, don't carry resentment. I believe emotions are to be felt, which means neither suppressing and denying them, nor venting them. Being with everything we are feeling is what empowers real connection.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I work out of a small office with little chance of meeting single people. Hence the online effort. Add to that household chores, yard and pool maintenance and I find myself in a rut and I can't get out.
I am a down to earth blue jeans kind of guy and prefer a sports bar to a night club.
I am in good health and try to keep in shape. I enjoy outdoor activity (except during football season) to include tennis, motorcycle riding and occasionally a beer on the back patio. I also enjoy dining out. Mainly because I am not that skilled at cooking and those frozen dinners get old real fast. I can do burgers on the grill, but you can only eat so many of those in a week.
Ok then, traits that I look for in a women. Well besides the obvious, I like someone that is intelligent, has sense of humor, and can inspire me to do something besides yard work on the weekends.

Date someone special from United States. i have been in business for over 40 years a good hard worker. i love to travel and walk b eaches holding hands and cuddling. w in the evening sitting in the hot tub having drink star gaze watching the moon having a dip in the pool.sitting in my court yard by the fireplace having a grand marnier in a brandy snifter and listening to about the past and the future.

Meet single man from United States. A good balance of work and pleasure. Having a dog would be nice and a place to work in the landscape. Someone with traditional values and some life experience. I love the military and the sport of shooting. Music is also high on my list. I am a huge Dennis Prager fan. MUST LOVE DOGS AND DENNIS PRAGER. I will meet with most anybody that shares Dennis Pragers values and mine. I am a really good guy. You want to meet, use Prager as a password.

Date a soulmate from United States. I work out on a fairly regular. Looking for that person who knows who she is , but isn't affaid to be a women. I like to go to dinner after maybe go dancing. Or just sit around talking and get to know each other better. I am better in person I spent my whole life talking to people, and or on the phone than on a computor,. and I am not really looking for a women who want to be pen pals,who want to and see she is dealing with want to see the expression on someone face when they talk to each other.please don't try to bs me I spent thirty years in sales and can pick out bs very quickly ,

Meet a man from United States. I am a native Arizonan. I am an easy going gentle man who loves life and all it has to offer.
Being active is important to me: hiking; sailing; biking; exercising; dancing; traveling (ready to go back to Italy and Greece); golf; live theatre. But life can be great doing anything with that special person.
I am looking for a woman who is affectionate, active, loving, confident, attractive, intelligent, compassionate, fun, spiritual, emotionally stable, financially independent. Asking for a lot? Sure, but I have a lot to offer. And if you are a great kisser...oh my God! Life as we know it might change forever. Oh yes, please love dancing! You don’t have to be Ginger, but at least be willing to dance with me with a smile and let me lead you.
So what would life look like if you had an awesome relationship with someone who adored, cherished, and loved you unconditionally? As I see it, LOVE is an action word. Sentiments expressed are great, but they are no substitute for actions.
Being vulnerable is scary, but I am willing to take that risk again. Dating is fine, but I am ready for romance and marriage to the right woman and my last love.
Please no winks or profiles without pictures. I have posted mine, so it is only fair that I get to see yours.
It isn’t likely that just reading this profile will make your heart sing; only building an awesome relationship will do that. So get with it and send me an email!

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. I'm a hard working person...who needs some time to relaxes and have fun with a out going person.I'm in the Arizona Music Hall of Fame...I love going out to dinner/ Movie...afterwards..are dancing at a night club

Meet single man from Chandler, United States. i like to relax and have fun i dont like to be serious all the time i would like someone with a good sense of humor open minded and careing. someone who is close to their family i dont want a woman who will try to change me and i dont want her to change for me i want a what you see is what you ge woman looks are not that important hey after all i am not all that loljust be a good person and honest

Date a soulmate from Chandler, United States. Iam a very considerate kind loving man who enjoys life and family. I am energetic and funny laughter is really important in life even if we laugh at ourself. I have alot of different interest in life and love the mornings with my first cup of coffee and just thinking about the day ahead. The interest I have are golf, fishing, gardening and garage sales, estate sales, drag racing, dancing and more. I enjoy activities outdoors as well as indoors and barbecue picnics with friends. I would love to find someone to share my life with and enjoy happy times, someone who can communicate well and show affection to the one they love. I know we all have memories but I would like to find someone to make new memories with kind of a new beginning for the both of us. There are alot of other things that i can say about myself but I will save some of them until I meet that special someone. Hope to hear from some of you and maybe we can meet for a cup of Tea or Coffee and talk you never know what can happen.
My perfect match would be someone who is kind, loving and a person of the heart. I would hope she is a 1 man woman who enjoys sharing and that really wants to be together more with him than friends. She should be family oriented self confident and sure be about what she needs to be happy in a relationship. I hope she likes to laugh to have fun and be happy in the things that we could do together no matter what it is. She should be health minded and take care of herself physically and mentally. I hope that of all things she can communicate well, and be open and not afraid to say what is on her mind.I believe communication is important and being able to express your feelings no matter what they may be. Iam sure we all have had past relationships were the lack of saying what you really wanted to say came back at us in a bad way. So lets Talk and see what happens.

Meet a man from Chandler, United States. Be a nice loving lady, like to dance, play golf, travel and no Baggages. I would say I am set in my ways and iI would say thay are good ways. I am vary happy with my live. It would be nice to have a lovley lady to share and care for . And hope she would return the care for me