Date men from United States / Alaska / Juneau, 64 year old

Date a soulmate from Alaska, United States. Hi, am hoping to meet someone who I can journey through life with. Am open to call kinds of people, but you must be a nice, thoughtful and considerate person. Please no meanies need respond. Let's get together and get to know each other!

Meet single man from Alaska, United States. Hi there...I'm in good contact with myself and the innermost self, where as I listen and learn what a person is saying an doing. I like to think outside of the box when ever possible. Very open minded. Love to have fun! Adventious, as most people here in Alaska are. I'm a kind of old fashion guy & have cowboy in my DNA, with style,morals & values.I like listing to the sounds of my mind, silences speaking volumes when I'm intune with another. Who loves rock-n-roll and about all other kinds of music. (Please,NOT much Rap.though)...I'm seeking a woman, that has her own interrests, but, we share together common interrest as well. Developing a long term relationship is, learning about that person and being surprised and delighted at the ranges of experiences, talents, abilities and emotions that a new friend can bring to life, someone that I can trust and admire, honesty is most important. The lady I'm seeking, must value always hearing the truth, she values a man who does not cheat, she appreciates his kindness toward others and animals. Someone by-my side to share the beauty and rarities that life has to offer is something that I cherish most. With lots of passion and compassion..(Not looking for any drama.) Someone who cares, intelligent and beautiful, but the beautiful-ness on the inside, the inner beauty,I'm looking for,(The eyes,one tells:)who does take care of herself, so you have to be pretty fit. A must is having fun an share similar interest. I love to bird watch,not as good as I want to be, but,loving it all the same ,good way to be outdoors. I also do know, that sometimes opposites do attract, and this is where fire of passion comes together an make a relationship hot an spicy,which is good, very good.It would be hard to leave Alaska, but, with the right woman (Lady),I would think carefully about it....NOT!.... Alaska,reigns me in and gives me, my modest attitude an spirit(humbles me)the most beautiful spirited place in this country,I think, which I call home. And I also think love does make the world a better place and things turn out the way they do for good reason.That is a little of my optimism. So all I can say is.. Some of the best things in life are total mistakes. Good luck on your journey, have lots of fun and smile the more smiles shared the more we donate. Thank you for viewing my profile.Your, picture is only fair.