Date men from United States / Colorado / Poncha Springs, 47 year old

Date a soulmate from Poncha Springs, United States. I am intelligent, honest, loyal, and humerous. I am finacnially secure; as financially secure as a self-employed person can be.
I like living in Poncha Springs. I've lived in Colorado since I was 12 years old, and in Poncha since '03. I have a small house on a small lot in a small town.
I like to hike, fish, ski, cook, and garden. I have a boat, and I like fishing from it. I enjoy growing flowers and tomatoes. I like to read and learn new things.
I enjoy my son who is 14 and lives with me most of the time. We enjoy fishing on my boat or on rivers, and playing tennis and chess.

I am agnostic religiously; however, I have judeo/christian morals and ethics. I recycle and compost but I am not fanatical about it.
I enjoy politics especially national politics. I also like economic and political theory. It is a hobby not an obsession.

I would like to have a companion/partner who is intellectually and sexually compatible, who enjoys hiking, fishing, skiing, gardening, occasional dinners out, hanging out, and occasional travel. I want to share activities together. She must get along with my son, which is not hard to do.
Also, I have a lot of tatoos. Nothing vulgar or obnoxious. I like them most of the time. I had a couple tatoo artists as clients and we bartered for my services. They are not who I am, but they are what I've got. They don't show if I don't want them to.