Date women from United States / Arkansas / Batesville, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. i would like to meet someone honest......... simple and plain i make a habit to never lie and expect the same from the person i a with. I have to much going on to have to remember what I lied about and to who?

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Hello my name is melinda and i am 30 years old and never been married or have any kids but some day id like to meet someone who wants what i want in life. A lil about me...lets honest and honesty is the most important in any relationship. Im funny cause i like to make people laugh and laughing takes away everyday romantic passionate compassionate...i have a good heart but ive been hurt too many times by men. I like to do alot of things which is too much to put on here so if u wana know just ask...i want somebody who is like me and likes to do different things and be happy in also looking for a true gentleman that knows how to treat and respect women at all times...i also love kids too...i hope yall like what i have to say in my profile and always remember to keep smiling when ur feeling down...take care everybody... :)