Date men from United States / Alaska / Craig, 38 year old

Date a man from Alaska, United States. Not really good at describing myself, I'm a bit humble. I am grateful for my friends and family. Like to get out and go on adventures. Looking for someone to listen and understand me and definately not try to change me.

Meet someone special from Alaska, United States. I am looking for a outgoing, fun person, who just wants to hang out and have fun. That what life is about if you are not having fun you are not doing it right. I am not into drama or game playing. I love to be outdoors fishing, camping, hiking. I have alot of hobbies....kinda hobby A.D.D. sometimes. I am really in to guns and shooting. I also like a quiet night on the couch watching movies, or dinner at a nice resteraunt. I like to travel, and explore. I like local history and I read alot. I have a daughter that is my partner in crime, my sidekick, and my mentor. I dont have any pets, but really want another dog, I miss mine badly, soooo if you have a dog and want to share, please give me a wink. I am a pretty low key guy, T-shirt shorts and flipflops are my idea of casual.

Date single man from Alaska, United States. someone to treat me with the love and respect i will give be on the crazy side yet still know the resposability of a relationship. i tend to attract the needy women..would like a woman to be able to bring anything to the table.