Date men from United States / Alaska / Haines, 46 year old

Date a man from Haines, United States. I'm a free thinker with an open mind, a keen sense of humor and an adventurous spirit. I like to ponder and discuss life's mysteries, laugh often and explore the world around us.
I enjoy traveling but there is a lot to experience and learn close to home as well. I can be outgoing and quite animated at times and yet I am just as comfortable sitting quietly. I am very versatile and adapt to situations well. People tell me I am smart but I don't have any need to prove that to anyone. They tell me I'm handsome but I think they exaggerate. I'm told that I am funny and I hope that is true because I like to see people laugh and smile. People say that I'm honest, generous and kind and that is because of the way I was raised.
I'm hoping that you share many of these traits and more. I want to be challenged. Ideally we would inspire each other to experience new and greater things. You are an individual and truly an original, as I am.
I love my job as the Program Director at a radio station. As a child I had wanted to be a DJ. Now I are one. I get a great amount of satisfaction from entertaining people. Working with so many different types of people and the many different music genres they enjoy gives me a wide spectrum of influences. Although I listen to all types of music, I'll admit that Indie Rock, Alt Country, Dance Music and Punk/Garage Rock are my favorites. Keeping the public informed of current events and the dissemination of information is the serious side of my job and I welcome the responsibility.
When not at work, I love to enjoy nature any way possible whether hiking or camping or some other activity one weekend, then hit the city nightlife the next. Maybe even do both in the same weekend. Nature boy one minute and city boy the next. I also like to stay around the house and cook dinner, watch a movie or read a book.
I am quite fond of old movies, film noir and pretty much anything in black and white really. I am also a fan of independent film. Some favorite modern filmmakers are David Lynch, Sam Raimi, Jim Jarmusch, the Coen Bros. and Quentin Tarantino.
I like a good plan but spontaneous adventures can be very exciting. I'm very reliable but rarely predictable and refuse to get stuck in my ways. Change is good. It may be difficult at times, but it is good for you.
There you have it. Are you curious? Don't worry if we live far apart, you would probably like where I live (most independent travelers who visit end up moving here, as I did, or wish they could) and I have no aversion to relocating if something special comes my way.