Date a man from Lone Tree, United States. I have found internet dating is kind of like applying for a job in a way, you know there is an open position so you send in your resume (internet profile). You’re brought in for a 1st interview (meet for drinks etc.) and everything seems to be going great, you have the qualifications and it seems like the company is stable.
You know that there are other qualified candidates; you just hope that you are more appealing than the rest. You are told; we will call early next week if we are going to bring you on board, so off you go telling your friends that the interview went well and that you hope to hear back from them. In the mean time you wait knowing that other candidates are also being interviewed, after all, this is a hot company. You think to yourself, should I call after a few days and thank them for the interview or should I just wait it out and let my qualifications, amazing interviewing skills etc. speak for themselves.
After a week you can’t stand it so you call, you are told that although you were in close consideration, ultimately you were passed over for someone with a more appealing resume, maybe a better work history? After several inquiries to numerous other companies, interviews etc., you finally find that perfect position with great benefits and hope to hell you don’t have to go through that again in this economy.
So if your seeking permanent employment and think you have what it takes to work for a stable and well established company within a dynamic and fun atmosphere, please contact me so we can set up an interview.
* Successful candidate will make me smile, laugh, feel appreciated and perform other duties and functions as required. :)
** Cheaters, serial daters and flakes need not apply!
Meet a soulmate from Lone Tree, United States. You know these things all start sounding alike... but I am a bit different.......... in a short bus kinda way.......
You would think sharing about ourselves in a profile would be easy since we live with ourselves each day. But who has time to take notes? :)
I’m a guy who loves to have fun but with my own litl' lovable quirks. (Here's the cheesy part!) I’m loyal, honest (almost to a fault) and trustworthy. I tend to be generous, believe the best in people (even when this proves not to be so true). (OH please!!!!!!!!!!! Warned ya it was cheesy!) I like to have a good time and can be the life of the party or be just as happy letting someone else have their fun. ;0 I enjoy the companionship of good friends or the closeness of one on one. I have found myself to be open-minded and believe strongly in a live and let live philosophy. That’s not to say that there aren’t times when a gentleman shouldn’t stand up for what is right but he should also be accepting that others have a different view.
I guess the best way to describe me is a present time’s guy with some old fashion values - I still strongly believe that a man should open a lady’s door, not expect her to pay for dinner, and treat her with respect. Sadly these seem to be disappearing in a world focused on itself.
I also share the house with an incredibly loving, attention wanting, German Shepherd who I couldn’t be happier to have in my life. I believe in being flexible as life is full of change - change should not be feared but savored. I am passionate about learning and discovering all that life has to hold. I enjoy a sidewalk cafe watching people pass as much as a wonderful dinner/evening with friends that leaves everyone’s sides hurting from laughing so much. A suit and tie affair or the BBQ on the porch are all a part of my life. I try to see some of the humor in life...
What I would like in a Match (as presumptuous as that sounds .... but hey nothings written in stone and people win the lottery too.... ) I value intelligence and passion for living life. Someone with whom a conversation can last a few minutes or all night long; enjoy each minute for what it is.....
A Lady who likes to travel, go to parties or boring company functions because spending the time together is more fun than being apart. (Of course boring company functions work both ways - so warn your co-workers ahead of time!:) A friend, a playmate (not in that way! Well wouldn’t say no - but I've found what's inside is much more important) a confidant person who is comfortable in her own skin; Someone who is positive, patient (cause like everyone, I am sure I can be frustrating, I know it’s hard to believe) romantic, silly, fun-loving, passionate, and a playful person!! (WOW did I really just spell those out?)
So do you like heading out to the great unknown? Does the idea of just hopping on a motorcycle and seeing where the road and weekend takes us appeal to you? Then maybe we have something in common. I am usually the fellow that you see heading down the road living that new adventure that most crave but won’t take a chance on. Maybe the thought of meeting new people, dressing up, socializing, dancing and having the time of your life is something your partial too? Again we might have something rare that would be lots of fun! There are times when watching the fire, the puppy curled up, a glass of wine, spending a quiet evening at home is what is appealing. I’m flexible enough to go from one extreme to the other, and have fun doing it! Maybe you are too..... It might be fun to find out........
Its not the destination it's the journey. Are you someone who likes the adventurous journey in life? If so I thank you for reading through this, stopping by and I look forward to hearing from you.
p.s. I even clean up well enough to be seen in public!!!!