Date people from El Sobrante, United States. People think I'm funny, and bright. I really know how to listen and not judge, and I love to receive, too, that from man or woman.
On dates, or outings, I'm really a "sprinter" not a "long distance runner". I like to do a variety of things, but not all in the same day or evening.
I love to discuss the "no-nos", politics and religion, but I'm really interested and not interested in name calling or put downs.
I'm good at forgiving and understanding other people, not so good at doing that for myself.
Recent movies I've liked are "Midnitht in Parist" "The King's Speech" "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo"
Older movie I loved:
I think the Cirque du Soleil is amazing.
I love theater. Take Theater Exploration class.
I am looking forward to the new season, although everyone is so broke, the plays are pared down. The recent ones have depressed me a bit.
I really like good conversation and the permission to clarify something if I'm not clear what the other person is saying. That goes both ways, but with respect.
Still take modern French. lit. classes at Berkeley Alliance francaise. Used to be a French teacher at the beginning level. Love to travel Would like to take a small ship cruise, maybe with someone who likes to be with me and vice-versa.