Date men from United States / Colorado / Grand Junction, 35 year old

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. Self critique is probably one of the hardest things to do-definitely not my strong suit. I'm a pretty average person I guess. I'm dedicated to my work, dedicated to looking after my daughter and making her happy. I've been through a lot since I've moved to and lived in G.J.-just over two years. I can definitely say that I can get solidly stand on my own two feet; I'm a fighter when it comes to that.
I've done a few interesting things in my past, traveled here and there; enough to hold a semi decent conversation. Colorado's scenery is spectacular and if I didn't always have to drive to where ever I felt like going I would be the passenger with my window rolled down enjoying the moment like man's best friend.
Who am I looking for....Honestly a good solid friendship. Connection and communication too. They can be so solid and yet so fickle. I admit I am far from perfect so I need that sounding board. Relationships can become so toxic it poisons the soul when you think about it. I 'm looking for somebody who can express their feelings better than I because I just tend to bury them to the point of breaking.

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. I am truely 1 of a kind. I know how to be strong yet gentle, romantic yet forgetful, outspoken yet shy, funny yet serious. I hold doors and pull out chairs, I say "Yes Ma'am" when addressing a lady. I send flowers just because and can make any situation a good one. I am exactly where I want to be in life and worked very hard to get here. I'm a positive person and expect the same, preferrably someone who likes to ride motorcycles (my zen moment). You'll notice there isn't a photo..... Well thats because if this little paragraph intrigue's you enough to finish reading it; well then you should take a chance and ask for it.

Date single man from Colorado, United States. I'm sitting here with my married friends and with their persuasion I have decided to put out the vibe "I am single." I am a motivated person who loves to learn new things, my most recent endeavor attempting the classical guitar. I am a social person who loves to spend time with my friends, especially in the outdoors, camping, hiking, or skiing.
I am sure glad to be home after spending 5 years in the military as a paratrooper, living in the sand hills of North Carolina, Savanna, South Korea, and Iraq.
Being in the military I learned how much I love to travel and explore other cultures, although I have yet to go there I would love to spend some time in Australia. But enough about me.... I want to find someone who also has a good sense of humor, wants to travel and explore new adventures together.

Meet someone special from Colorado, United States. I want a good woman that likes kids. I have 2 and they are my life! I know the woman of my dreams is out the waiting for me to find her and her to find me! I will look for you and you do the same. Our paths will one day cross.

Date a soulmate from Grand Junction, United States. Confident driven wants happiness and wants to share happiness. Looking to share many wonderful moment with some one special making memories and creating dreams. Don't want to play games or be just another someone.

Meet a man from Grand Junction, United States. Okay here we go! Well I like to think that I have my crap togther but every once in a while the good lord humbles me up. The most important thing to me is my two little boys and making sure I'm the best dad I can be for them. They are my heart and soul. I like to smile,I always see to make people laugh once you get to know me, I value friendships and will do almost anything to help when I can. I have morals that don't involve me in being a man whore. I'm honest, trustworthy and am known to be outspoken at times. I'm looking for someone who has the same values as me. I'm not a drunk or a drug users so I dont want someone who is. I'm not a game player so in turn I don't want someone who is. I'm a hard worker and love my career and would like someone who can appreciate that side of me. Look! I want what everyone wants, an AWESOME relationship. The type that you cant wait to come home to. So please if you feel the same way, lets talk, Lets be friends and lets see what happens!!!!!!!!!!

Date single man from Grand Junction, United States. The following is an attempt to describe myself in words but there is always more.
I am successful, intelligent, fun, and active. I have a professional career and active personal life. I really enjoy laughter and have a good sense of humor. Well, I think I am funny anyways. I love riding my mountain bike, hiking and jeeping. I go camping often during the summer and love to travel. It's great to see and experience new places whether it's in the backyard, another state or another country. I love dogs and have a great border collie mix.
I want to share life with a fun, smart woman that enjoys adventure and the outdoors. I want to be friends and partners. Ideally there would be great chemistry with equal parts physical and mental attraction. I like women that are strong, independent and loyal, as am I. If this describes you then let's talk.

Meet someone special from Grand Junction, United States. I'm a very easy going and laid back guy. I don't let things bother me too easily. I'm a very optimistic person and try to look for the bright side. My friends would tell you that I have a great sense of humor. Sarcasm lives within me and I'll let it out often. I can dish it as well as take it, so bring it on!
I love the outdoors and being active. I'm adventurous and love to explore. I'm up for discovering new places and new experiences with someone special.
If you'd like to know more, send me a message. You never know what'll come of a simple message.

Date a soulmate from United States. Being outdoors is a big part of my life. looking for some one to enjoy it with. Move here in Grand Junction last summer.
Working now here in town but as a union Sheet Metal worker I do Travel for work some time.
I do have Two little girls but they live in Vail, I do go and see them or they can here on weekend two weekends a mouth.
So I do hope that is some thing that you can work with. As you did look at my pic so you did see some thing you like.
What i am looking for is new friends to spend time with at the lake in the sun or camping, down hill skiing or just going on a nice hike
summer time at night I love to look up at the stars and have a nice bonfire looking at the water. so if you like any of this you need to wink at me so I can see how you are And Just maybe we will see were it go's

Meet a man from United States. Hi there!
Upfront and honest is the way I like to live my life. I dont think there is any other way to be. I know who I am and I know what I want out of life. There is a planet full of people and I get along with most anyone. Stay positive and great things happen.
Sense of humor is a must. We were born with so why not use it. I get all kinds of humor but mine tends to lean towards the dry and sarcastic. Witty is another characteristic I like very much which shows intelligence. Intelligence is a must and key to a good conversation and great communication. Those two things are an absolute.
I love Colorado! I love being able to have this outdoor playground in my backyard. It has tons to offer for the outdoor enthusiast. I try to take advantage of it often. Fishing,golfing,camping,hunting,rafting,snowboardi
ng, boating,hiking, what I do when I can.
Traveling is something I enjoy as well. I have been from coast to coast and from North to South is the States. I traveled to Brazil last year and caught the travel bug. It was a beautiful place and the people were great. Europe, Australia and New Zealand are at the top of the list for the next venture.
I am looking for someone to share what life has to offer. You must be yourself and honest. Feel free to contact me.

Date single man from United States. First and foremost I am Christian. My faith is very important to me. I am far from perfect, but forgiven. I have three amazing boys ages 14, 12, and 10 who live with there mom. I have them most weekends and they are my world. I am looking for the real thing, no games, no one night stands. Someone who can carry an intelligent conversation and still be silly. Someone who is just as comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt as an evening gown. Someone who knows who they are, really knows who they are flaws and all and is comfortable in their own skin. In the years since my divorce i've learned so much about myself and spent a good bit of time alone just for that purpose. I think to really understand yourself and face the ugly parts you have to spend some time alone with yourself. I feel good about where I am right now and am excited about what the future holds. I'm ok on my own but I've come to the point where I would really liike to have someone to share this journey we call life with. I'm looking for a best friend that can eventually become much, much more.

Meet someone special from United States. I have recently been going through the steps towards employment with the Bureau of Reclamation. When Im not working I enjoy getting to someplace for some camping and some kind of activity. I would say Im open to just about anything. I have a dog named Moto that is always along for the ride. He is a 100 lb German Shepherd who is one of the most gentle dogs you will ever meet. I could tell you more but If you like my picture or what I have had to say so far lets just meet up for a walk or something.