Date women from United States / Arkansas / Van Buren, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm good at making people laugh and fun to be around. I am very caring and willing to help people. I am outspoken and tell it how it is. I am a very honest person. I was born in Kentucky but raised in Arkansas. I don't believe in doing someone wrong just because they did you wrong. I really enjoy spending time with kids and playing games with them. We do a lot of activities together. I also enjoy family gathers. I believe that family and friends are the most important things in life.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am an easy going person who can be serious and fun. I have to have someone with a great sense of humor that likes to joke and laugh. Has to like kids as I have one 9 year old son who is my world. He plays sports so that keeps me very busy. When I have a free moment I enjoy spending it with my friends.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. Nice, funny, huge heart, want to live a happy life w someone,love to laugh and smile, love love love the outdoors, looking for someone who enjoys the same.
Your probably wondering why im on here and single. I wonder that myself about people on here, but i understand sometimes things just weren't ment to be. Im on here (In short) because my kids and I came last. Other things and people came first.. That's not what I want or what I'm settling for so here I am!!
Here is a lil pointer that really great advice!!! Most women like flowers, so always remember to make your woman feel appreciated at least every now and then. I'm not saying go buy two dozen long stem roses every day or week. I'm saying pick some wild flowers yourself somewhere beautiful or pull over on the side of the road and pick her some that to a real woman is priceless..

Meet a soulmate from United States. I really love to cook and take care of everybody else around me. I am a clean freak & am very driven. I'm independent & hard-working. I like to sit at home & chill out with a good movie & take out..but going out on occasion is nice too. I love to travel & see new things. I consider myself to be very smart & well rounded & can take care of myself but I also like being taken care of. And I love the outdoors.

Date a woman from United States. im fun and out going and want someone that will treat me good. Someone that has morals and loves kids and works. I love to go mudding, fishing, and never been camping but would love to go i love football and baseball