Date men from United States / Colorado / Littleton, 47 year old

Date someone special from Littleton, United States. Hey! I am recently new to this and online dating. I know it can be difficult to meet new people now a days with people's careers, family, and schedules. I just figured why not take the chance! :) I like being outdoors and enjoying what life has to offer. My favorite thing is spending time with my family and friends usually while hiking, mountain biking, skiing, or enjoying a great glass of wine or beer on a nice deck. Traveling and exploring new places is also high on my list. Going to concerts, Coors Feild and watching the Rockies play, or the Broncos at any venue--basically any sporting event!
I am a caring individual with a huge heart. I am confident, hard working, positive, and happy person. I love to laugh, have fun, and just enjoy life. I am the type of man who believes in opening doors, holding hands, pulls out your chair, and will carry anything heavy for you. I can be pretty outgoing and goofy at times. I just love to laugh even if it's at myself ;)
I am looking for a woman who enjoys being treated special by a true gentlemen. My ideal woman would look beautiful dressed up, but equally sexy in jeans and a tee-shirt. I'm looking for someone to have dinner with, or a great glass of wine. Someone who enjoys watching movies, sporting events, hiking, seeing new places, traveling, and exploring--taking on any of life's new adventures. Someone who is down to earth and not afraid of being themselves. If you like my profile/pics don't be shy and send me an email.

Meet single man from Littleton, United States. I am single, non-smoker, non-player (but playful), 5' 11" tall (although I'm taller in, confident (not egotistical), laid-back (not lazy), passionate (not promiscuous), attentive (not clingy), and physically fit (mental fitness still in I floss everyday, always return my shopping cart to its corral, and hold the door open for strangers (acquaintances must fend for themselves).
I am a father of a 7 year old son, who I absolutely adore. I share 50% of his time with his mother (drama-free) and cherish every moment we're together; as he says, "Daddy, you're the best friend I've ever seen!"
I enjoy dining out (although I went to culinary school and love to cook), sushi, the performing arts, live music (mostly alternative), sporting events (especially ice hockey), art festivals/exhibits, museums, movies, comedy clubs, wine/tapas bars, bookstores, coffee houses, scenic walks/hikes with engaging conversation, ice skating, reading, spontaneity, first class, working out and lazy days.

Date a soulmate from Littleton, United States. Telecom Engineer looking for quality Girl living in the Highlands RanchParker Area. I'm Six Foot Two and Eyes of Blue... I Enjoy basketball and Mountain Walks. I have two wonderfull kids but I would like to find a soul mate

Meet a man from Littleton, United States. I have reached a point in my life where I know what I want and I'm confident enough to seek it. I love humor of nearly all kinds. I am a playful person, and it would be somewhat nice to meet someone who is likewise with a touch of seriousness. I like to be happy, and I am generally happy. I’d like to meet someone who's kind, trustworthy, thoughtful, respectful, and has some sense of adventure. Blah, blah, blah, right? Seriously though, I thought about it and those are the important traits for me.
The person I’d like to meet isn't into mind games, doesn't thrive off drama, and has the desire to take initiative sometimes. She has the responsibility and maturity needed to function as an adult in this society, but still knows how to laugh, let loose, and be a little goofy. I want someone who can challenge me and support me. Someone I can have fun with but also relax with on a snowy day. Communication is the key to a successful relationship, so someone who can be open with me is very important. Basically I am looking for someone I am compatible with and who will bring out the best in me while I bring out the best in her.
Life can get too serious sometimes…laughing is good for the soul! I want to find someone that I am comfortable around and can be myself I want to be with someone who finds the joy in life and likes to have fun. I want someone who makes me happy and when I find that someone then I'll know. You should be an honest, loving woman willing to experience life together. Would like to be able to tell you anything without being judged, know that some things are to be shared just between you and me. I think the rest is compatibility and chemistry.
I enjoy going to concerts, dining out, spending time with friends, traveling, and all sorts of things. I am pretty willing to try anything once and give it a shot...
Confident, secure and financially stable. That's me. If you’re looking for a needy clinger move on to the next guy.

Date someone special from Colorado, United States. I am sometimes serious, but not boring. I can laugh at myself, and with others. I'm a natural leader, which is helped by my height. I look young for my age, and feel young. I'm active, and have a circle of friends to do activities with. Not into partying every weekend. I am much more likely to meet a small group for coffee, or drinks. I am smart, funny, strong, attractive, confident, and competent at whatever I put my mind to. I am willing to try for a new relationship, and I'm worth getting to know. I love dogs, tolerate cats, and have a fondness for horses. I work out, but I don't run marathons. Love riding bikes, but have yet to ride the Triple Bypass. Although I travel a lot for work, I still love it for fun. I have a life of my own, but it would be more fun with someone new in it. All my photos are in the last few months, I don't have a ton, but they are of me. I am not looking to hook up, I want a friend, then a lover. A nice thing about getting older is my hormones don't run my life. I love coffee, and beer, and like wine. My irresistible temptations are Oreos, and Bunny Tracks ice cream.
My ideal doesn't have to be perfect, just perfect for me. You should be strong, and independent, but still need me. My job requires a lot of travel, please don't feel neglected when I'm gone. I'll be back, and looking forward to seeing you. Have a good sense of humor, mine is a bit dry, so try not to groan. I like to cuddle on the couch, but no couch potatoes. I get up early on the weekends to do stuff, please come along. You should be bright, and able to carry on a lively conversation about a wide range of topics. How else will we get to know each other?
Being single again, for the first time in more than half my life, I think I'm in a good place to start a new relationship. If you would like to meet for coffee or drinks, or a bike ride, or a walk in the park, email me. I look forward to meeting you.

Meet single man from Colorado, United States. I’m a fun and passionate person who has a natural ability to make you laugh and smile; who sees each day as a chance to do something fun. I have an easygoing personality and am always looking for the best in people. I’d like to find a woman who has a carefree approach to life, but can still be serious at the right times.
I pride myself on being a good listener and I think being open-minded has a lot to do with that. I love discussing and exploring new ideas and can’t wait to find a great partner who will enjoy those kinds of conversations as much as I do. I’m an open book when it comes to my emotions. I enjoy pampering and flirting with my partner and do whatever I can to keep the romance alive. In return, I want a partner who embraces both the physical and emotional closeness that comes with a committed relationship.
While I can be a bit on the shy side at first, my sense of humor comes to the surface quickly. I love to laugh and joke around, so a woman with a great sense of humor is a must. I’m also a very supportive person and will always be the one person you can count on most for support.
Although I say I'm a social drinker, I'm not all that much into the bar or club scene. My party days are behind me and I just want to devote the rest of my life to whomever I fall in love with. They say you shouldn't live with regrets but I do have a few. Not settling down sooner and having a family is a big one for me. I'm here to try to fix that.
I absolutely love the mountains and often spend my off time fishing one of the mountain rivers. Just being out in nature provides a wonderful escape no matter what you are doing. I also love dogs. I had a sweet Weimaraner for 10 years and the unconditional love they give is a blessing in itself.
Don’t let the fact that I’ve never been married nor had kids scare you. I’ve been in a few long term relationships but I guess I never found the right woman for me. I enjoy kids a lot, although I find myself always wanting to teach them something; whether it’s a life experience or how to throw a curve ball…kids are our future and I often wish I had a few of my own.
So if some of your interests are the same (or close to!) as mine and you’re open to a new friendship that could hopefully lead to more, then let’s talk and see where we go!

Date a soulmate from Colorado, United States. I'm a fun outgoing guy looking for somebody to enjoy going out for good food and good times. I love to cook and love to entertain. I have two beautiful children that I adore more than anything else in the world. I grew up in Denver and enjoy being outdoors as much as possible.I travel quite a bit for fun each year. It has been mexico three times this year.I'm looking for somedody that loves to travel and likes different cultures.I also spend alot of weekends on my boat at the lake.I'm looking for somebody that is beautiful on the inside. The outside would be nice too. I try to take good care of myself and would want that out of a partner. If these are things you like drop me a note!!

Meet a man from Colorado, United States. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you're as interested in the man described here as much as you were in the photo that brought you here.
Me? What can I say that you haven't heard a million times from a guy? I can tell you I'm honest, sensitive, and caring. But those are just words until you actually spend some time with me and find out that it's the truth. I can tell you I'm intelligent. But those are just words until we end up talking for hours on end about anything and everything. I can tell you I'm chivalrous and romantic. But those are just words until we're dating and I stand up for your honor, and bring you flowers that match the color of your eyes or your dress.
Some tidbits about me: I enjoy all kinds of music, except gangster rap, please. I love traveling. I've been overseas a few times and a few road trips around the country. I don't care if it's camping in a tent, or staying in a nice hotel, as long as I'm enjoying the trip. I'd love to have someone to accompany me. Another passion of mine is flying. I'm a student pilot with only a few hours of flight instruction time before I can get my license. Life's priorities have kept me from finishing sooner. Family first - always. I'm a handy guy around the house and can fix just about anything. But I'm not your typical bachelor as I'm equally dangerous with power tools and a sewing machine. Ha! I'm a born-and-bred in Italy i just moved to Colorado recently and so far i think i will love to live here for as long as i live i can only move if i find that special woman that sweep me off my feet,i have a accent that turns people away from me one thing i believe is when the right woman comes along accent will not stop her from loving me. I do believe in honesty, and being kind and fair to all people. Because of this cynical world in which we live, it gets kind of hard at times, but I look for the good in people and situations. And I don't believe in keeping secrets from someone I care about.
You? You are honest, communicative, intelligent, and caring. I'm sure you know the difference between deer and dear. But do you know the difference between quiet and quite, it's and its, and there, their, and they're? (Those are my pet peeves.) You believe in a monogamous relationship. I'm not looking for a serial dater. I'm not one; never have been; never will be. If you never-ever drink, I hope you don't mind if I do... a little. I'm no lush, but I brew my own beer that I share at barbecues or other get-together with friends, and I have a drink or two on occasion - never to excess. You are looking for a best friend, companion, and more. And you know that it takes more than an email, a phone call, or a couple of dates to get there. And you're willing to take the time to get to know someone before judging them. You know that relationships take honest communication, trust, compromise, and sharing to work.
I dont judge i will appreciate you for you,and please dont try to please your heart and let destiny take it full course.
Thanks again for visiting. I hope I used the right bait. If you made it this far, I think you might be a little interested or at least curious. I hope you will hit that message button and let me know. Otherwise we may never find each other. And that wink button shouldn't even exist. Personally, I think a couple of emails and phone calls will be about right to see if we're going to can also IM me *Please* If you think this description of me is too good to be true, I dare you to find out. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Date someone special from United States. According to my step-daughter, who is now 19, (and who is writing this) she thinks that I have a great sense of humor as well as a great taste in terrible movies. He's very active and loves to be outdoors. He's a great dad and has a great work ethic. But in all seriousness, John is a great catch. Now I'm back. She is right about the active and outdoors part, but the great catch thing is probably subjective. I am a positive thinking person and keep myself busy with a lot of outdoor activities. I would like to meet a person who also likes the outdoors, but also enjoys a nice night out on the town and good jazz club from time to time.
I have a good work ethic and absolutely love what I do. The only down side to my work is my getting older because someday I’ll have to quite doing it. I have a 13-year-old boy who is growing up to be a fine young gentleman. His sports activities keep me busy along with my own, but we both have had a lot of good fun and memories over the past few years of playing and attending our sports events. I’ve been divorced for the past 4-years, but my ex and I get along real well so there is absolutely no drama there. I also have 2-step kids I keep in touch with, but they are both grown up now so I don’t see them as much anymore. I’m not real good at talking about myself, but I have no problem bragging about how good of a dad I am. I’m truly blessed to be a dad and think of it as my most important job.
Well that is all I have for now. Better for me to leave some things I can talk about when we meet.

Meet single man from United States. Nice looking . brown hair hazel eyes. Athletic looking. 5'11" 185 lbs. no fat. good conversationalist and good kisser. Very affectionate with the right person. I enjoy any activity with my son especially outdoors. I am quite active and do not sit around alot doing nothing since I am not lazy.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am an easy going guy and enjoy many things like concerts, sporting events, family, friends, the outdoors and being active. We spend a little time in this world so take advantage of the time you have and try not to worry too much :-).

Meet a man from United States. Young at heart romantic, who is intelligent, creative, outgoing, positive, playful, affectionate, sexy professional.....Who enjoys music, travel, and is open to try most anything! That describes me, as well as what I look for in a woman/partner.