Date men from United States / Alabama / Cullman, 36 year old

Date someone special from Cullman, United States. Hi! My name is Matthew. I consider myself a good person but by no means perfect. There was only one perfect person, but unfortunatley Superman isn't real. If you asked my friends what they would say about me, they would say "How did he get out of jail".I have been blessed with a great family who taught me self worth and the advantages of a positive outlook. I am somewhat shy and often use humor to overcome that. I believe that it is your responsibilty to use the little time you have in life to make the most out of the gifts God has given you no matter how big or small. My Dad was a baptist preacher so obviously I drink a lot. I'm no prude, sitting around watching G movies and going to bed at 8pm (usually 9pm thats when Matlock is over). I am somewhat of a geek which seems to be "in" now, finally all that comic book collecting as a kid will pay off. I like to go to the gym about 4 times a week,its a Curves, can't believe they haven't kicked me out yet. Thats about all I can think of if you wanna now more just ask.
I am looking to meet like minded girls who appreciate the value of a good person. She would be independent but also have a little bit of that girlish vulnerability. She would think of others but not base her self worth on what others think. She could take a joke as well as dish it out. She would look at home with a glass of wine at a dinner party or tail gating with a solo cup full of beer. If she is not an Alabama fan then thats not a deal breaker but it is bonus points. This may sound like a lot but I am really not that hard to please trust me. Thanks for the look and good luck.