Date women from United States / Arkansas / Leachville, 59 year old

Date someone special from Leachville, United States. I am a CHRISTIAN lady,I am funny, like to joke around, but nothing dirty or vulgar. The simplest things make me happy a beautiful day, watching babies, animals, being with family and good friends. Other than being a Christian, and a MOM, I am very proud that I was an over the road truck driver for 23 years. It was something that the LORD allowed me to be very good at!
I am so grateful for my son, my home, my love of country, (PROUD AMERICAN!!!!) for so many things, my little dogs.
Would like to meet a good CHRISTIAN man, that loves and will treat a lady like the LORD told him love the woman as CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH! Would someday hope to remarry but if it doesn't happen then it doesn't happen. I do Not NEED a man to feel complete or happy...I am happy now with just me and my "girls" but I would like to share my life with someone.
What makes me laugh out loud? A good joke, a good movie, a song that I love, The LORD really has Blessed me with a humor and a love for life that I find so much happiness in.
The things that I am most passionate about is OF course to MY LORD and my LOVE and devotion to HIM, but I take a stand against abortion! Against Animal cruelty, I am against what the LORD is against and for what the LORD is for! if this bothers you then you need to go on looking some place else!
On a down side I am now in a wheelchair most of the time. I can still "walk a few feet at a time" but I am still Blessed! I live by myself with my two little Girls (my loves, my puppies) If they don't like you neither do I! I do my own cooking and cleaning. I can still drive my car. In other words I am very independent. sometimes too much so or so I've been told.