Date someone special from Covina, United States. Hello and thank you for playing the dating game. Let me introduce you to our bachelor. He is a fun loving individual, who when not contemplating the ultimate question of the universe, can be found tanning poolside with a handcrafted margarita. His interests include being active, trying new foods, and most things geeky.
His ideal match loves to shower her man with gifts, knows how to mix the perfect martini, and is trained in all things naughty! She does all this while wearing nothing but bikinis and high heels of course.
Now lets ask the contestants a question. Did the statements above make you mad, or did they make you laugh just a little? If they made you mad and you are still reading, you can probably stop. On the other hand if you happened to chuckle a little, even if it was at my horrific grammar, then maybe this is the beginning of something wonderful.
If a list of activities can sell who I am then here I go. I enjoy hiking, beach time, and the occasional pub crawl. I know how to golf and love playing, but am not very good. (Possibly because I play barefoot) When I find time during the week I can be seen jogging, but at most times I am studying. This is because I am soon to be the proud owner of a bachelors degree, and upon graduation I look forward to being a drone to the corporate world of science. I moved to California, from Arizona, to be close to my extended family, and I am blessed to have them in my life.
Attributes I would like in a woman are a little more difficult for me to come up with. I am looking for somebody who will challenge me in supportive ways, and in turn be challenged by me. She definitely needs a sense of humor, the more bizarre the better. Somebody who is a morning person would also be great.
If you have read this far I would like to thank you for letting me share this very limited excerpt into my life. If some small part interests you then don't be afraid to hit me up for a coffee or a beer. I promise I don't bite, not on the first date anyway.
Meet a man from Covina, United States. Call me old fashioned, but I believe in courtships and chivalry. It's funny how we are asked to describe our ideal mate, and the truth is I try not to prescribe an ideal set of standards on others. When it feels right, it's just right.
I played Lacrosse in college, so I'm a fairly active individual. From the great outdoors to the gym, I enjoy every ounce of sweat that beads off my face. My gal pals say I have a large personality, I think they mean I'm the guy who introduces himself to everyone in a party. They also say I have a soft spot for children and animals, it's the innocence I love. Lastly, they say I occasionally have no shame, I have no clue what they are talking about, haha!
A couple standards I live by; being selfless and practicing generosity. If this stuff becomes contagious, our world would Smile a little louder.
Daily standard and requirement that I must do- at least laugh out loud once a day!! Makes me happy, I'm kinda simple minded like that.
I fear God and Success. And serpents, this is more of a phobia!
As for career, I'm an attorney who enjoys what I do and it brings me great satisfaction to help the helpless.
The romantic in me... In recent weeks, facing a losing battle with cancer, Marty Ginsburg wrote to his wife that setting aside parents and kids, "you are the only person I have loved in my life. ... I have admired and loved you almost since the day we first met at Cornell some 56 years ago."
Date men and women from Covina, United States. First impressions of me by others is that I'm a reserved person. But once I'm cracked I'm very giving and open.
I'm into sports. Baseball, football, table tennis, basketball, biking, hiking. I'm a big Lakers and Dodgers fan. I enjoy reading (quite appropriate to add this right after the sports so I don't look like a meathead). I like movies. I gravitate towards smart movies and documentaries, stupid comedies and zombie flicks.
FOOD!! I eat food :) I enjoy trying out new stuff. I also cook (bonus points?), experimenting different recipes. I've had failures and successes but it's quite fun. I love to grill and I grill everything (this one I can brag about).
I'm currently an engineer at a software company. It's pretty good but I'm getting an itch to start my own business.
I have a very big family which my life revolves around. I believe that we earn what we work for...and I've worked hard for what I currently have. But truthfully I was just lucky to have 2 amazing parents who raised me well. Family is very important to me. I didn't have a lot growing up but we've always had family.
I have 2 favorite goddaughters who I spoil plenty. For some reason being good with kids makes you a magnet to be a godfather. I have 4 godkids total. It's good to have them around as they're pretty good practice for when I have my own...although birthdays and Christmas gets pretty expensive :)
I have a pretty dry sense of humor. It doesn't come out right away but be prepared for the lamest jokes when least expected.
I'm looking for someone I can settle down with and eventually start a family and grow-old together.
Send me an email if you want to know more.