Date men from United States / Colorado / Centennial, 47 year old

Date a soulmate from Centennial, United States. LIFE!----It's beautiful.
I'm a normal guy, Nothing weird, I'm not a predator, not needing to prove my manliness, no big secrets, have an entire community of friends, respect women, honor women, like women, had the same job for 21 years, been featured in The Denver Post and Denver Business Journal a few times for business recognition and quotes.
I never check this site so if you want to see if I'm real or normal or contact me go to my face book page mike lash or google me. See if I'm real
I love life. I Love spending time with friends and family and everyday seams to be an adventure waiting to be embraced, the challenges personally and professionally, the accomplishments, the failures (little harder to love!), personal growth, others growth and of course my daughter.
I love life.
What I do does not define me, who I am does.
I look for honesty in my friends and transparency. I’m only associated with people that are accountable and real.
I love to have fun and spend much of my time creating fun either in work or play it’s got to be fun. Going through hard times can even be fun because it brings out the good fruit in yourself. I am pretty active. I love pushing myself physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually.
I’m into healthy, transparent, accountable and fun relationships. If you are, great, let’s chat. If not, save the drama for your mama and peace out.
Because of my active lifestyle I'm looking for someone younger and they must be in great shape.

Meet single man from Centennial, United States. At the age of 47 it may be impossible to put everything into words. First I have two wonderful daughters and both are Daddy's girls. They mean the world to me and I would do anything for them. I guess one could say I'm more a family person, after losing my father very suddenly several years ago, I have found a greater appreciation and love for my family. I am divorced and had some long term relationships that have given me a few life lessons. The lessons have shown me what I do and what I don't want in a relationship and life.
Me... I take being a father very serious, as well as my job. I tend to be somewhat of a smartass, but with compassion. I'm very level headed and as my oldest daughter put it, "don't get mad often". I take my time in making decisions and must have all the facts first before I move ahead. I enjoy time with my family, working around the house, spending time with my girls, and my two labs. I enjoy cooking, and find it difficult to stay out of the kitchen when someone else is cooking. I have one major drawback when it comes to cooking; I hate doing the dishes! I make a mess, but the end result tends to be good.
I have learned over the years that I do not need someone in my life, but would like someone in my life to share and experience everything it has to offer. The person I'm looking for... Well? A smile that will stop me in my track and just makes me melt. I do believe the eyes are the window to the soul. I can tell a lot about a person, and how they are feeling just by looking into their eyes. She must be independent, self-sufficient, an opinion (and willing to voice it), and great outlook on life! I read over and over in some of the profiles that people want someone who is "compassionate, honest, loyal, trustworthy, etc." My thought is... with the right person, those things come naturally.
Me, I'm 46 as of the 12th of May, this make me a Taurus. 5'10", hover around 195 to 200 (depending on what I cook), dark hair with some gray on the sides, mustache, brown eyes ( need to wear glasses), Italian from my mother - Irish from my father (I look more the Italian).
Love to; cook, fish, do home repairs, gardening, pottery, golf, window shop, and read biographies and historical books.

Date a man from Centennial, United States. About me: Love living in CO and I have a lot to give someone special and want to share my life with she that is truly alive and not afraid to live a rich and intrepid life. I am confident but not obnoxious (didn't have Google that either), successful in my career and I LOVE being a father.
Since you asked-- yes, I am very skilled with power tools, thank you very much! I can also wage magic with yard tools, a paint brush and a soldering iron (to name a few)-- and I look incredibly hot in jeans and a tool belt! LOL!
But I also like to get out to explore and get a taste of adrenaline on a regular basis: skiing, snowboarding, biking, roller-skiing (not a typo) and running. I spend a ton of time outside and I am pretty intense when it comes to recreation and I love the hard work, speed thrill and taste of adrenaline it affords. I still compete in running and skiing events and occasionally will jump into a mud run or soccer game for good measure.
Culture? Sure-- I speak that language too! Concerts and performances downtown and good music are all important to me. They all keep me young and smiling. And I love to travel domestically and internationally-- can't wait to get back to Europe.
What I am looking for:
A vibrant, happy and optimistic woman with a smiling personality who is comfortable with her life and looking to share it with a man. She is not afraid of adventure and takes care of herself mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. She loves a good movie and good conversation; and she loves taking long walks and bike rides. She may not know how to ice skate or ride a horse but she isn't afraid to try it and then possibly turn the tables on her mate and teach him something new-- trust me, he's willing to learn. Above all, she is comfortable with herself.
If you love your life and would like to share it with someone, let's talk.
Perfect Date:
Some place interesting and quiet enough that we can listen to each other. How about coffee?
Let's get together and explore life!!

Meet someone special from Centennial, United States. I am an active and adventurous man who loves being outdoors, camping, hiking and occasionally skiing. My indoor interests are watching all types of movies (but not much TV) and playing competive pool. I love to try new restaurants and food and my current favorites types of food are Greek, Mexican and sushi. I work out five time a week and staying in shape is important to me.
I have a strong circle of friends and family that fulfill me daily and I love to be out and about socializing. My dogs are my constant companions and they are spoiled rotten. I do not have any children but enjoy being with them and being a mentor. Overall, I consider myself an easy going person who can appreciate the beauty in daily life as well as the excitement of a new adventure.
I am looking for someone who enjoys many of the same things and is serious about starting a relationship based on trust, respect and honesty. I would like to start as friends and let the relationship develop by spending time together like taking a hike with my dogs or staying home on a rainy afternoon to watch a movie and order dinner in. I want to find that special person who can be my best friend, my confident, and my partner in life.

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I'm a Denver native and closet tech geek, who loves golf, fly fishing and would like to travel more. If any of these interest you, we will have plenty to talk about.
Can't believe I've got a kid in college...Feels like I just graduated myself! I know you're probably saying, "Damn he must have started young!" :)
I'm a fan of road trips, and enjoy beaches and surf over skiing and snow. Europe with a backpack, and no agenda, is on my list of must do's!
I love the mountains, but would much prefer enjoying the beauty in the summer, rather than fighting the cold and traffic during ski season. If we go skiing/boarding, it probably will be for a weekend, day trips are too big a hassle these days!
Prefer Red wine over White. Good Mexican and Italian restaurants are my favorite, but seem to always crave a good burger or pizza. Fresh seafood is great, and I love a soup/salad night. I'm not afraid of the kitchen, and enjoy having a partner in cooking.
I'm a big picture guy, who doesn't get worried about the small stuff. Very goal oriented, and would love to share dreams and aspirations with the right woman!
I'm looking for a committed relationship and partner. If you are too, I'd love to chat and see if there is a connection.

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. I enjoy the simple things in life. I appreciate beauty no matter what form it takes. I’m sincere, thoughtful, and not afraid to try something new. I’m looking for a woman who shares and complements these traits. I am looking for someone with an open mind, passionate about life, and has a sense of humor. I enjoy nights out on the town; comedy shows or dancing. I try to live an active and healthy lifestyle, and hope that you do too. Would like to find a golfer that can take off to warmer weather for a couples weekend on short notice. Panhandle and South Beach are two favorites.