Date men from United States / Alaska / Anchor Point, 47 year old

Date single man from Anchor Point, United States. honest and hard working man who likes to hunt and fish looking for a honest woman who enjoys the outdoors and likes to go out for dinner now and then and occasionally go out drinking also must like animals

Meet someone special from Anchor Point, United States. I am a careing kind of guy I almost always put others needs in front of my own . I always do my share of work be it in the house or yard or to go play . I dont like to be lied to dont think many people do but it seems like many people lie even if the truth sounds better ( I havent got a clue why ) I try to be puncual but am not always succesful .I enjoy intelegent conversation but do not like people who bs there way through life trying to make people think they are smarter then they really are . honesty is important .

Date a soulmate from Anchor Point, United States. I am an average guy, I like the same things most guys like . I treat people farely. I dont like to be used or cheated just like anybody else., I work hard & expect those around me to do the same , I am dissapointe alot . poeple in general seem to be selfish . & am I try to stay away from that type of person, with little sucsess.I hate people that always expect u to be there for them & are never are there for you! Life is to short to have this type of people in my life .