Date women from United States / Arkansas / Van Buren, 41 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. military, a-10 maintenance,i'd love to have at least 55% clean-cut cowboy. wouldn't trade my horses, dogs, and country for anything. easy to get along w, always wanted to be a professional wakeboarder!

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am 5"5 and wiegh about 160lbs. and i have long brown hair. and my little sister lives with me. and iam planing to to college next year and i am thinking about something vet school. and iam looking for a real good man that i can get to know

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. Honest, caring and kind hearted. Love to spend time with my 22 year old daughter and my two boys ages 15 and 13. I love the country life and to sit outside late at night looking up at the stars. I am a hard worker and not afraid to get my hands dirty.

Meet a soulmate from Van Buren, United States. I am 40 and I have been a widow for 6 years. I have 3 children and 1 grandchild. My children are very important to me. I have dated some in the past 6 years. I live in the country and thats where I want to be. I would never consider living in a town or city. I like to fish, hunt, hike, swim, garden, read and travel as often as possible. I go to church. I love going to church and spending time with my family. I was raised in the country and I love it. I like space and trees around me not crowds! I work hard and I love to laugh and have a good time. I am looking for someone likeminded, someone who doesn't have to be going non stop. A country boy that can take it slow and enjoy the simple things in life. Someone who has the same intrests and someone who is a Christian with good moral values.

Date someone special from Van Buren, United States. I am a bbw that can be shy at first, but tend to open up once I get to know someone. I would like to find a man that is totally honest, hard working, isn't afraid to show their true feellings, fun to be around, enjoys going out and about, or just curling up watching a good movie.