Date women from United States / Arkansas / Van Buren, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a single mother who works very hard to provide for my family. Looking for someone to spend time with and get to know new people. As my children get older I realize that I need to expand my friendship base. Who wants to

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. Been divorced four years, and now it's time to move on. I have two awesome children that I have spent the past 21 years raising and perfecting. :o) My oldest lives on her own and in a few months will be SR in college, my youngest is 16 and he lives with me. They have always been my top priority. But they are both getting older and doing their own things. So I seem to be spending more and more time alone. I've been single most of my life, by choice. But never felt alone, til now. I'm not looking to run out and get married this weekend......right now I'm just checking to see what's out there? If nothing else, I might make some awesome friends.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. A fun loving guy that takes things with a grain of salt. A person that loves to talk and get outdoors and do something, anything works for me. Somewhat of a home body too when it calls for it. I'm looking for a true southern gentalman.