Date a woman from Petaluma, United States. Love to laugh, good sense of humor, love good jokes although I have a hard time remembering them to pass them on after a hardy laugh!
I an artist: water color--oils, photography, 'am very creative artistically--love and appreciate all sorts of art: Botticelli to Piccasso to the Impressionists--wood-working, sculpting; love to write, hike, being in Nature: listening to the wind, watching birds circling, etc. I love the ballet; almost all kinds of music, especially light-hearted--such as Mozart's, Arthur Feedler/Boston Pops type of music, folk, country music, Rogers and Hammerstein; lively music: Gilbert and Sullivan, J.P. Sousa, Andrew Lloyd Webber; classical in general, dance music, the Big Band era, Tiahuana Band, Rock & Rolls from my youth, drums in particular; singing and dancing.
I am a good conversationalist, interested in myriad subjects, the meaning and origin of words, or cliches (Dr. Letterer fascinates me), collect quotes, curious, personable, computer savvy, but do NOT text.
I had a business remodeling homes. I am very talented at rearranging a home's interior; 'am good at organizing for others; done a lot of volunteer work as chair head and other. I am a good cook. I eat mostly raw food now, am very healthy, do not take medications--only homeopathic remedies if I get sick, which is rare.
I am a public health nurse--one of the last to graduate from Stanford University's School of Nursing (class of 1957), 'interested in health and alternative methods advances; 'love balmy tropics (Hawaii, the Bahamas, etc.; flowers, arranging flowers--'am told that I have talent in this respect; eating fruits of all kinds, a good cup of coffee, dark chocolate, sweet things--I love good TASTY food.
I am spiritual in nature--not religious in the "church" sense. I grew up in India, in a Theosophical home (studying all religions) and lived in Switzerland for four years. I have travelled to many places and would love to travel more; love my country: the U.S., people in general, animals--cats yes; but dogs even better--children, beautiful things, happy things and times. 'Enjoy T.V. if it is fun, interesting, informative, educational, armchair traveling to other lands and cultures; a lot of the old humorous series, mysteries, musicals with "real music" (not the screeching, modern, grimacing like they are in pain, no voice vocalists who have some sort of voice, only thanks to synthesizers ! I like to dress elegantly when called for & comfortably the rest of the time--nicely; 'love colors, take good care of myself, and therefore present myself well. People like and enjoy my company. I have all sorts of friends from preppy, to elegant, to down-to-earth.
As a child, I spoke three Indian languages and could read and write one of them now, sadly, forgotten. I speak and write French fluently. I wish to learn Italian in particular, which language--to me--sounds like pure music. I am very innovative and able to manage all sorts of things with "nothing". I do like cleanliness. I love to have a garden with lots of flowers--roses especially--miniature fruit trees, berries, with tropical touches; but I am not a gardner. I like to be neat, and am most of the time.
My father New England family has been in the U.S. since 4 centuries, coming from England; centuries before that, France. His mother was from Scottish extraction. Mother's family is Swiss, probably from Italian extraction. She grew up, however, in Paris and her mother was Belgian and Polish. So, I am a true U.S. citizen quilt. In my heart, from the time I was a child in foreign lands, I wanted to come to my country. I love genealogy, finding my roots, and hearing about those of others.
I love to play games: cards, board games, dominoes, puzzles, challenging games that make your mind work and think. I would love to form a group just to play games and socialize once a month, for the fun of it.
A fun loving, honest, romantic, interest