Date women from United States / Arkansas / Walnut Ridge, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I like goin to the river & lake with my family & friends! I am a smoker, & I do not drink. I like to travel. I do not have any kids.
Im lookin for Mr. Right. I want a White Male age 23 - 40 that dont Lie or Cheet, & has a Job. You need to have an Athletic body type. Serious guys only!!

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am a teacher, sister, aunt, and friend. I love God with all my heart. I rely on God to guide me in this life and want to do his will. I love my family very much and am very invloved with them. I love hanging out with friends, laughing and having a good time. I love the lake, outside, and the country life. I alos like to dress up for a night on the town or stay at home cuddle up watching a good movie.
I would love someone who loves God and relys on him to guide their life as much as I do. Family and friends need to be very important. Liking the lake, outside and the country would be a plus also. I would like someone with a good work ethic also.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. i just wanna have fun. be around a fun loving, honest, and hard working guy. i like going to the movies, riding horses, and shopping. i love life. i like to go clubbing every once and a while to unwind.