Date women from United States / Arkansas / Hot Springs, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Before you even read anything on this page, read this: If you are overweight, out of shape, and/or you look OLD, please do not wink, like, or email. I will not waste my time replying! I will only respond if you are attractive, intelligent, and employed.
Why I'm single: I dated one guy for 4 years in college, but we went our separate ways when we went off to graduate school. (He now lives in a van and smokes pot constantly.) Then throughout graduate school I dated a guy from Europe, and things didn't work out due to having different nationalities and some cultural differences that became evident later on into the relationship. (He now lives in a stinky one-bedroom apartment with a cat.) After finishing graduate school and entering the "real world," I have now come to realize that it becomes increasingly more difficult to meet unmarried men after college. I'm in no hurry to "settle" with someone just to avoid being single, but I do think it would be pretty awesome to find that special guy soon!
Who I'm Looking For: I am seeking a sweet guy who still believes in chivalry, monogamy, truthfulness, love, and marriage. A great sense of humor, a positive attitude, and a love for the outdoors and fitness is a must! It would be nice to meet someone who works, has a car (and driver's license), and would have the ability to foot the bill if we were to meet up at Starbucks for coffee or tea.
Who I'm NOT Looking For: If you have a lot of emotional baggage from a previous marriage or relationship, or if you thrive on creating drama in your life, I'm not interested until you have healed from your past and are totally over your ex. If you are overweight, out of shape, and older than your profile says you are, I will not be physically attracted to you. Also, please don't waste your time and mine if you are into polyamory, porn, violent movies or TV shows, strip clubs, bars, sex parties, drinking games, or drugs.