Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchor Point, 67 year old

Date single man from Anchor Point, United States. my closest friends describe me as very caring/helpful.I am very proud of rasing my 4children,and their accomplishmentsin life so far.I am gtateful,to be retired and living in Alaska,which has been a lifetime dream.I am hoping to find a woman who is interested in sharing this lifestyle,with me,asbest friend and soulmate.I live in a fairly rural area,so at this time,I have a fairlylimited social life.Ican laugh out loud,at some of thesupposed human traits,of some of the people,that I come in contact with.I find that human nature can be rewading to watch,at times.Ifind I am most passionate,about sharing intimate moments,with theperson,thatI love and care about.