Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fort Smith, 22 year old

Date single girl from United States. I recently moved to Fort Smith, so i'm learning the bigger city life. Haha. I moved from Kansas and no matter what it will always be a favorite place because my family is there. I love to laugh at every chance I get. I love helping people and would love to find someone that is honest, loyal, smart, kind. Someone that knows how to laugh and have a good time but can be serious when needed. I believe that laughter truly makes life worth living and a much better place. I love to read mysteries, sci-fi, anything that holds my attention. I also love to paint/draw. Family is number one to me. I love my family, they are the best and I love spending any chance I can with them. I believe that I have the best family ever. :) I was raised mainly by my Grandmother and she is my hero. I would do anything and everything for her. I like to be outside going for walks, hiking, swimming, camping. I am pretty much open to try any new things. I have worked very hard to get where I am today. I am a very independent woman and work hard for everything I get.
I really don't know what all to put on here so any questions, feel free to ask! :)

Meet a girl from United States. I am a very silly person. I like to have fun. Haha. My son is the most important thing in my life, and most of my choices revolve around him. I am currently in school right now and working part-time to make ends meet. I am starting nursing school for RN this fall and cannot wait! But I don't plan on stopping there. I want to eventually obtain my masters, and then, maybe my DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) one day. I wish I had more time to do things outdoors though. Between being a single mom, working, and school, I rarely get enough time to really go out and do things like camping or rafting and canoeing. I love nature. I am a very down to earth girl that just likes to have fun basically. I am a little OCD about some things, but not so much about others. I am a very blunt person. Some people who don't know me take it as rude, but everyone who knows me can tell you that that I am definitely not a rude person. I'm just very open. I will tell you how it is but try to in a nice way. I always try to find something to do outside of the house everyday. When I don't have my son, I like to just "wing" things....Anyway, the only way you're going to get to know me is to actually meet me sometime.

Date someone special from United States. I'm a very outgoing and loving person. Love to try new things and meet new people. Great personality and very funny. I'm currently getting enrolled in school to be a registered nurse. I'm very passionate about what I do. I'm looking for a loving and kind man with a great personality.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Well my most of my friends would describe me as out going.. i like to always be doing something.. i am the type of girl that is easy to make happy and very hard to make me mad.. i am grateful for my friends and family.. the simplest thing can make me smile. I am looking for a caring, honest, faithful,trustworthy guy that will treat me the best he can.. Promise me that he wont hurt me and be there no matter what. I enjoy doing anything outside. i like going to the movies and hanging with friends and family.. I would enjoy spending time with that special someone when they come into my life.. I believe in God and go to church some not as much as i should be i do go some.. i work and trying to build myself up.. i aint the best looking girl out there but i am a bunch of fun to be around..

Date single girl from Fort Smith, United States. Success, is a driving factor in my life. I do not want to or like to fail. I believe that hard work, makes someone a stronger person. Therefore, I work hard for what I have and am very grateful for the things that are given to me, especially if I earn them. I believe everything comes at a cost and that sweat and blood may be the price, but I am willing to give that if I must.
I love helping people. I have my CPR license, I work in a hospital and I am going to school to become a Physician Assistant, possibly Doctor. My goal in life ultimately is to save as many people as I can, and to help.
What I am looking for is a man that has his head on straight and understands responsibilities, a man that is not afraid to put his foot down if needed. However, I do not want someone who is going to be overbearing or controlling. I am a naturally flirty person, sometimes I flirt, I can do without flirting if I feel the relationship is working. :) Someone who is adventurous, fun, and relaxed. Someone who truly cares for me, not just the idea of me.