Date men from United States / Alaska / Seward, 38 year old

Date single man from Seward, United States. I have never been married and I have no children. I like to relax and watch movies. I also enjoy going on runs and hikes. I am looking for a woman who is attractive, smart and fun to be around. (I know aren't we all) I
I am stable and I don't live in my parents basement and play D&D. I have a good job, a home and a truck. I am not looking for instant marriage. I am looking for someone to hang out with, go to dinner with, go to the movies with, go on hikes with and generally just have a good time. Basically I want to meet a good friend and then see how things go from there.
I have made some realizations about myself. I would rather be alone with some happiness than have to settle in a relationship and not be happy and have regrets.

Meet a soulmate from Seward, United States. Looking for a woman who is into being outdoors. I have long-term goals of establishing myself in a remote location and would like to share this dream with another. I enjoy hunting, fishing, and gardening for subsistence purposes and am educated in alternative energy resources.