Date someone special from California, United States. I'm a logical sort of person (left brain?) but I think I have a sense of humor. I'm a staunch Republican; actually a conservative in the Barry Goldwater mode (Libertarian) I would prefer it if the Republicans weren't so close to the so called "Religious Right", but the alternatives (i.e. the Michael Moores and Barbra Steisands of the world) are so repugnant to me I could never be a Democrat. Igo to the gym 3 or 4 days a week and spend about an hour to an hour and a half on the treadmill and the weight machines. I come from a fat family and have successfully stayed reasonably in shape although I'd always like to lose about 5-10 pounds. I don't like fat men; although 5-10 pounds extra is OK. Since I'm fairly tall (5' 8") I would like to date a fairly tall man (6' or taller). I'm recently widowed; my husband was also an engineer and was my soul mate. Other than a long-haired hippy liberal I could find any reasonably intelligent man interesting. I'm really looking for a man to play golf with in couples tournaments. My husband and I played together and that's something I really miss.