Date men from United States / Colorado / Grand Junction, 47 year old

Date someone special from Grand Junction, United States. My membership expires 8/8/12 Don't think I will be on here after that....So I guess you could call this a "fire sale"
I wish all of you who are looking the greatest success in finding that special someone in your life.
Not sure about the internet thing, but what the I have learned a lot about myself being single again, and hopefully I am becoming a better person each and every day. One thing I have learned is that life is too short not to enjoy every minute and we should all take time to let the special people in our lives know how much they mean to us. My outlook is that anyone who touches your life in a positive way should know how much they are appreciated. Not easy to remember to do, but very important and fun to give those good feelings when the opportunity comes about.
I am looking for a partner, soulmate, lover and friend. I am very loyal and giving and am looking for the same in a relationship. I am a bit of a smart a**, and seem to have the ability to make those around me laugh.
I want a person to share my life with, to have passion, love, trust and fun. I am a romantic at heart and look forward to finding that person I can grow old with. Life is a blessing, but even more blessed when shared with someone special.
So if you like to laugh and have a good heart, I would love to hear from you.

Meet single man from Grand Junction, United States. I moved from Texas to the Grand Valley in July and would welcome all the local knowledge I can getl. I was a sports journalist for more than 20 years but have decided to change careers and that means moving to attend school for another round of classes and the like. I will be pursuing a B.S. in Geology (I already have a B.A. in Journalism) followed by a Master's and possibly my PHD. But baby steps first. I do know that, after growing up in Texas and working for newspapers all over the western US, Colorado is the place I want to live. So here I am. And hopefully, my soul mate is here waiting for me.
Could you be her? Obviously it takes two to make a relationship work so here are a few things about me that you will have to work with. I'm shorts, tennis shoes and a ballgame but have been know to suit up for the symphony. I prefer beer and enchiladas but not opposed to sushi and sake. I'm serious about my golf but in no way do I take it seriously. I would much rather be outdoors than indoors, especially if that means getting lost in a forest or wiping out in the snow. I'm a land lover but looking forward to trying my hand at kayaking. I'll travel anywhere to play golf but take the time to catch the sights once I'm there. I think sports stadiums are as romantic as a cottage in the woods and love to spend time in both. I can be found in the kitchen making a masterpiece as well as a mess before curling up on the couch with a good movie and a bottle of wine. I can find humor in anything and often do at everyone's expense, including my own. Life is a work in progress and I would enjoy the hands of another helping me shape the unknown future.
The companion I'm looking for is confident but not overbearing. Intelligent but not condescending. She's independent but desires an equal. She's serious about her career but knows how to have fun. Set in her ways but likes to try new things. Must be willing to attend sporting events, concerts featuring bands past their prime, movies under the stars and endure long drives that have no destination. Willing to eat just about anything I attempt to cook, join me in my quest for the ultimate in beer and wine, make travel plans based on golf courses and be as much of a Texan as I am, or willing to deal with the Texas attitude.

Date a soulmate from Grand Junction, United States. Hi! I'm a mountain climbin', trail runnin', mountain bikin', and all around nice guy...maybe too nice for my own good. I grew up mostly in Cincinnati, but now am really happy to call the Grand Valley my home. I love the outdoors and that's what keeps me going living in GJ. I trail run, mountian bike, hike and scramble around in the mountains as much as I can. This winter I'll get in as much cross-country and back-country skiing as 'powderly' (it should be a word) possible.
I really enjoy traveling and experiencing new places and cultures too. Last November I tramped all over the south island of New Zealand. I'm thinking about going to Greenland or Ecuador next. Want to join me?
I'm looking for YOU, if you share some of my interests and want to introduce me to some new things as well. I've only lived here for a little more than 5 years, so I'm looking to make some more friends and share some great times. Thanks for looking at my profile!

Meet a man from Grand Junction, United States. I have lived a great life so far and only see it getting better. Have learned to love mother earth and the people she inspires. I have a crazy, almost childish sense of humor which keeps me feeling young. I adore being outside and I gravitate towards people who are positive and non-judgemental. I don't have time for people who complain all the time. I love The idea of making a woman feel the way she should. I think being in love is the most amazing experience we can know. And I have always thought, although we only go around once on this big old sphere, if you do it right, once is all you need. Peace.

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I work hard play hard make money and friends luv animals, big boats motercycles, cattle, horses. hope to find some fair maiden to share all with , friends first and we will hope for more later, do not use computer well as u can see lol

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. fun, trustworthy, honest,hardworking,like to do things on the spur of the moment,i like hanging out with family and friends. like to do things for people and help them when i to cook and entertain outside with friends.I am looking for someone to hangout with,go places with and a life long sol mate most of all a best friend.

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. First, about my status. I'm separated and divorcing amicably, the final divorce pending my wife having a job and insurance again. She's in a field that will cover her well when she re-enters it, but for now is covered through my job. I am not in a hurry to start a new relationship, but am here because I want to be able to hope for one. I am a good letter writer and would like it if we wrote back and forth a while, seeing if we like the insides of one another's heads, before trying to meet.
With the fine print out of the way, here's the fun stuff...
I love an expressive face and find health attractive. I offer and appreciate accountability, self-sufficiency, open-mindedness, curiosity. I value passion; it can be for anything, even accounting.
I think a person's level of education is less important than how much they value it.
I hope to find a woman to laugh with. I'd like us to make one another feel happy to be who we already are.
I exercise regularly (sometimes it's just my work) and value my health. I'd like to be with someone who lives the same way. It's not that I never eat ice cream, but I almost never eat it for breakfast. Pie for breakfast, that's another thing. That's a staple. I know I'll burn it off, whatever it is. My drinking is extremely moderate--it's a beer-a-month habit. I'd enjoy more wine if the bottle didn't turn before I finished it. I could also pair up with a nondrinker and have nothing to miss.
I love to eat and to collaborate on cooking. All cuisines interest me, especially ones I've never heard of.
I miss kissing so much that now I just miss missing kissing.
Smiles make me smile. Excited faces make me smile.
I listen to public radio and read news from multiple sources. If you get all your news from Fox then we're probably not compatible.
I'm looking for a long-term relationship, but am shy of marriage right now. I'm good with kids who like to read and who prefer real adventures to video games. I don't connect at all with kids who just watch TV and play video games. An ugly truth, maybe, but an important one.

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. i love listening to music such as rock,blues,and country..i really love going to fishing too.then i love meeting new people..
I am affectionate,, understanding, caring, hard working and full of hopes,I am easy going person, open mined and ready to listen to anything, i love to get attentions but i do not strive for it.. Since I don’t structure my free time very well, a partner who encourages and pushes me to attain my goals would be a great asset (as long as She isn’t dominating, angry, judgmental or controlling) Having someone that loves you and supports you in life through good and bad times and won’t give up on you is what i am looking for. Honesty and trust are what makes a relationship work..I'm a sincere individual who is conciencious of how those around me feel... an athletic person who enjoys working out and loves the outdoors. I have an outgoing personality and am very easy going. I am a morning person and run 5-6 days a week but not much of a night owl. During the week, I look forward to evenings at home relaxing with a glass of wine, light dinner and spending time with my sweet dog. Weekends I enjoy getting out into this wonderful COLORADO weather.enjoy My self at the Hallover Beach or the Hollywood Beach

Date someone special from United States. Wow, I only have 3980 characters remaining to explain myself. Now it's only 3922. I better get busy.
I enjoy life. I am blessed with close friends and a supportive family. I work at keeping agreements with myself. It helps make me a better person; one who is worthy of being with someone spectacular. The people I surround myself with also make me a better person and I strive to let each of them know how much they mean to me. But there is a spot. A spot just next to me. That is empty. I would like to fill that spot with an amazing friend, a true confidant, a partner in crime and love.

Meet single man from United States. Hello, I kinda new to this and you are the first I have sent anything to, I am 46 yrs old I live in Grand Junction but work in Parachute as a Pumper for PDC Energy. I am divorced and I have 2 kids, both girls ages 17 and 13 and are with me every other week. We all have issues and problems and skeletons and nothing is ever gonna be perfect if it was we wouldn't be on here. I may not get it right the first time but I think when it comes to the dating world its like trying to nail jello to a tree, its hard. We are to quick to pass judgement or make assessment on someone but we must also remember that we are meeting strangers and things aren't gonna be what we are use to so we should try to give that other person the benefit because we could miss out on the best thing thats ever happened to us. I like to go out to dinner, the movies, dancing. Just a normal guy here with just as much baggage as the next person. So lets take off the gloves and let our guards down just a little....

Date a soulmate from United States. First, the part about me . . . And I will get to it, just as soon as I figure out this site’s silly rules for submitting a profile. First I got back a stupid note from them saying that they rejected it because it was either repetitious or unintelligible. Perhaps I used a word that is not in the site’s dictionary? Do I have to make it simple enough for their software (no doubt developed by geniuses) to understand? We shall see. I am not a subscriber - yet, so cannot answer any emails or otherwise communicate with the potentially interested. I will be at some point, but first . . . gotta finish this thing first.

Meet a man from United States. Hi, I'm a Colorado Boy and I just moved back to Grand Junction after a brief 27-year absence traveling the globe. Love living in the valley!
I'm your normal, red-blooded 100% all-american male. I keep a smile on my face and a gleam in my eye. I am a fun loving, semi-intelligent, glass is half full kinda guy. I shower daily, use soap, and try to keep well groomed but am not one of those metrosexual fellas. When not at work I live in a drama free zone and keep life simple. I like nice people and am nice in return. I do not like mean people and would just as soon put my boot up their...oops, I digress.
Although I don't think of myself as superficial, there must be a physical attraction. However, I find attraction in many different forms, colors, ages, and personalities. I think intelligence is sexy smart. Articulation is easy to listen to. If you were sane it wouldn't drive me nuts (is that a country song?) I think people get too wrapped up in being perfect and expecting perfection from others. I accidentally saw myself naked once and...gasp...turns out I'm not perfect either.
other pursuits. Would love to find a loving partner to share those moments!
It's been a long while but I enjoy walking a quiet river with a fly rod in my hand, bicycling, gardening, shooting hoops, chasing a white ball around a golf course and many