Date a guy from Redondo Beach, United States. Project a positive image.
They say Intelligence attracts...."be sure to fix the typos".
Keep it real.....they say don't just start the message by saying hello.
Well tell you the truth it takes a lot for me to message first. Maybe because YOU have nothing better to do than shoot me down.
It is becoming my new hobby to watch as girls message/wink, and watch them fade away after I reply......short attention spans I guess. Anyways have you ever gone on a date, and the guy wasn't the same guy in the pic? Well, the person up above is me, and I promise thats who you will see. I have references to prove it.
If you have a pic of just your animal, without are instantly getting shot down no questions asked. If you want to start a convo, winking will do the trick, but comment on something you have read on my profile creates some dialogue enabling us to roll with the punches. No pickup line could ever do that! So get get your thinking cap on and show me some people skills.
Anyways this isn't my first rodeo, I know how this works. But feel free to message or wink at me, Im pretty good at replying. Oops, I forgot the apostrophe when I spelled "Im". Oh well with the typos. Feel free to favorite me as I change my profile frequently, and it is very entertaining!
But I am a good guy.......I am a normal guy, so please don't expect me to be larger than life because I'm not. I am an all-American testosterone filled, wheelie popping, gun shooting, punching bag punching, blunt talking guy. I have a good head on my shoulders, I am old fashioned, I've got a good job, and I am doing this because I work too much to go out and meet people. Plus I wouldn't know how to do it seeing that I'm new to SoCal, and all of my friends are up North. So I am out of my comfort zone.
It's kind of funny watching girls wink or message me, then disappear. I'm not upset, especially because there is another wink right after the last. I DARE you to follow through with your message or wink and keep talking to me!